How to increase the lips? Women's secrets

The question of how to increase the lips without plastic surgery, for several years already worried about the fair sex, who have a negative attitude to the surgery. Plump and juicy lips have always been desirable for men. Not for nothing do they say that female lips should be such that the wanted to kiss them. And in the days of our ancestors considered more prolific women with plump lips.

For example, Egyptian beauty to produce the desired volume of oil stirred secret with snake venom. Medieval girl even tried to do permanent makeup from natural ingredients.

The reason for the popularity of plump lips

Why is it fair sex so vehemently interested in how to increase the lips? Social survey conducted among a strong half of mankind, showed that only one kind of lip Jolie, Pamela Anderson or Megan Fox just excites the respondents. Not for nothing do they say that men love with their eyes. And the mouth of all these celebrities admire, and even women.

How to increase the lips? Women's secrets

After learning about how to increase lip popular people, many ordinary girls began to look for plastic surgeons, as soon as possible to be like Hollywood divas.

Progress, as the world is not standing still, and so medical scalpel appeared strong competitors in the form of Botox, various acids, gels and simulators.

Each year the popularity of juicy and plump lips grows, and plastic surgeons do not have a release from the clients who wish to make a long-awaited step. But not each decide to do so. This raises the question: how to increase the lips of a girl who can not pay for this procedure, or are afraid to prick Botox, but are inviting plump lips?

How to increase the lips? Women's secrets

medical students know that lips are the muscles that can find another form, if they are a little too low. And it needs to perform certain exercises.

increases the lip with simple training

You can perform the following exercises.

  • Whistle. In this simple way you will warm up the muscles. Five minutes whistling favorite tunes a day would be sufficient.
  • is converted to the child. Exercise is pulling the tongue for 10-15 seconds. Such fun activities need to be repeated 10 times a day.
  • Imagine that before you dandelion and you need to blow on it as much as possible. Inflate cheeks, lips but at the same time need to be relaxed. Five of exercise a day is enough.
  • Another effective way is considered not strong biting lips over two minutes. In this way you will strengthen blood circulation. Lips as a result will not only plump, but also acquire a pinkish hue.

In fact, that's all. We learned about how to enhance the lips with the help of simple exercises. Now we turn to another method, which is as effective as the first.

Massage to increase the form

In order to rid the skin of the lips of the dead cells, make them juicy and swelling, you must carry out the procedure of peeling of honey and sugar. With regular use of this scrub you will notice not only the increase in volume, but also the fact that any lipstick or gloss will lie on your lips more evenly. Also, the skin becomes soft and tender.

A massage can be done the conventional toothbrush with soft bristles. Just moisten it and massage your lips. Repeat the procedure every day.

The recipes of our grandmothers

Our grandmother was young and had no idea of ​​Botox or other injectable formulation of beauty, but a passion for plump lips they had no less than in our time. To put their wishes into reality, they used 2 of simple but very effective way.

  1. Freeze boiled water. The resulting ice cube you need to massage the lips, until you feel a slight tingling. Then hold the skin with a cotton pad soaked in hot water. Due to such a contrast to his lips massage prilot blood, and they will increase in volume and become more resilient. This stunning effect will last from 4 to 8 hours.
  2. Apply the essential oil menthol on a cotton pad and apply it for 10 seconds. After that, be sure to apply a gloss or balm.

Hyaluronic acid - an alternative to plastic surgery

This acid - the only body in our natural source, which supports the skin's moisture balance. With age, its amount is reduced, the skin loses its elasticity.

Wishes to augment the lips with hyaluronic acid can be sure that it is safe, as the substance is compatible with body tissues.

How to increase the lips? Women's secrets

Before the procedure cosmetologist makes anesthesia. Then, the gel is injected using the thinnest needle under the skin of the lips. The result you will notice after the end of the procedure, but the full effect will be achieved in a week. Lips become soft, voluminous and very soft.

This effect will last for 8 months. The gel was then fully bring the body. At the same time you do not feel anything, and her lips will become an original form. But even in such a procedure, there are side effects: itching, redness, a high level of sensitivity or swelling.

But if your beautician to get it right when it took into account the condition of your skin and the body's response to the drug, then these changes will take a few days.

Studies have revealed that more than 30% of women 17 years old want to augment the lips. Reviews the fair half of mankind who decided for this type of procedure stipulate that it is the best and safest way to make your lips plump and juicy.

There are also special absorbable sutures, which are introduced along the white outline of the lips. Thus, your lips become clear visual border.

What is the cost to increase the lips

This raises the question whether the cost of the procedure will justify the end result? Medicine does not operate with concepts like "lip augmentation." In the language of medical, patients spend chiloplasty.

How to increase the lips? Women's secrets

Now a large number of health facilities providing such services. Hence the answer to many questions (how much it costs to increase the lips): Different clinics - the prices are different. You can navigate to the amount of 15 to 130 thousand rubles. But before you decide on this operation, remember one piece of advice: go only to the experienced and always interesting example of his work. So you can accurately assess the professionalism of the doctor.

Long live the makeup!

The fact that the lighter shades of lipsticks give additional volume, has long been for anybody not a secret. Experienced make-up artists work their magic, creating different forms and giving volume, while showing us how to increase lip makeup. Before pitch in lipstick and lip brush, remember that you can adjust the natural line of only 1 mm. If you take more than the amplitude, instead of inviting and visually lip augmentation you get vulgar and unnatural. Of course, not such a result you want to achieve.

With the help of make-up is subject to an increase in only the upper lip and the bottom only needs a little adjusting.

How to increase the lips? Women's secrets

The pencil should be chosen to match the color of your lips. Then the circuit will look natural.

Once you have dealt lipstick on the center of the upper and lower lips drip a little glitter. This will create additional volume.

A wonderful lipstick

Makeup certainly works wonders, but even better results you will get a special lipstick, lip increases. It is composed of silicone, hyaluronic acid and other ingredients that are capable of enhancing blood circulation. Of course, the same effect as after surgery, you will not give lipstick, but to increase the sponge by 20% to help.

How to increase the lips? Women's secrets

Before you buy such a wonderful tool, be sure to check out its composition. Essential oils are also included in the cosmetic formula may cause allergy.

One last tip: do not apply this lipstick over lip balm, base for make-up or moisturizer.