Smith machine. Fitness equipment for home

At the moment, the sports equipment market is full of all kinds of fitness equipment and inventory. Choosing big enough and every buyer will satisfy all their needs, comparing them with the finances. It is considered that the more complex and expensive fitness machine, the more it is effective. For example, Smith machine - a simulator, which is considered to be multi-functional, and it can be used to work out all the muscles. So whether it is in fact, have to deal in this article. The focus of the review exercise, the efficiency of employment in the car Smith, as well as professional reviews on the simulator.

Smith machine. Fitness equipment for home

What kind of a simulator

What's in the gym, in a sports shop to find the Smith machine is not difficult - it is the largest and bulky fitness machine among others. He represents a complex structure consisting of legs and stabilizers rigidly welded together. On one of the faces of the structure is located a mechanism with the stamp, which is inseparably connected with a lock, moving up and down the special guides and having hooks for rigid attachment at the desired height. On this basis, we can conclude that the Smith Machine - this is a mechanism that is able to simplify the exercise due to the rigid fixation of the athlete in relation to the bar.

Smith machine. Fitness equipment for home

Smith Machine Advantages

If you choose a universal simulator in the store, the car Smith home - the best option. After all, most coaches make all newcomers in the first months of training to turn out equipment in the car Smith, in addition to producing addictive dimensional bar and a large weight. After Smith's car is not so bad to go under the neck with the weight or put it on the shoulders during sit-ups at the bar. The merits of the simulator a bit, but they are quite substantial:

  1. Uniform mechanism eliminates accidental falls to the floor and the bar weighting.
  2. the self-employed are completely safe thanks to the anchor system.
  3. Save on weighting, because the mechanism is the inherent resistance of the order of 25 kg.
  4. The control technology of the exercise due to fixation of the housing relative to the rigid structure.
Smith machine. Fitness equipment for home

There are always flaws

Smith Machine with newcomers playing a cruel joke - on the one hand provides maximum safety during exercise and allows you to develop performance techniques, and on the other hand leads to a complete atrophy of the muscles, stabilizers, who are supposed to develop a basic muscles at the same level. Very noticeable this inferiority in the later stages, when an athlete decides to show his strength, for example, in the bench press with his chest on the usual bench under unfixed neck. Stating operating weight, the athlete who is constantly engaged in the car Smith is unlikely to even hold the bar on the straight hands, because of the stabilizer takes over the mechanical lock rod and a relaxed body will always rely on outside help.

Smith machine. Fitness equipment for home

The yield of the situation

If you end up still need to resort to classes with a barbell on the bench for the development of normal stabilizers, why you need a Smith Machine? The simulator is simply not effective - the reader will say, and be wrong. A huge plus mechanical design - one hundred percent security, which allows to increase the operating weight, perform drop set and incomplete, or presses on the thrust Pumping without fear that any moment can flatten the neck. Can not be said about ordinary simulators, where the weight is chosen with caution, and the training of all defective due to the same fear of being pinned. For the full development of all muscle professional athletes and trainers recommend to all owners of the simulator called the Smith machine to get the dumbbells. After completing basic exercise in the mechanism worked and the maximum desired muscle, you need to expose it to re-load, but with dumbbells. Body quickly organizes muscle stabilizers to remove the total load.

Effective exercises in the simulator

That is the basic exercises with heavy weights is that motivation that leads the novice athlete in sporting exercise machines and equipment. Universal Power machine allows to perform not only the base, but also to develop all the muscles of the human body:

  1. The pectoral muscles to any angle (with the necessary bench).
  2. Squats in Smith's car with a different formulation of the feet develop all the heads of the quadriceps.
  3. rods in the slope of the respective technology will load on the hamstrings or back muscles.
  4. Bench rod in position, sitting flat or inclined, will increase the front or middle delta.
  5. Secondary lunges, chin thrust, shrugs, lifting on biceps and many other equally effective exercises available to carry out in the car Smith.
Smith machine. Fitness equipment for home

Too much range of

But the selection of the right trainer for the home can confound even a professional athlete - an impressive list of manufacturers. Looking closely to the models, it is possible to detect minor differences between the mechanisms can not be said about the price, which ranges from 30 thousand to half a million rubles. Many buyers prefer to give preference to the brand, the equipment is installed in a sports club or gym. Famous and very expensive exercise machines worldwide by Precor and Star Trac can discourage their purchase price. After all, consumers are not aware of the huge discounts, which gets the gym at the wholesale purchase of equipment and simulators. For the average user at home will be more useful inexpensive Smith machine. HouseFit - a well-known American manufacturer in the market of sports equipment and simulators - believes that sporting equipment must have an affordable price for every buyer. High-tech devices under the brand Housefit no way inferior to its expensive competitors, and the price of an order of magnitude less.


In any case, buying a sports trainer for the home is to obtain the maximum comfort and safety during the self-study. Do not think that the same machine Smith will increase muscle strength or volume effortlessly. This will not happen ever. The athlete will always depend only on their own efforts, desire and motivation in each and every training session. Buying simulator - it's just a convenience, safety, saving time and money on trips to the gym.