How do you know that you do not have enough calcium?

The human body resembles a complex mathematical system: one small change can destroy the beauty of the whole equation. But if in the case of mathematics, all can be corrected one stroke of the pen, the restoration of the balance of vitamins and minerals will require much more effort.

The worst thing is that people often do not even realize what is happening to them. For example, it was previously thought that calcium deficiency occurs only in adulthood. Now doctors call a lack of this mineral is the scourge of the young generation. Here's how to determine what you are missing is calcium and that's what needs to be done to address this serious problem.

How do you know that you do not have enough calcium?


The reason for the lack of sleep may lie not only in the constant stress, but also in the lack of calcium. The fact that this mineral is actively involved in the production of melatonin. In contrast, deep sleep helps improve calcium levels.

How do you know that you do not have enough calcium?

Poor posture

It's all logical. Lack of calcium weakens your bones: Naturally, the spine begins to bend, forming a wrong posture. If sudden sutolost spiced still a pain in the neck and back, the first thing you need to add calcium to the diet.

How do you know that you do not have enough calcium?


Calcium deficiency affects not only the bones, but also on your mind. Poor memory, reaching to the ridiculous ability to remember words and even hallucinations - that's what you face a lack of calcium. Conversely, if you notice at the above syndromes, try to drink a calcium exchange rate.

How do you know that you do not have enough calcium?


nervous state

Constantly feel nervous, and a flash of anger can cause anything at all? Most likely, it's all the same calcium deficiency. The nervous system is very dependent on this mineral: rapid fatigue, absent-mindedness and causeless anger - all of it.

How do you know that you do not have enough calcium?

teeth, nails, hair,

The body tends to compensate for the lack of calcium, taking it from "secondary" parts of the body. Hair with a deficit of this mineral to become brittle and thin nails exfoliate (very unpleasant sight), and even teeth make themselves felt. All these signs should alert you.

How do you know that you do not have enough calcium?


Calcium is important for proper neurotransmitter function. If you're completely healthy, and suddenly began to suffer from seizures, the cause can be only one: the lack of calcium.

How do you know that you do not have enough calcium?

Hazardous Products

Remember that fat slows the absorption of calcium and carbonated drinks can and does wash it from the bones. Give up these products in the first place.

How do you know that you do not have enough calcium?

Useful Products

sesame seeds (100 g) = 1000 mg

cheese (100 g) = 1000 mg

cottage cheese (100 g) = 150 mg

milk (100 g) = 120 mg

sour cream (100 g) = 100 mg

cuhaya beans (100 g) = 150 mg

celery (100 g) = 240 mg

parsley (100 g) = 130 mg

almonds (100 g) = 254 mg

hazelnuts (100 g) = 170 mg

How do you know that you do not have enough calcium?

Smoking and coffee

Smoking is best to give up altogether. In addition, it is tobacco smoke causes serious bone loss. Coffee also leaches calcium from the body, if you can not limit yourself to refreshing drinks, to add at least milk.

How do you know that you do not have enough calcium?

A sedentary lifestyle

Even the habit of your health can seriously shake to spend the weekend on the couch. This way of life has caused great damage to the bone, and in fact prevent it is sufficiently simple. No time for a full workout? It's okay, go in the house. Even light exercises in the morning is enough to stop the leaching of calcium from the body.