Driving pull-ups on the bar from scratch

Pulling is one of the few exercises that can be learned at any age in a very short period of time. For results requires knowledge of technology implementation, pull-ups on the bar circuit, the desire to work on the development of his own body and its possibilities. The focus of this article - training on pull-ups on the bar.

Driving pull-ups on the bar from scratch

Theoretical course

In sports, every exercise has its own implementation of a technique that lets you use the proper muscles to produce a result. Driving pull-ups on the bar is impossible without knowing the right exercises. There are 3 types of pull-ups.

  1. Classic. Grip rungs from the top hands. The hands are placed 5-10 cm wider than the width of the shoulders.
  2. Reverse. Unfolding his hands to himself, grip from underneath. Location hands shoulder-width apart, or 5-10 cm already.
  3. Neutral. The exercise is only available on a special horizontal bar having a location on the width of 30-40 cm from each other by small bars. Neutral grip is carried out - thumbs to themselves.


In addition to the types of pull-ups, there are several variations of grip. hand position relative to each other causes included in the work different muscles. The wider the grip the more the load is transferred to the latissimus dorsi. The golden mean is obtained by placing the brushes 10 cm wider than shoulder level. The proximity of the arms transfers load biceps and triceps.

Driving pull-ups on the bar from scratch

The equipment for all types of pull-ups the same. Hanging on the bar and relax all the muscles of the body, the athlete takes the starting position. Having made a deep breath, you need to catch your hands up. The chin should go beyond the level of the bar top. At run time, you need to bend back, taking his rib cage from the base of the grip. Driving pull-ups on the bar for beginners to achieve its goals in the short term only if the correct technique. This is particularly important to remember for beginners.

The psychological barrier of

To pull-ups on the bar circuit from scratch did not remain only on paper, any aspiring athlete must overcome his fear of disgrace in the eyes of strangers and hold their training, regardless of others. This humiliation will last only one month - 30 days, but the result will be one hundred percent. If it is possible to organize home horizontal bar, then necessarily need to pay attention to the presence of the boards, the possibility of using three types of pull-ups and Enough width. However, according to numerous reviews of professional athletes, exercise is recommended in specially equipped areas or in the gym. First, it allows you to completely eliminate the fear of public opinion, and secondly, the presence of nearby professional athlete will enable faster implementation of the technique to study and learn a lot of other, equally useful exercises on the horizontal bar.

Driving pull-ups on the bar from scratch

The first step in the right direction

Driving pull-ups on the bar from the ground up to provide mandatory "basic training":

  1. Conduct a warm-up. The muscles need to warm up - swings to the side arms, bending, squatting, bending at the elbow.
  2. The ability to be wrung from the floor. Lack of skills do not allow the use of arm strength atrophied over the years.
  3. Pulling up on the bars at an angle of 46-60 degrees different enough. Exercise develops the latissimus, accustoming them to heavy load.
  4. The reduction blades. Famous coaches from all over the world through numerous training sessions have shown that the effectiveness of the implementation is achieved by the correct operation of the back muscles during pull-up, which focuses on the note of the blades as far as the top point of the exercise.

Start level

This level is designed for people who generally can not be tightened any time. For them is the starting circuit. Pulling up on the bar for a week will cause the body to switch to the mode of increased stamina and strength. Only in the initial stage possible the rapid growth of muscle mass and fat burning. Later, the body becomes accustomed to the stress, and to achieve results is becoming more difficult. All pull-ups starting level should be performed only on the uneven bars at an angle of 45 degrees. The training is designed for 7 days and consists of two exercises, which are to be performed alternately every other day for 6 sets consisting of 12 repetitions. In the exercises, the only change grip - palms up or down.

  1. Holding hands on the bars, leaning forward legs to the body angle of the floor is at least 60 degrees.
  2. to pull up to the bar so that the chest was at hand level.
  3. Staying in this position, pull your knees to the stomach, causing the body held only by hand.
  4. Dial in light air and slowly exhale, begin to slowly descend due to extension arms. The feet should not touch the floor as long as the body will not be in a hanging position on the flat hand.
Driving pull-ups on the bar from scratch

Help for beginners

From zero to catch up on the bar and you can without bars. But ever need assistance in the form of a running mate, which will be held joint exercises, or have to buy a special harness, which will pull the body to the crossbar. Scheme pull-up on the bar with any of the assistants is not changed. Replacement undergoes a performance technique.

  1. Assistant. Hanging on a bar, you need to catch up. At that time teammate assists the pressing of the palms of hands to the back of the housing pushing up the novice athlete. Lower down is necessary to produce their own - very slowly, with an exhalation, as described earlier.
  2. The work on the wiring. Inventory sold in sporting goods stores. When you purchase is necessary to pay attention to its thickness and width than they are, the easier it will be to catch up, but about the payload on the muscles should not be forgotten. The process of use is simple: the wiring is put a noose around the bar and removed downwards. Fixing foot or knee at the bottom of the loop, the athlete performs pull-ups.
Driving pull-ups on the bar from scratch


An effective scheme of pull-ups on the bar for 30 weeks applies only in cases where the person is able to complete the exercise on their own at least once. The training is quite long, but it is the most effective among the known and used for the establishment of their own records, for example, 100 pull-ups at maturity. For 8 months of training, it's very real, and judging by the numerous reviews of beginners, pull-up record is beaten much earlier, which is why have to constantly raise the "bar." Classes are held three times a week so that was at least one day off in between.

Lesson consists of five approaches, warm-up and cool-down. Driving the increase pull-ups on the bar is quite simple. The number of repetitions is determined daily by an arithmetic progression. That is the first lesson - one of five sets of pull-ups, second session - to repeat one more and so on.

at the initial level problems

Naturally, the physical form of the people are different, so the scheme of pull-ups on the bar for 30 weeks suggests the emergence of problems and describes their decision.

  1. The rapid growth. Very often, the athlete says that he is able to catch up more reps than provide employment. Limit yourself do not need, but following training should be calculated starting from the amount of pull-ups made the previous day, that is, with the increase.
  2. The lag. This happens to people who have missed one or more classes. Of course, the calculation is made from the last session. If the training is not skipped, and the result is stationary, it is necessary to resort to using the harness or partner.
Driving pull-ups on the bar from scratch

muscle mass Set

Driving pull-ups on the bar for muscle growth is very popular in bodybuilding. On the day when the training is devoted to the back muscles, all athletes perform pull-ups on the bar wide grip. Exercise can be performed with weighting, and without it. It depends on the physical form of the athlete. Also not ruled out the use of assistance partner or athletic harness. Pull-ups possible to develop not only the width of the back. Changing technology, you can perform direct focus on the thickening of the latissimus muscles.

  1. Pulling wide grip behind the head affects the back muscles, causing them to increase in breadth.
  2. The rise of the body upwards so that the neck was placed in front of the chin, diverting the head back - load makes latissimus thicken.

Army training

Driving pull-ups on the bar for a month for a person who has never be able to raise his body to the bar, it seems cruel, but it works and is widely used in most sports sections in contact sports. Pull-ups are carried out daily, except weekends, ie, five times a week. The essence of military training is as follows: in each subsequent workout set a new record, which is one more than the previous one. No matter what technique of the athlete will be engaged and how many approaches to carry out, the main thing is not to break the circuit. The army is very good motivation in the form of dresses, but civilians are rarely withstand such training. This scheme pull-ups on the bar can be used in disputes when you need to quickly set the record for getting any reward.

Driving pull-ups on the bar from scratch

Good preparation

Driving pull-ups on the bar for 7 weeks popular among professional athletes, when you need a short time to learn how to catch up with a large number of repetitions. Of course, the athlete is already able to catch up with more than five times, and his body is able to recover quickly between sets (no more than two minutes). Driving is difficult, but work:

  1. In the three weeks of training - one day. Each workout consists of six approaches.
  2. The approaches are always performed in sequence with the change of the grip - the "straight", "neutral", "reverse".
  3. First week: the first five approaches are carried out by 5 reps, and in the sixth approach, the athlete must catch the maximum number of times. Result lock.
  4. In the rest of the week number of the first five repetitions is calculated as the average of all the pull-ups completed last week. Sixth repetition - to the maximum.