Bodyaga face: how to use feedback. Bodyagi mask for the face

Women use a variety of ways to become more beautiful. Let the means employed are not always familiar to cosmetologists, but they give an excellent result, making skin healthy and fresh. One of these is a fresh-water sponge. In this article we will look at how the tool is used for what and in what forms is available (powder, gel "concoctions", "bodyagi fort"). For the person (feedback will help us to verify this) the use of these drugs is very useful. They provide fast and lasting effect.

What is it?

Bodyaga face: how to use feedback. Bodyagi mask for the face

concoctions for the face - it is a powdery substance, which is obtained from sponges of the same name, lives in fresh waters. Raw materials collected during the warmer months, especially in the summer. Then he carefully dried and crushed. The result is a tool that is very popular in folk medicine and cosmetology.

For several years it bodyaga only sold in its pure form, namely in the powder. It is also a component of a variety of creams and ointments that can be purchased at the pharmacy. Raw materials readily mixed with various cosmetic and vegetable oils for preparing a medicament in a form which is ready for use.

Gel and cream "concoctions" Face in the structure have a tremendous amount of silica - small colorless crystals. After applying the drug to the skin, they begin to be absorbed in its upper layer, thereby causing intense itching. Under the influence of components of the expansion capillaries and vessels begins to occur, whereby normal blood flow and tissue saturated with oxygen. Ointment reduces the pain and stimulates bioveschestv active organism, in turn, promotes rapid healing of wounds, cuts and bruises. If "concoctions" face cream is applied thinly, it will provoke a slight warming sensation of the skin. In case of heavy grinding will be a feeling of heat, which can go even tingling.

The proper use of

After application to the face will feel a slight tingling sensation. After it is washed away with water, this feeling will skyrocket. For some time, the skin can be a little blush. This condition is most often seen within a few days. First of all it depends on the condition of the skin and features of the reaction. Therefore always listen to your feelings at the time of use of a tool such as fresh-water sponge for the face. Reviews of satisfied customers say that after treatments may remain slight tingling sensation, it is recommended that all procedures are carried out only on the weekends, so that the skin has had time to recover. All these symptoms are normal, so do not be afraid. In a few days it will be noticeable excellent result, which is sure to enjoy.

Another advantage of the application of fresh-water sponge exfoliation considered. The effect will be visible after the first procedure, although some such phenomenon occurs much later. By removing old cells skin looks younger and fresher.


Bodyaga face: how to use feedback. Bodyagi mask for the face

mask with fresh-water sponge for the face has a wide range of effects and is suitable for all skin types. As a rule, the procedure with the component used for stagnant spots. Also means you can use as a scrub or exfoliation, which helps to get:

- home grinding;

- exfoliation;

- getting rid of scars;

- removal of wrinkles;

- clear skin without acne;

- lack of cellulite.

If you take a powder concoctions in hand, you can easily feel like a lot of "needles" if dig into the skin, thereby activating blood circulation. This gives an excellent resolving effect on problem areas. Initially cover blush and even begin to burn, and after washing the skin a long time will have a red hue and inject every touch to it, but it is considered the norm. Good activates the respiration and improves the penetration of oxygen through the capillaries bodyaga face. use it very simply at home. Means penetrates deep into the pores, thereby contributing to their purification, and after narrowing, and a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands.


The most basic and essential factor is that which used "concoctions forte" for the person to be with extreme caution, because the drug is strong enough and if you do not adhere to certain rules, you can significantly harm your skin. Prior to preparation for the procedure advised to read the contraindications, which are, unfortunately, all are very strong drugs, and fresh-water sponge is no exception. The most important acts idiosyncrasy, which eventually can cause severe allergies. This is not only unsightly but also dangerous to health. So, before you use this tool, you need to conduct a test on the crook of the elbow and find skin reaction. For this preparation is left for a few minutes and then washed with water. In these places, covering virtually the same as on the face, so you can check in this way, as the show itself used a mask with fresh-water sponge for the face. Reviews of experienced users report that after 40 minutes it will be possible to assess the situation and then decide for themselves whether to use such procedures as possible. It should be noted that the increased sensitivity, slight redness and peeling are sometimes quite normal reaction to the drug used. The most important is the lack of rashes and inflammations. All redness go away after a few hours, in rare cases, this would require a couple of days. Hence it is possible to identify even one rule: do not use means the eve of important events. Another contraindication has a fresh-water sponge. For a person can not be used if you have dry and sensitive skin. Even if such a condition is considered to be temporary, it is best to first restore the water balance, and then use the drug.

Acute purulent inflammation are also a contraindication to the use of concoctions. It is important that if there is a tendency to couperose, or it has started to appear, it is best to protect themselves from such procedures, since they will only reinforce it. It is not necessary to warm up or to steam the face before the mask.


Bodyaga face: how to use feedback. Bodyagi mask for the face

The pharmacy bodyaga face is sold in the form of gel, ointment and dry powder. Means are yellow-brown, gray-green and green-brown color and is quite unpleasant smell. The easiest and safest considered a gel. He did not so much irritate the skin, so the first is better to use for them. Gel "concoctions 911" is white and carries a minimum amount of the active ingredient. Very big problem with it is impossible to solve, but as an exception can be applied to dry skin. He is often mixed with the powder, and eventually turns a beautiful mask, suitable for removing oily shine. Gel "concoctions forte" is considered to be more concentrated and therefore can be used as a standalone tool. He quickly relieve the user from flaws, as well as provide an analgesic effect.

If "concoctions" (gel for the face) went well and did not cause any allergic reactions, it is time to move on to a more effective means - to the powder, from which you can cook a variety of masks. They can solve the most complex tasks. The main additional components are decoctions of herbs and water. The powder should be diluted to a consistency that is convenient for the application. If the mask is being prepared for greasy skin, the water can be added instead of a 3% hydrogen peroxide. In case of preparing mixtures bodyaga mixed in equal proportions with blue or white clay. The prepared mass is diluted with water just before the procedure. Effective mask for dry skin can be obtained when the compound of wheat germ oil and powder. The bleaching effect is acquired by mixing the concentrate with fermented milk products, such as fermented baked milk, yogurt, sour cream, yogurt, since they contain bacteria that help achieve this effect.


Bodyaga face: how to use feedback. Bodyagi mask for the face

The most common procedures that use a fresh-water sponge, considered a variety of masks. To prepare the need rejuvenating stir 1 h. L. powder and 2 hours. l. sour milk. The prepared mass is applied for 25 minutes, then washed with warm water only. If you feel a slight contraction or dry, the skin can lubricate the small amount of fat cream. The recommended course for use - 15 procedures with an interval for oily skin in a few days and for dry - a week.

To cover fading perfect mask with fresh-water sponge for the face in the proportions of 1 tbsp. l. blended powder and 1 tbsp. l. dry yeast with the addition of heavy cream. Should get a thick mass, it is applied for 35 minutes. Wash it also needs only warm water.

For bleaching composition may be prepared from 1 h. L. powder mixed with 1 tbsp. l. cream. Then, until a creamy mass is brought more and rice flour. The prepared mixture was applied on the skin for 30 minutes. After time passes, the mask is removed by using warm water, and then the skin refreshed ice cubes. Instead of water can be pre-frozen concoctions of herbs. The most popular procedure for cleaning - that at which the powder is diluted 3% hydrogen peroxide. Before that, the person is thoroughly cleaned and slightly dried by a towel, only lightly, and then a thin layer mask is applied. Rinse the composition must be 5 minutes. If you immediately felt a strong tingling, the mass required to wash off.

Rules applying

Most often, the use of concoctions causes only positive emotions, but at the time of selection procedures must take into account your skin type and pre-test for the presence of allergy. The most important thing is that only lightly applied fresh-water sponge for the face. Reviews of experienced users say that its action has the means immediately after contact with the skin, therefore, strong pressure can cause irritation. The components are left for 5-35 minutes. During the procedure, there is a burning sensation and tingling, but it is greatly enhanced after washing. To reduce pain, the tool is removed with a cotton disc which is pre-wetted grass broth or warm water. Face after bodyagi turn red and the user have a feeling that a lot of small needles constantly prick it. But the cream should be applied to soothe only in extreme cases. It is better to be patient and let the skin breathe well. The first session is best done before the holiday, because the redness may not take place from 2 hours to several days. After the procedure is absolutely necessary to use sunscreen, as upper layer of the epidermis becomes very vulnerable. In order to achieve the maximum effect, all the procedures necessary to take only courses of 5-10 times with an interval of 4-10 days, it depends on the skin type. During treatment it is necessary to reduce the daily walk and forget about visiting the beach or the solarium.

Peeling bodyagi

Bodyaga face: how to use feedback. Bodyagi mask for the face

Cleaning concoctions person should not be held too frequently, not to get a negative result. Apart from the fact that the procedure is carried out very carefully, it is not recommended for continuous use. It is necessary to perform one every few weeks, and the whole course is only 5 purifications. But you can not pass the entire course. To obtain visible results, will be sufficient to spend a few peelings. Instructions:

1. The first thing you need to properly prepare the skin before a fresh-water sponge is used (gel for the face reviews for this use is not recommended need powder). You should carefully wash with soap or foam. Before use, the skin should remain silent wet preparation.

2. The powder is diluted with warm water to obtain a thick mush.

3. The mixture is applied evenly. Carefully watch for in order to avoid the area around the eyes and lips, as the skin there is very delicate. Only mass rubbed in a circular motion with light pressure.

3. After a peeling face will peel off and degree of this will depend on the intensity of the application components.

4. Then the mass is left for about 5-10 minutes, and then washed with cool water.

5. At the end usually does not cause, but it is possible to impregnate the skin a small amount of cool yogurt, it is perfectly calm the skin.

As the reviews, then you will be able to observe the remarkable effect, which provides a fresh-water sponge. For face (photograph in the article demonstrate this) procedure is very effective. Most often the skin for several days remained red, scaly well and starts to flake. In no case can not help it, as it should only take place in a natural way, otherwise dark spots may appear. In the next 4 days after the procedure is necessary to apply a protective sunscreen.

The results after peeling

Bodyaga face: how to use feedback. Bodyagi mask for the face

During the procedure or immediately after it will feel a burning sensation on the skin surface, and this is normal, as it is one of the side effects of using concoctions. User comments argue that the unpleasant feelings and reddening observed more often for several days. profuse desquamation begins the next morning. At this stage it is important not to abrade the skin. Otherwise the result would be expected reflux. Follow all the rules is considered to be very important, but only if done correctly, you will see positive results: - significantly reduced deep irregularities on the surface of the skin;

- increases the elasticity disappears flabby;

- removes scars after acne and blemishes;

- improves the complexion;

- activates the production of collagen and elastin;

- the skin becomes fresh.


Bodyaga face: how to use feedback. Bodyagi mask for the face

Women always want to be beautiful, and each of them chooses his own way to rejuvenate. One of them is "concoctions" (gel for the face). Consumer reviews show that after using felt a strong tingling sensation to the skin is very painful to touch. Someone all tingling and redness disappear after a few hours, and someone to do this for several days, sometimes even longer. Therefore, in order not to receive unwanted surprises, it's best to try the effect of the mask on a small area of ​​skin closed. In general, such procedures take away almost all defects, even the inveterate stains.

Among the shortcomings users also note and odor slurry. In order to get a more pronounced results, use "concoctions forte" for the face. Reviews cosmetologists do not recommend to use after applying moisturizing creams, but all the same if there is a special need, you can.

Masks with the concoctions recommended to use no more than a few times a week. Even after the first time the results will be visible. Such procedures are widely used and help to cope with spots and inflammation on the skin, as a means of fine saves from bruises. Be sure to comply with the measure, follow the instructions for use of funds from the fresh-water sponge, then an excellent result does not take long.