Train shoulders. Effective exercises for the shoulders

What attracts men in all the opposite sex? Broad shoulders - that is, which is an indicator of masculinity of all people on the planet. Beautiful man's shoulders are sculptors, painters portrayed. These fictional characters are obliged to have a nicely developed torso surround the shoulder joint. Purpose of the article - training shoulders. Description of the exercise, as well as the recommendations of professional athletes to create effective systems of building beautiful and massive shoulder joint.

Train shoulders. Effective exercises for the shoulders

The knowledge of anatomy - the way to success

The muscles of the shoulder joint is much less than the amount of feet, chest and back, but it is at first glance. When thinking about the power and efficiencies can be attributed them to the base group. It did not happen for one simple reason - shoulder training can easily lead to injury. Therefore, any athlete is obliged to pay great attention to technique. In working with the shoulder joint is no race seat at the big weight. Shoulders, they also deltoids, are divided into three head - front, back and middle. For the development of the delta there is a separate set of exercises, both basic and isolated. The scope of the shoulder girdle meet the front and back of the head, but for the width - the average deltoid. Naturally, training shoulder muscles includes many basic and isolated exercises for each individual beam.

Train shoulders. Effective exercises for the shoulders

Features workout

A single training program on the shoulders, scheduled for one day, will not result to any athlete. The problem is that the shoulder belt is located between the muscles of the chest, biceps, triceps, back and the trapeze, which at any load assist deltas, taking away some of the work themselves. Many professional athletes are recommended to work with the deltoid muscle in groups, by adding exercise to a set of core muscle training. That is, the rear delta develops training day back, the front and middle of the delta are working with the pectoral muscles. The variations are many, nobody forbids entire workout to devote only the muscles of the shoulder girdle, as long as it was effective.

Train shoulders. Effective exercises for the shoulders

Average delta after turning off the chest muscles and arms

Training "chest-shoulders" hit the bodybuilding of triathlon. Judging by the feedback of professional athletes, such a scheme is very convenient for the development of secondary beam deltas, which are subjected to load at the end of the workout. The operating principle is simple enough - a set of exercises for pectoral muscles disabling them with the muscles of the arms and front delts, making it impossible to provide assistance to an average delta during exercise. Any athlete can independently verify this by running the same exercise with low weight before exercise and after it. Professionals recommend to the basic package for the development of the chest muscles add two exercises to work through medium beam deltas. One of them is basic, more insulated. This will be enough. Generally, the athlete should strive to one training is not subjected to a load of more than three groups of muscles, otherwise the body would be difficult to recover for the next lesson.

Train shoulders. Effective exercises for the shoulders


From rhetoric to

Two exercises for medium-sized bunches of deltas are executed immediately after the training of the pectoral muscles, without lengthy rest breaks.

  1. Broach. The people - the thrust rod to the chin. It is believed that this is the best training on the weight of the shoulders. Technique requires the athlete to become as close to the neck, standing on a rack at waist level. Grasp the barbell grip on top. The distance between the thumb -. 25-35 cm Inhale and stretch the neck along the body to the chin. In the final position, exhale and return the bar to the starting position slowly. According to the technique prohibited to lower your elbows below wrists, if possible try to pick them up by 10-15 degrees above the brushes.
  2. Wiring dumbbells in hand. Naturally do not need to swing a dumbbell and raise your elbows to the sides, which should be parallel to each other. The task is to hold the dumbbell forearms, not more, so they turn up above the elbow is not necessary, otherwise it will not exercise the shoulders. At the end point maha sure to check that the little finger of the hand was above the rest of the fingers.
Train shoulders. Effective exercises for the shoulders

To arms do not interfere with

Train shoulders, biceps quite attractive among the newcomers. After all, their goal is the rapid development of the muscles that are constantly in sight. This is primarily the biceps and the front head deltas. Their relief division visible from afar, and from the looks very effectively. In this conjunction it is recommended that you first exercise on the shoulders, and then start training the hands. In other action, on the contrary, it can lead to injury.

  1. Army bench standing is recommended that people with developed muscles of the back of the court. Everyone else, including beginners, exercise with weight lifting on a needs to be done only in the sitting position. Bench inclination angle should be between 65-85 degrees to the blade concerned bench and spine at the maximum load is not sagged. Technique is simple. Barbell or dumbbell at eye level, elbows parallel to the floor and at each other. Breath. Pushing the weight up - exhale. Slow return to its original position.
  2. Mahi dumbbells in front of you. Technique is the same as in the wiring to the sides except for the direction of swing, which is carried forward ahead. About the location of the little finger above the rest of the fingers should not be forgotten.
Train shoulders. Effective exercises for the shoulders

Effective symbiosis of

Training on the back and shoulders is very effective for the development of the delta back beams. The complex is on the end of the shoulder exercise workout. Rear beams triceps is very difficult to develop due to the fact that they, like the forearm and calf, are constantly under stress, and "reach out" to them hard. Therefore, professionals recommend exercises to warm up their muscles of the back and at the end of a workout to load a pair of isolated exercises. Feature elaboration back delta is properly made art, light weight and weighting a large number of repetitions. In the same complex it is recommended to add a couple of exercises for the development of the trapezoids. On other days of training will not be possible as good warm up these beautiful and easy to develop the muscles.

Exercises on the back of the delta

On the development of the deltas of the rear beam, there are many isolated exercise, and they need to perform alternating between workouts to achieve a good result, not allowing the body to adapt to stress.

  1. Mahi dumbbells standing in the slope. To maintain stability can rest against his forehead in a soft focus or a wall. Hold dumbbells at arms straight, spread them apart in a plane perpendicular to the floor. Naturally, efforts to make the elbows, not brushes.
  2. Shoulder Training in "Butterfly." Popular simulator to perform wiring on the chest muscles allows to load the rear delts. Enough to sit down and backwards as much as possible to reduce catches for hands. Wiring is performed equivalent Mahama dumbbells in the slope.
  3. Mahi dumbbells while sitting in the slope. Sitting on the bench, you need to lean forward 45 degrees. Bend your back and put your feet together. Brushes with dumbbells to have under your knees. Outputting elbows up in parallel at each other to try to reduce the blade. Make delay for 1-2 seconds at the end point and safely return to the initial position.
Train shoulders. Effective exercises for the shoulders

give all training

Individual training shoulder to ground in one day, without a load of other muscles is ineffective and only recommended for beginners in the first months of employment. Besides recovery deltas body is ready to cope with a larger load. So that the complex can be added to the exercise arm muscles, press, or neck. In any case, this is the combination will give an additional result. Exercises in the complex must be placed in order, starting with the front shoulder muscles. After that is done by the average load beam. Rear delts recommended load at the end of training, when you do not want to run any more exercise. Of course, do not forget as a warm-up before exercise to warm up the muscles, and on the hitch after training to soothe muscle fibers and nerve endings.