Facial cleansing in the cabin. Comments, views

Beautiful, smooth and healthy skin gives confidence, attracts admiring looks, is the envy. Her immaculate condition - a real dream come true for many of us. As is known, the path to the ideal requires some effort and competent systematic action. At home, you can clean the face, make toning and moisturizing, using cosmetic products of good quality. However, fundamental changes can be achieved only if a regular basis to ask for help in the beauty salon.

The Basics of facial skin

The sebaceous glands secrete a special substance daily oily texture that protects the face from dryness and negative influences of the outside world. Standing out on the skin surface, it gradually removes the horny scales. If cell update is not broken, then the skin is perfectly cleansed natural way. But due to frequent stressful situations, hormonal disruption, lack of sleep and poor eating habits, this cycle is broken. As a result of increased production of sebum, build up of pollution, and the sebaceous glands are clogged. So begin to appear acne.

Facial cleansing in the cabin. Comments, views

The existing problem will help solve the professional cleaning of the face of blackheads. Inside, this procedure produces a much safer. And this statement is not unfounded: the thing is that squeezing blackheads at home, you can bring an infection, as well as serious damage to the delicate skin of the face.

Experienced beauticians, on the contrary, precisely determine the type of skin, will tell the most appropriate method to achieve a better result and do not injure the dermis. However, before joining on reception to the skilled person, you should be familiar with the available and effective cleansing embodiments.

Popular types of skin cleansing

The beauty industry of today offers a huge selection of skin care procedures. Facial cleansing in the cabin - one of the most effective and affordable. Allocate its basic types:

  • Manual (manual);
  • mechanical;
  • hardware.

Before any manipulation, it is necessary to remember that the right to refuse a beautician in their implementation due to existing contraindications. Conducting cleaning is not possible when acute forms of dermatitis, herpes, eczema, allergy, menstruation and PMS, hypertension, abrasions, blood diseases, excessively dry or sensitive skin.

Professional Manual Cleaning

Manual cleaning of the face is very similar to the usual procedure of home removal of skin defects. But only a qualified master fails to comply with strict end of the technology to ensure perfect sterility and to prevent possible injury.

Facial cleansing in the cabin. Comments, views

Deep cleaning person in the cabin usually begins with a thorough cleansing. Then it must be to steam, or put on a special area of ​​the face warming mask. Manipulation allows pores to expand well. Grease tube and black points are removed with the fingers beautician and antiseptic wipes. The sensations can be quite painful.

After the skin treated with disinfectant cleaning preparations or cream is applied constricting mask pores. This will help to ensure that in the advanced stomata were not pollution.

Mechanical cleaning method

To facial cleansing, which is now the most affordable prices, significantly improved the appearance, at the first stage makeup remover. Makeup is removed by special means corresponding dermatological type. Recently masters use scrub. At excessively contaminated skin cleansing mask is additionally applied. The next step - processing entity 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

Facial cleansing in the cabin. Comments, views

Facial cleansing in the cabin is not possible without the use of basic tools. Masters are prepared and disinfected spoon Uno, which has a small hole, and a needle lance Vidal. Bilateral spoon helps in removing comedones, and other devices perfectly enhance the sebaceous ducts.

method of pressing the skin is cleansed of deep blackheads and white of their species are pierced. Then, a beautician may operate manually using sterile wipes. At the final stage, the pores should be narrowed, so the face is usually wiped with an alcohol lotion. Soothing effect fixes the mask made of clay.

Cleaning is one of the most effective means of face care, but people with sensitive and dry skin, brittle vessels, low pain threshold, it is contraindicated.

The use of ultrasound

Leather processing using ultrasonic waves - still one of the standard procedures, which provides almost every beauty salon. Cleaning of the face in this case is more gentle and safe.

Facial cleansing in the cabin. Comments, views

to its use of a special device with a nozzle, causing an ultrasonic acoustic wave. The skin clean to begin with, applied lotions or gels with fruit acids. This helps loosen blackheads well. Under the influence of the ultrasonic vibrating skin, pores are cleaned of dirt and sebum, stimulates blood circulation, improves the tone of the epidermis.

There are obvious disadvantages manipulation. Many cosmetologists say that such cleaning is not able to reach deep dirt. Rather, it looks like a soft peeling.

Laser Power

Radiation exposure - one of the most popular methods of care for problem skin. Next, we learn more about how to make the cleaning of the face in the cabin, using a laser device. The laser eliminates scars, pimples, blackheads and dark spots. The popularity of this manipulation is very high, because it is almost painless. Face prepared by treating with an antiseptic solution. Tuned to a specific frequency device is supplied to the defect site, the beam produced the most accurate grinding.

Facial cleansing in the cabin. Comments, views

The skin refreshed, stimulated metabolism and collagen production. After a few sessions, you can forget about the troublesome problem of scarring or acne. Efficiency will appear almost immediately, however, beauticians advise necessarily to moisturize the skin, to get rid of frequent dryness.

Laser cleaning is contraindicated in women in the position of people with inflammatory skin diseases, diabetics and epileptics.

Vacuum cleaning person in the cabin

For cleansing and detoxification of the dermis cosmetologists are increasingly using vacuum process. Under the influence of a pair of expanding the pores, and then sent to a special tube. Its nozzle creates a negative pressure, so it becomes possible to deep facial cleansing.

For oily skin type is selected conical detail, wrinkles and scars treated with the flat side, and swelling and redness - round. Completes the peeling process.

Facial cleansing in the cabin. Comments, views

vacuum cleaning improves blood circulation, under its influence resolve capillary network, traces of acne, removes dead skin cells, the skin is transformed and significantly rejuvenated.

In severe acne, rosacea or eczema manipulation is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to remember this important information before you go to a beauty salon.

Strong Chemical

Chemical peeling - the removal of the upper layer of the skin, a controlled burn, which operate to improve the condition of the epidermis. Distinguish superficial, middle and deep types. A superficial peeling fruit acids via the leveling face color and then narrowing. This method is the most harmless. The main condition - within a month to use creams with high SPF, as well as with enzymes means.

Shoe inner face Seredinny method often causes unpleasant sensation of pain, and the healing process can take several weeks. Leather shrinks extremely, formed swelling. After such a "chemical attack" can receive medication.

Facial cleansing in the cabin. Comments, views

Deep peeling removes almost the entire surface layer of the skin. For this manipulation using phenol, which is the second name - "Chemical laser". The procedure is very dangerous, and the rehabilitation period can last for more than six months.

The gas-liquid method of

Cleaning is based on non-contact treatment of the skin. The water is mixed with the drug solution and medical gases, after which the nozzle is supplied on the surface of the dermis at a certain pressure.

Head washes dead skin cells, polishes scars and acne marks, gives the skin elasticity. In many respects resembles Cryomassage manipulation. Sometimes there is discomfort due to powerful air supply. Among the main disadvantages - the inability to remove deep comedones.

Select a suitable cleaning

People with sensitive skin of the face is not recommended to take manual and mechanical cleaning. But many say their affordable cost and high efficiency, because the pores are cleaned really very deep. But the duration of manipulation and unpleasant sensation of pain - these are the disadvantages to which not everyone is able to close my eyes.

Vacuum and ultrasonic cleaning are suitable for most women. It has been a rapid achievement of the desired results, gentle effect on the skin, fresh appearance. Next in popularity - laser cleaning person in the cabin. Reviews of the procedure rather positive, especially praise the complete disappearance of scars. But the greatest disadvantage is its high cost. While prices for vacuum and ultrasonic method are within 2000-3000 rubles, the cost of the radial type of start from 4000.

It evens out skin relief, rejuvenates and gives it elasticity dry cleaning person. Prices are unstable, usually start at 2500 rubles. Estheticians allocate an increased interest in superficial peeling. After its passage effect lasts for a long time, inflammatory processes are slowed down, wrinkles, which is confirmed by numerous testimonials of those who took advantage of the procedure.