Cinnamon and honey: benefit and harm to the body. Recipes for weight loss with the use of honey and cinnamon

Beach season is just around the corner, and your figure is still far from ideal? No problem! After all, even for the shortest time possible to bring your body back in order. And this may help in the most simple products - cinnamon with honey. In this article you will learn how to prepare a drink Beauty and harmony, as well as learn how to make homemade cellulite body wrap.

Cinnamon and honey: give a figure in the order of

All we used to that fragrant spices and delicate flower honey is customary to use for desserts. However, long known that the abuse of sweet reflected in the figure is not the best way. That is why nutritionists have developed a unique recipe that allows you to not give up your favorite treats and still lose weight.

Cinnamon and honey: benefit and harm to the body. Recipes for weight loss with the use of honey and cinnamon

Cinnamon with honey (recipe means for weight loss are very simple) are completely natural products. Therefore, their use is almost impossible to overestimate. Regular consumption can not only get rid of the extra kilos, but will forget about respiratory diseases and weakened immunity. But the useful cinnamon with honey for losing weight? First things first.

The beneficial properties of cinnamon

This spice is known to the world for thousands of years. After all, it is used in the national cuisine, and even used as a cosmetic. If you decide to lose weight using cinnamon, it is necessary to remember that you should not purchase powder and sticks. After all, they retain all the beneficial properties. This means that you will get the desired results faster.

When used in moderate doses of cinnamon is able to lower blood glucose levels. For losing weight is a big plus, because it is from an overabundance of sugar does not drop off the hated kilograms.

Moreover, cinnamon accelerates metabolism in the body. And it was a good metabolism allows you to stay in shape and is easier to digest food.

Cinnamon and honey: benefit and harm to the body. Recipes for weight loss with the use of honey and cinnamon

But the most important property of cinnamon, because of which it is recommended nutritionists - it is a feeling of satiety for a whole day. Unique spice longer has the ability to delay the food in the stomach before reaching the intestine. As a result, a person does not longer want to eat. This simple principle also facilitates rapid and effective weight loss.

The beneficial properties of honey

Neither product is organic does not contain many beneficial vitamins and minerals, like a real flower honey. No wonder it is used in alternative medicine for centuries.

The uniqueness of this product lies in the fact that, despite the sweetness, it allows you to actively lose those extra kilos. The drink of honey and cinnamon is a real panacea for those who have long and vainly trying to lose weight. And there is a reasonable explanation.

Firstly, the natural honey acts as a laxative. This means that the body get rid of the toxins that are accumulated in the years of it. At the same metabolic processes are improving, and the stomach begins to work like clockwork.

Secondly, honey normalizes liver function, since it is an excellent cholagogue. This means that all the fats that enter the body will be better and more quickly digested.

Well, and, thirdly, any slimming always suffers because of a lack of sweet. And honey will be an excellent alternative to cakes, chocolates and sweets.

Cinnamon and honey: benefit and harm to the body. Recipes for weight loss with the use of honey and cinnamon

However, please note that this product should be purchased only in specialized shops or from beekeepers. After all, in supermarkets often sell honey, diluted with sugar, which does not do you any good. But the damage from it will be obvious.

How to make honey and cinnamon?

There are several ways to cook a natural remedy for weight loss:

  • Tea with honey and cinnamon. To cook it you need to pour hot boiling water 1/2 teaspoon of tea, 1 teaspoon of honey and a pinch of ground cinnamon. Let stand for 10 minutes. This drink is not only contribute to weight loss, but also strengthen the immune system perfectly.
  • vitamin supplements. For its preparation need to pour honey jar (1 liter) several spoons ground cinnamon and stir until uniform consistency. This mixture can be used to 1 teaspoon between meals on the background of the basic diet. Sweet additive will be a good replacement for desserts.
  • The water with honey and cinnamon. This recipe is one of the most useful. To prepare the means used water at room temperature, it is known that honey partially loses its properties when in contact with boiling water. To create a beverage to be dissolved in a glass of water a spoonful of honey and a pinch of cinnamon. According to losing weight, this method is the most efficient and effective.
Cinnamon and honey: benefit and harm to the body. Recipes for weight loss with the use of honey and cinnamon

Cinnamon with honey (recipe, as you could see, very simple) help attain the figure of your dreams. However, we must remember the correct use. After all, in any way to lose weight should not be abused.

How to use honey and cinnamon?

Recipe for preparing a beverage for weight loss is very simple. However, the question immediately arises: "How much drinking cinnamon with honey?" According to nutritionists, the most effective way - to use a glass of beverage every morning on an empty stomach. At the same time, experts recommend exactly the recipe on the water, as he pointed directly at weight loss, while tea and vitamin supplement can be just occasional pampering in the season beriberi, when the body needs extra protection against colds and various infections.

How dangerous surplus of honey and cinnamon?

It is known that can not be abused, even the most natural means to preserve harmony. After all, the consequences can be very serious. So what can be applied to the body harm when used cinnamon with honey for weight loss?

  1. Individual intolerance. Unfortunately, quite a large number of people are allergic to cinnamon and honey. So be sure to consult with your doctor before taking these products.
  2. Headache and weakness can also be a sign of an overabundance of cinnamon and honey in the body. Therefore, should not eat more than one drink cups a day.
  3. An upset stomach, diarrhea, flatulence. Honey and cinnamon, useful properties which are evident, can also cause discomfort if you eat them in large quantities. If symptoms persist for a few days, discontinue use and consult your doctor.

Remember that all you need to know when to stop. And especially any slimming. After dump of weight - it is always stressful for the body.

Wraps with honey and cinnamon - get rid of cellulite!

If for some reason you have not approached drink for weight loss, you should not despair. Cinnamon and honey for weight loss can be used in another way. Anti-cellulite body wrap - a recipe for beauty and harmony.

For it takes two to three tablespoons of liquid honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon. The mixture should be mixed thoroughly and apply on problem areas (thighs, legs, stomach, hips, buttocks). In this case, the skin is first necessary to handle scrub for better exposure of honey and cinnamon. After applying the mixture of the problem areas need to wrap cling film and put on warm underwear. Thus it is possible to engage in household chores or simply relax under a blanket. Exposure Time mixture on the skin varies from 30 to 60 minutes.

Cinnamon and honey: benefit and harm to the body. Recipes for weight loss with the use of honey and cinnamon

But the useful cinnamon with honey for the skin? Quite a lot of reasons for the wrapping procedure. Indeed, cinnamon has excellent warming effect, actively breaks down fat and reduces cellulite. A honey removes toxins and makes the skin velvety. Already after 7-10 procedures you will notice that the skin is smoothed, and the hated "orange peel" disappeared. But do not forget that to get rid of cellulite help exercise and proper nutrition.

If during the procedure you are having discomfort, immediately rinse the mixture. In addition, the wrap can not be done for pregnant women and those suffering from gynecological diseases.

Ginger tea on the basis of honey and cinnamon - a rich source of vitamins and assistant for weight loss

slimming tea is also able to give a good effect. However, to enhance its properties is possible by means of ginger root, which is fount vitamins. No wonder it is actively used in Chinese alternative medicine.

Tea should be used only fresh ginger root. The powder, which can be found in the markets will not give the desired effect, since it is not useful juice. All the ingredients (a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon and a thin slice of ginger) need to pour boiling water and let stand for 15 minutes. If desired, you can add a bit of loose tea. However, as a slimming claim even without this drink gives a very tasty and refreshing.

Cinnamon and honey: benefit and harm to the body. Recipes for weight loss with the use of honey and cinnamon

This drink can be consumed daily for one glass. But do not forget that it is important to keep track of your feelings. In the event of sickness should stop taking the drink and to look for other equally effective prescriptions.

But, as practice shows, dieticians, one of the safest and most effective components of tea are just cinnamon, ginger, honey. Slimming, these products can be used in almost any form. Because the body in each case will receive a share of the necessary nutrients and vitamins. But all have the natural products have better properties than various types of chemical additives and tablet.

Reviews of actual users of weight loss with honey and cinnamon

Judge the effectiveness of a weight loss method, you can only by the experience of those who have managed to achieve a positive result. The same goes for the drink based on honey and cinnamon. After all, this means is recognized as one of the most affordable and easy daily use.

Natural Weight Loss (cinnamon and honey), reviews of which are positive, it is popular among women worldwide. In this case, the result can be assessed after a few weeks of daily consumption of the drink in the morning. As the slimming really adjusted the stomach and quickly passes bloating. But for women, this area is the most problematic.

In addition, you can meet a lot of positive feedback on the wrapping procedure with cinnamon and honey. According to the women, all in one session, you can remove up to four centimeters in the most problematic areas. According to experts, this way the body out excess water, which also affects the weight. However, you can achieve a stable result and find a really smooth and supple skin when performing certain procedures. But this method requires a very minimal cost, which is much less than the cost of the campaign to a professional masseur or beautician.

Cinnamon and honey: benefit and harm to the body. Recipes for weight loss with the use of honey and cinnamon

However, you can meet and negative feedback on the weight loss with the use of these natural products. As a rule, this is due to an allergic reaction and some of the complications that can be obtained by the excessive use of cinnamon and honey. A woman with very sensitive skin notice the appearance of red spots after anti-cellulite wraps. It is therefore important to monitor their state of health and to immediately discontinue use if there are any discomfort or unpleasant feelings. Indeed, an overabundance of cinnamon and honey in the body can adversely affect the functioning of internal organs and cause chronic diseases. But many women who dream quickly lose weight, forget about the possible consequences and recklessly continue to lose weight. As some slimming, based beverage cinnamon, ginger and honey has strong diuretic action. Therefore, it should be consumed with caution to those who have kidney problems. In all other cases, it is an excellent tool to enhance immunity, and establishment of the metabolic processes. It is very often full of people can not lose weight because of the stomach and intestinal diseases. But do not try to self-medicate. Even before use innocuous at first glance products require professional medical consultation.

Expert opinion

Dietitians often advise their patients to use cinnamon with honey during dieting. After all the beneficial properties of these products are known to all, and their positive effects on the body can be estimated within a few weeks after application. Reflection in the mirror will start to please, improve complexion and finally converge at the waist favorite jeans!

But all doctors agree on one thing - you can not use cinnamon with honey as the primary method to reset excess weight. After all, if completely eliminate from your diet foods and only eat the drink, you can earn a lot of diseases. After all, the body will lack vital nutrients and vitamins. This means that worsen the work of internal organs, spoiled complexion and hair will start to fall rapidly. But your dream is not only to gain a slender figure, but also save your health!

It can be concluded that the drink based on honey and cinnamon can be a good complement to the daily diet, which will be a full and varied. Therefore, during the diet eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, white meat and fish. And forever discard the idea of ​​fasting and observing a rigid diet. Honey and cinnamon, useful properties which prove even experts can help find health and beauty for years to come. However, remember that you need to comply with the measure in everything and keep track of your feelings. Also, do not run after rapid weight loss. As a rule, under intense weight loss all dumped kgs come back double. Just follow the basics of a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Then your body will thank you slim and toned figure!