Isometric exercises and techniques of their performance

Isometric exercises are known to people more than a thousand years. Eastern yoga have long been used in the practice static postures. The modern history of gymnastics began at the dawn of the XX century. Her ancestor - Alexander Sasse. Isometric exercises Russian athlete made the strongest man in the world.

How it works

The secret of these athletes - not in the amount of muscle mass, and strong tendons, for their development and a complex of isometric exercises. Big biceps - it's just big biceps. That appeared in the muscle force, it must rely on the bone. This happens only because of strong tendons, which causes it to move. Tendons are growing much slower muscle and only under static stress.

Isometric exercises and techniques of their performance

During exercise muscle strains, but not stretched. This is one of the basic principles of muscle growth and strength. During exercise compress blood vessels, and cells are in a situation of oxygen starvation. As a result, they begin to work. As a result, the muscles are growing and gaining strength more rapidly than during dynamic exercise.


  • One of the main advantages of a short time training. Ten to fifteen minutes a day will suffice.
  • You do not need special and expensive equipment. You can do with improvised means.
  • Use of the gym, you can strengthen all muscle groups and tendons, as well as develop flexibility.
  • Each isometric exercise is available to carry out in any place and at any time.
  • The training volume is not increasing, but the power in the body.
  • Isometric exercises useful to everyone - from the man in need of rehabilitation to upscale sportsman.
  • Isometric exercises do not cause fatigue. They can be done on a daily basis, because muscle tissue is not necessary to recover from an exhausting workout.


  • At the initial stage need support coach. It is important to learn how to do the exercises and do not expose themselves to the risk of injury.
  • Isometric exercises require not only control of the position of the body, but also the breath, spirit, body as a whole.
  • The complex of these exercises can not be independent. In order to achieve real results necessarily need to be engaged and dynamic training.
  • isometric exercise program is not to develop coordination.
  • In contrast to the dynamic training cells less supplied with blood.
  • After that exercises the muscles are shortened.
  • The people who are prone to high blood pressure, should be extremely careful with this set of exercises.

Types of exercises and equipment

The system of isometric exercise is divided into three main sets: using the bench press, squat and thrust. They can also be complemented by taking up on your toes and lifting your shoulders.

Isometric exercises and techniques of their performance

An isometric exercise becomes more effective if carried out on an iron frame. Approach and the horizontal bar. The main thing is that its width was about 1, 2 m, and height -. 2, 3 m This device is often available to those who are seriously involved in sports. For the remaining comers in the form of shells suitable doorway frame, sill, wall, desk and chair, a belt or rope.

The safety and technical rules

  • Before training is necessary to make a banner.
  • Carefully watch your breath. Exercise is limited to begin inhaling. Breathing should be deep and calm.
  • Attention should be focused on the whole body.
  • Boost effect as exercise.
  • For beginners will be enough to stay in a static position for 3-5 seconds. For advanced - no more than 2-3 minutes.
  • Aim with the first training to perform the exercise correctly. Retraining will take much longer than the original formulation technology.
  • If you experience severe pain exercise should be stopped. After a short pause, you can try to do the exercise again, but more slowly and with less pressure.

Isometric exercises Sasse

Isometric exercises and techniques of their performance

Alexander Sasse was recognized as the most powerful man in the world, and so far it has not been surpassed. He was not a hero in the usual sense - 160 cm in height and not more than 80 kg of weight. Muscle mass strongman boosted solely for the sake of the public, who demanded entertainment.

Americans called Alexander the Great for his strength and Samson began to adopt his system of exercises. Basic principles that adhere to the athlete in his training - this is the correct breathing, muscle control, strength of will and, consequently, the strength of tendons.

Isometric exercises Samson still lie at the heart of almost every set of exercises, and especially - chain exercises (belt).

Bruce Lee system

Bruce Lee became a legend in his own time and a role model for boys yard and professional athletes. Extraordinary abilities actor were not achieved by training in the gym, and through the use of static forces. At the dawn of his career, Bruce Lee had, in his opinion, the lack of strength and endurance. He began looking for a way how to fix it - I read a lot, communicate with professionals, he turned to bodybuilding. There are suggestions that he based his isometric exercises Sasse, but the fact still remains unproven. As a result, he created his own concept of training to develop strength.

Isometric exercises and techniques of their performance

Isometric exercises Bruce Lee accessible by even a novice. Everyone familiar exercises such as lunges, squats, "scissors", pull-ups, push-ups from the floor and walls. It should start to implement them according to the rules of isometric exercises, and you are in the system of Bruce Lee.

Tips and farewell

  • should perform exercises early in the morning, because they are charged with vivacity for the whole day. Completed the evening, they will not give sleep.
  • The pre-ventilate the room. Deep breathing plays an important role, and accompanies each isometric exercise. Therefore it is better if the air is clean and fresh.
  • During the complex is that the skin breathe, with every cell.
  • After the exercises take a contrast shower.

Universal set of exercises

The basis of the complex formed isometrics Bruce Lee. Novice not recommended retained in a static position for more than 5 seconds. Gradually, the tension increasing. After each exercise needs a break of a minute. The minimum number of sets - 2-3. Maximum - 6 times. The duration of the training should not exceed 20 minutes.

Isometric exercises and techniques of their performance
  1. a standing position, legs straight, his head looks straight, elbows slightly bent. Hands raised up and pressed onto the frame of the doorway.
  2. to squat and keep the resistance of the frame arms. Thus, the arms extend upwardly and repel like, and the entire body is directed downward.
  3. rise up on your toes. Exercise strengthens the calf muscles of the thighs and buttocks.
  4. Strengthens neck. To do this, you need to get back to the wall, hands on his belt. Occiput to press on the pre-planted small pillow.
  5. Repeat the previous exercise, the resistance against the wall of his forehead.
  6. Elbows hands rest on a hard surface. Palms joined for prayer and put pressure on one another.
  7. Repeat the previous exercise, but the resistance have fingers.
  8. Hand in hand, rest against the door frame.
  9. The pressure on the top of the frame with one hand, then - else. Arm bent at the elbow.
  10. arms straight. The resistance of both hands the top of the frame.
  11. Pin to frame an object and pull it down with both hands.
  12. Sitting on the floor. Legs slightly bent at the knees and resist the wall or door frame.

isometric exercises at home and at work

For residents of the sedentary towns to date - the sad reality. The benefits of civilization provides us with a minimal amount of movement, and stressful pace of life often leaves no time and effort to visit the gym.

Isometric exercises and techniques of their performance

But there is a solution. Isometric exercises - simple, even at your desk in the performance. The following complex will not only stretch your muscles, without leaving your computer, but also to develop and strengthen them. When performing exercises count his strength - treated carefully to office furniture!

  1. arms outstretched and gently pressed bent fingers on the table.
  2. arms bent at the elbows, hands clenched into fists. finger knuckles pressed on the table.
  3. Palms push to cover the bottom of the table, as if trying to tear it.
  4. Cast legs. Now try to lift the knee countertop.
  5. Put your hands behind your back. Clasping his chair, lean forward.
  6. tilt. Hands firmly hold the chair legs. Make an effort and try to lift himself on a chair.
  7. Elbows on the table, palms rest on the forehead. Push his head in his hands, trying to overcome the resistance.
  8. The elbows in the same position, the palm rest on the chin. Try to lower his head down.
  9. Hands concatenate and rest against the back of the neck. Hand tilted his head forward, his head resists.

Gymnastics for women

Many of the fair sex are taken for a given set of exercises in the hope of losing weight. Isometric exercises can be a good assistant in this case. During muscle work actively calories burned. For the female body, this kind of exercise is ideal. The body is not pumped, do not act veins. But the figure looks taut, elastic.

  1. Starting position - standing. Straightened leg back aside, the other leg bent at 90 degrees. Hands on the supporting leg. Repeat the same for the other leg.
  2. Lie on your back, stretch your arms up. On the exhale, pull chest toward the ceiling.
  3. In the supine position the right foot put on the left knee. Clasp the left thigh with both hands and pull up.
  4. Lying on his right side, his left leg raised by 10-15 centimeters, and retained in that position. Repeat on the other leg.
  5. Standing, legs apart as widely as possible. Bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees and hold this pose.

The most common isometric exercises for women are used to improve or maintain the shape of the breast. However, quick results can not be expected. Be patient. Patience, regularity and hard work - the key to success.

Isometric exercises and techniques of their performance
  1. The hands in front of chest, elbows bent. Palms folded for prayer and with maximum force putting pressure on each other.
  2. Hands in front of you, pull them forward.
  3. Hands cling to the opposite edge of the countertop. We are trying to bring one arm to the other.
  4. Hands clasped behind the back of the castle. Should try to pick them up as much as possible.
  5. arms outstretched to the side, just behind the shoulders. We are trying to keep the blades, pull the breast forward.
  6. The chair is behind your back, legs in the position at an angle of ninety degrees. Hands, half-bent at the elbow, lean on a chair.

Isometric exercises with belt

To perform this set of exercises designed Sasse, will need a strong middle belt width. The ideal length for a workout - two meters. You can also use rope, but it must be strong enough and thick, so as not to slip and does not dig into your palm. When using the circuit as a high risk of injury.

  1. Foot firmly held one end of the strap. Hand bent at the elbow and holding the other end. Pull the arm upwards. The same repeat for the other hand.
  2. Feet put on the middle of the belt. Arms bent at 45 degrees and hold on to the ends of the shell. Struggling to maximize bend the arms.
  3. Feet on the belt, bent at the knees. Hands raised above his head and pulled up as much as possible.
  4. Feet on the belt, arms extended in front of him. Raise the hands up.
  5. Throwing a belt on the bar, his hands firmly holding the ends. Hand in hand, dropped just below the shoulders. Pull your hands down.

Dukhovny aspect gymnastics

Body and spirit are one. This question was not even among the ancient yogis. Now this truth is proved scientifically. Resulting in the tone of his own body, we energize the spirit. By focusing on the bodily aspect of existence, freed and purified mind. Balance in the body harmonises the psychological state. Susceptibility to your body makes us receptive to the world.

For those who are far from yoga, as a body of practice and strengthening the spirit of perfect isometric exercises.