Tattoos on the fingers - a fashion trend!

Spring replaces winter, year transfer any century, in spite of the passage of time, something that remains the same - for example, the national love for tattoos.

It's hard to determine who is the first of our ancestors made a tattoo, but historians say that decorate the body of drawings people began 60,000 years ago - and not so much for beauty, but in order to signify their belonging to the tribe, to show social status and protect themselves from evil spirits.

Exotic from the sea

It is believed that the Europeans became acquainted with the art of tattooing through navigator James Cook - it was he back in 1773 brought in Polynesian England, whose body from head to toe was covered with undergarments indelible drawings. Since polls sailors covered themselves with drawings symbolizing the country in which they have visited. Almost every sailor, from cabin boy and ending with the captain of the ship, was a tattoo on the fingers, hands, arms and other body parts. Each tattoo is for a sailor carried a certain sense, and is a kind of sign designating belonging to their team. As a rule, the recruits receive a "symbol of distinction," the captain - so to conduct marine rite of passage. In addition, it is for sailors tattoos to identify in case of shipwreck.

Tattoos on the fingers - a fashion trend!

Caution: infection!

The procedure itself tattooing was an extremely painful - and no wonder! At that time the tools were primitive, and instead of the dye composition used gunpowder. Everything else is in the process of tattooing nobody observe basic rules of hygiene and disinfection, which is why a huge number of people owning a beautiful pattern, received "on delivery" bouquet infections. When the infection became widespread, the authorities of all European cities have banned this type of art in the whole century.

Tattooed King

After 100 years the tattoo has received a second chance at life, when England's King Edward VII during his visit to Japan in 1881 made a tattoo of a dragon. Subjects to the king by copying its ruler, too, began to adorn themselves with a body-worn patterns, and after some time the popularity of tattoos has reached its peak. Almost every fashionable dandy could see the tattoos on the fingers, around the neck or on the forearm.

In 1981 a O. Reilly invented the world's first electric tattoo machine, which replaced all previously used primitive tools. Instead pounded gunpowder began to use special dyes, and the attitude to hygiene and sterility was unusually anxious.

Tattoos on the fingers - a fashion trend!


In our time, the tattoo - it is not only art, but also a tribute to fashion. Many people, regardless of gender, and social status, happy to adorn themselves with tattoos, drawings, and often - several. Of particular popularity won tattoo on the fingers - now it is a fashion trend that like boys and girls. And if earlier figures at this point firmly associated with criminality, it is now - the rage. Proof of this are the tattoos on the fingers of the hands of celebrities, such as singer Demi Lovato, Kelly Osbourne and Beyonce. Following them, your fingers with decorated top model Cara Delevingne, actress Lindsay Lohan and other stellar amateur tattoos. Especially the "distinguished" singer Rihanna - tattoo on her fingers, photo which spread all over the Internet, saw everything.

Not behind the daring ladies and famous men. Many of them, in addition to the standard "male" towns for printing, wear tattoos on their fingers. For example, a favorite of women Johnny Depp boasts a tattoo of three rectangles, which, as the actor himself admitted that protects him from all evil. In short, thanks to Hollywood stars and fashion scene in the drawing in such an unusual place is widespread throughout the world.

Tattoos on the fingers - a fashion trend!

Be in trend!

Among young people there is an interesting trend. It lies in the fact that representatives of the beautiful half of humanity secretive and stuffed a tattoo on his fingers at the sides (in order to hide them from prying eyes), while the stronger sex do drawing on their front.

What a figure to choose the young lover of tattoos? Tattoo on her finger for the girls can be all sorts of inscriptions, especially in English and Latin. Apart from them, a very cute look strekozki, hearts, birds, stars, brilliantikom, butterflies, venzelki, stylized animals and clover leaves image. Men are also suitable for something more brutal, such as geometric shapes, runes, different signs.

Tattoos on the fingers - a fashion trend!

Lovers same are increasingly choosing non-traditional wedding rings and twin tattoo that big day was packed on the ring finger. It can be initsaly favorite / favorite, wedding date, a symbol, a tattoo in the form of rings, complementary patterns (eg, the key one - the castle from the other).