Commercial soap for hair: the harm and benefit. Can I wash my hair soap?

The only use of any representatives of the weaker sex, in order to preserve its beauty and improve your health. Nowadays cosmetic manufacturers offer different substances for hair care. Women can pick up at your type of head of hair shampoos, conditioners and rinses, masks and creams. Also popular are leave-in conditioner and lotion for the scalp. In this article we will focus on what has soap (hair) reviews. You will find out if there are pluses in this cleanser. Also worth mentioning about how to properly wash your hair soap. Thus it is necessary to take into account the opinions of experts (trichologists, dermatologists and hair stylists).

Commercial soap for hair: the harm and benefit. Can I wash my hair soap?

The hair and scalp

Before you find out what quality has an economic hair soap, it is worth recalling that such a head of hair. The skin of a human head has a certain type. It can be normal, oily, dry, or problematic. Hair is thus have a separate structure which is divided into normal, damaged, or mixed fatty type.

Choosing the means to wash your hair, it is necessary to take into account to a greater extent, it is the condition of the scalp. So if your hair are damaged, are cut and broken, they need a nourishing shampoo that restores the structure. At the same time, the scalp may be oily. When buying a shampoo for dry hair, you will earn a lot of problems since, by acting on the skin, it will further nurture it and stimulate the sebaceous glands.

Commercial soap for hair: the harm and benefit. Can I wash my hair soap?

Commercial hair soap

What the experts say and experienced women about this tool? Please try to find out what is in this cleanser. Soap 72 percent consists of alkali compounds. It perfectly washes stains from clothes, splitting their structure. Is hair can happen the same thing? Even in ancient times, your Grandma and their ancestors had washed his head just soap and water. In most cases, it was the economic bar with alkali content of at least 70 percent. However, all women have long beautiful tresses and never complained about the loss of hair, dandruff, and various diseases. Of course, women at that time there was no other means of caring for curls.

Pros soap

The use of soap for hair undeniable. It has a natural structure, unlike some shampoos. Alkaline components perfectly clean the skin by removing not only fat, but also dead skin particles. Because of this hair grow well without any interference. Also, wash your hair with soap will be useful to restore the health of shag. Consider the main positive properties of the tool relative to the scalp and hair structure.

Strengthening shag

Excellent soap helps against hair loss. Cleaning ingredients act directly on the scalp without affecting the inner dermis. This prevents damage to the hair follicles from which depends hair growth and hair loss.

If you regularly use hardware block for hair, then a month later you notice that the shock has become more dense. The growth will increase, and stop loss.

Commercial soap for hair: the harm and benefit. Can I wash my hair soap?

Deep cleansing

Many women who use a lot of styling tools, you need a deep cleansing of the scalp and head of hair structure. In this case, a great option would be economic for hair soap.

Chemical compounds and alkaline environment remove residues of styling, which is not combed out of the stacks. Also, the soap affects the scalp and removes excess fat.

Exemption from seborrhea

Excellent saves soap dandruff. It should be noted that the peeling of the skin of the head can be caused by two main factors: overdrying or excessive greasiness. In both cases, you will soap dandruff.

Use the tools you need to complete the recovery of the skin and normalize the health of hair. Immediately after that is to abandon this method and go to the appropriate cleaning agent. Treatment of soap can be renewed as needed.

The effect on hair color

Laundry soap is able to align the tone hair. Thus it is necessary to keep it a little longer on the hair, distributing evenly. Remember that these effects may be partly to lighten your hair. That is why caution should be applied it burning brunette.

Commercial soap for hair: the harm and benefit. Can I wash my hair soap?

Cons soap

Some women, and experts say that the hair wash soap is strictly prohibited. This is due to many factors: the skin overdrying, the occurrence of allergies, the occurrence of brittle hair. Let us consider in detail what disadvantages does this cleanser.

The appearance of the rash and itching

Commercial hair soap can result in the emergence of allergies. If after the first use you feel itching, tightness of the skin, as well as observe the appearance of the rash, then this means you absolutely not suitable.

It should be noted that an allergy to soap occurs in almost half of all cases.

Commercial soap for hair: the harm and benefit. Can I wash my hair soap?

Overdrying scalp

If you do so and dry skin, using soap can only exacerbate the situation. In this case the reaction will most harmless dandruff. Repeated exposure to the scalp can cause cracks and sores. Contraindicated use this agent for cleaning head of hair to women who have sensitive skin.

The appearance of fragility

When using the bar for cleaning head of hair can damage the structure of the hair strands. This occurs as follows. You lather mop, which at this time there is a strong entanglement. If you have thin hair, which, moreover, also flogged, they can simply break. As a result, you will notice that the increased loss.

Commercial soap for hair: the harm and benefit. Can I wash my hair soap?

The reaction with color pigments

Laundry soap is able to react with the paint. If you have made toning curls, you should abandon this cleanser. Otherwise, the result may totally unexpected. Alkaline components oxidize colored hair and damage them even more.

If you do decide to wash your hair with soap, then it should be done properly.

Commercial soap for hair: the harm and benefit. Can I wash my hair soap?

Can I use a soap to cleanse the hair and scalp?

You get to know the ins and outs of the fashion hair cleansing. Decide whether you can wash your hair this means only you can. Some women completely changed their usual shampoos for household hair soap. Responses from these ladies on this method of purification only positive. If you want to try to use soap for the head, then it should be done properly. Here are some tips to the correct application of the cleanser for hair.

Commercial soap for hair: the harm and benefit. Can I wash my hair soap?
  • Do not lather bar hair. Always use pre-prepared solution. To do this, rub the bar on fine grater and flakes dissolve in warm water. It is this composition should be applied to the mop.
  • Use foam for sensitive hair. If your hair is damaged, you should wash your hair with foam. For its preparation whisk soap solution. Apply makeup only on the scalp, avoiding the tips of the hair.
  • After washing hair soap is necessary to neutralize them. Alkali from the cleaning agent is able to accumulate and cause allergies. That is to neutralize after washing the hair must be applied on an acid solution. This can be vinegar or lemon juice, diluted with water.

Summary of

Now you know all about the economic soap for hair. Make the right decision whether you can use a cleanser in your case. Be prepared for a negative reaction to your hair. If the soap you do not come, then it is necessary to abandon such experiments and return to their usual means.

Commercial soap for hair: the harm and benefit. Can I wash my hair soap?

Soap to cleanse the hair is not for each of the fair sex. Take care of yourself with a mind experiment. Be always healthy and beautiful!