How to build a press for 8 minutes: home workouts

None of exercise can not be compared in popularity with swing press. No matter how far people were from the sport or physical education, when it comes to the right way of life, weight loss, that it is time to take a growing belly, the first question that comes to mind, reads as follows: "How to build your abs?"

How much time to devote to training

How to build a press for 8 minutes: home workouts

It seems so easy to lie on the floor and repeat the seemingly simple movement! It is one thing if the classes are held in the group in fitness club, when it is not necessary to think, how to choose the exercises, because an experienced instructor will be an optimal program and show you how to build the right press. Working on this area, it is important to not only use different muscle bundles, but also take into account the specific load conditions. If, however, little experience or not available, the independent efforts often fall short of expectations, and people are quick to throw classes.

However, the gym regularly can go a long way not everyone fight for a beautiful figure. What do those who want to pump up the press at home? People are out to make your stomach flat (as in the photographs of models), are ready to make efforts to make the uploaded routine chores daily schedule place to study. Especially if complex demonstrates how to pump up the press for 8 minutes.

Complaints about the lack of time for training are the most common, as are excuses for his inaction. You can now breathe a sigh of relief: it was eight minutes, can always be found. Do morning exercises in the afternoon or in the evening, will solve every man for himself. The main condition - not to miss classes.


How to build a press for 8 minutes: home workouts

It is not necessary to puzzle over how to pump up the press for 8 minutes a day: everything is thought through experts. They have made several sets of classes designed for different levels of training.

The main thing - to observe the regime: in each of the 4 sets of the complex - two exercises, repeated 30 times. Then follows a set before a break of 30 seconds. All 4 parts in 8 minutes.

Despite the short period of time, beginners should not deceive ourselves apparent ease. The proposed regime no one can stand immediately. But despair is also not worth it: in a week or persistent repetitions of abdominal muscles adapt to the stress, and discomfort and change gravity comes a sense of freedom and lightness.

technique to overcome the pain

How to build a press for 8 minutes: home workouts

The experience of working on the program "How to build a press for 8 minutes" indicates that all have to deal with the pain. But such feelings are the ultimate goal of every movement in the set: it is necessary to achieve a burning sensation in the muscles, because it means that the training goes as it should.

Asking about how to pump up the straightening press, many imply any particular exercise, but it is important just to get the muscle to the limit. This is the limit, and creates a short but intensive training. It is recommended to overcome himself, forcing to do the movements, when it seems that the press is already burning fire. A short break between exercises, only 30 seconds, does not cool down the muscles, and therefore achieved such a significant and rapid effect.

How to train the press to load

How to build a press for 8 minutes: home workouts

How to build a press for 8 minutes? The program really works if you follow it step by step, overcoming the first discomfort. But as you begin to master the technique exercises to give pleasure, all the more that the effect soon becomes visible. Beginners are advised not to do the repetition once, but for as long as you can stand it. At first, some feel unbearable pain in 3-4 repeat: this is due to muscle deconditioning. But every day it is necessary to add repetitions, bringing, finally, to the required 30 program for beginners. Progress comes unexpectedly soon, and very soon the trainee already easily repeat all the prescribed actions.

Finally, there comes a time when the load is no longer enough. Then comes the turn of a more intense second level: 8 minutes performed 4 sets of 2 exercises in each, but they should be repeated 40 times, and the rest is reduced to 15 seconds.

How to create a lesson plan

Beginners, experts recommend to engage in the first couple of weeks in a day, then to the end of the month to do daily vosmiminutki. When the first set is mastered, you should not immediately jump to the next level. Better 2-3 weeks to engage in a day, but at the same time on the same day to carry out a basic package, and the other - advanced. Then a few weeks of daily sessions on the second program. The next stage - the alternation of a day of exercise of the second set and the third, even more difficult. Thus, gradually comes to the necessary adaptation of the press loads. The form should be maintained further, with only 8 minutes a day of exercise of any of the complex.