How to "make" beautiful legs: the most effective exercises

Striving for physical perfection, a man willing to subject themselves to grueling torture loads and strict diet. Unhappy with the shape of certain parts of the body, men and women spent hours in the gym, trying to reduce or increase the volume of the hands, hips, legs.

Feet modern lady

How to

If men mainly concerned about muscle building, women flock to fitness centers with a strong commitment to adjust this figure nature: give it a more attractive curves and roundness, "fashion" beautiful legs. As for the feet, they form even much more concerned about the weaker sex, rather than the waist or chest. After all, a woman with a beautiful legs striking the men who can not resist the delicate thin calves and ankles modern lady.

Fitness offers argue with nature

However, the modern woman is no longer lamented the appearance. She knows that everything can be corrected, including making beautiful legs. Fitness programs offer all sorts of exercises to correct any part of the body. If the hips are too heavy, they can be reduced in girth, tighten; If calves are thin too, special exercises can help increase their volume; If the femur and tibia are slender enough, the remedy is quite capable.

How to

Owners imperfect, in their view, forms can ask instructors gyms, how real is the possibility to change this nature and their efforts to create a beautiful and healthy feet forever. The answer is only one man can change himself if he wants it. If the goal is to create a perfect body shape, you need to work on it.

Make beautiful legs at home

What could be the cause of discontent women? Legs are too full, or conversely, thin, disproportional thighs, flabby calves, pendulous inner thigh muscles, cellulite - these and other shortcomings easy to handle, experts say the figure correction. There are exercises that help remove the excess or missing ramp, make lines the thighs and shins fascinating twists.

To learn how to pump up the beautiful legs, know the trainers of fitness clubs, telling photo and video materials. There are many complex activities to improve leg shape. This diversity is explained by the fact that the need to train different muscle groups. After all, in the person as a whole, more than 600 muscles, and legs are composed of dozens of muscles - large and smaller. A truly beautiful legs are obtained with a balanced development of the thigh muscles, calves and buttocks sure.

How to make a perfect hip

Hips may be too thin or, conversely, become a depot for fat. And in both cases, we need strength exercises to strengthen the muscles of the thigh. Women with massive thighs, which are afraid of exercise of power, believing that thereby further increase their volume, making a big mistake. The stronger the muscles, the more calories they consume and the faster and more efficiently spent so unsightly fat deposits. Also, strong muscles do more toned thighs, reduce breeches, make them slimmer.

How to

Optional going to do in the gym, you can successfully "sculpt" beautiful legs at home. A set of exercises for the hips involves the load on different muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteal and calf muscles.

Sample exercises

Before proceeding to isolated exercises, it is necessary to warm up the muscles in aerobic mode and gently stretch for ten minutes. Then you can perform targeted exercises:

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart, squat done by pulling the pelvis back; exhale straighten and simultaneously raise the right leg to the side, feel the tension in the lateral muscle; do 8 times and repeat with the other leg. The further increase the number of repetitions and approaches.
  • Lying on her side, legs extended, lift the top leg 45 degrees, slowly at first 8 times, then 8 more quickly; in the third set delay leg in the raised position and 8 do very fast movements with minimum amplitude. The same repeat on the other side with the other leg.
  • Lying on her side, legs bent at the knees to a 90 degree angle. To raise and lower the upper leg 8 times slowly and quickly. Same do with the straightened leg at the knee, but also at a right angle to the body.

These exercises need to be further complicate the increasing load: press to hip dumbbell, heavy wear on the ankle bracelet, or throw in the thigh or leg elastic tape - it will strengthen the resistance of muscles and make it work more effectively.

Practicing inner thigh muscle

Very often, women do not think about this area, and yet beautiful shape legs will not work if the train only the thigh side. Experts recommend working muscles-antagonists together, otherwise there is a visible imbalance: one muscle regularly will decrease, and the other more dryabnut and sag. The result will be skewed: the outside bend of the beautiful toned muscles, but from within nedotrenirovannaya muscle.

How to

Coaching leg at home, you must strictly follow the technique of movements: the thigh from the inside is not easy to get to work, to feel the muscles in this area, their reduction and stress, you need to choose the right position of the body and legs.

Effective exercise for the inner thigh

  • Lie on your side, top leg bent at the knees and the feet rest against the floor. This exercise works the lower leg: straighten it and expanding foot 90 degrees to the lower leg parallel to the floor and at the same time, to do the maximum possible upgrades feet at a slow pace, and then more quickly. By making this move, it must be ensured that the foot was twisted as much as possible to the floor, and do not ride up the toe up. Only then can you feel how tense the desired internal muscle of the thigh.
  • Lying on his side, upper leg to make a little forward, slightly bending the knee, and touch the floor. Based on it, it is necessary to raise the lower leg to the maximum possible height. Complicate exercise can be, if the upper leg to put on top and thus create a natural burdening for the bottom. Alternate motion in a slow and a fast pace of 8-16 times.

Note: all movements become habitual and therefore it is necessary to increase the load, using dumbbells, bracelets, belt, do more reps and several approaches in each exercise.

How much time is required for the feet of the pump

This question is very concerned about the women who need to get in shape for an upcoming party or for a trip to a beach resort. For them, the question of how to "sculpt" nice legs for a week, is not at all idle. It can be very skeptical about such statements, but it turns out, nothing is impossible, and legs really can be brought into shape in a short period of time - a week, ten days or a month. All will depend on the input data and targets.

How to

So, the owner of the nature of the quite slender legs, but noticeably out of shape from lack of physical activity, from long sitting behind a desk and moving only in the car, can a week before the trip to the sea to bring them in great condition, so do not be ashamed will lay bare their legs in public. To do this, she would have to do the exercises every day on different muscles of the legs and to include more food-grade protein.

However, if you want to make a more radical correction of the feet, for example, remove a significant curvature, extra volume, body fat, you will need a little more time and effort. So, to burn fat you will need to include in the training of aerobic exercise: running, walking, biking, swimming, dancing - these and similar movements actuate all of the major muscles of the body, causing them to consume more oxygen, which contributes to the overall weight loss, including legs .

How to strengthen the gluteal muscles

Legs can not be completely trained in isolation from other parts of the body. Thus, the buttocks are included in a set of universal exercises for the thighs, so beautiful legs and buttocks are usually perceived as a whole. You can not have tightened the thigh when flaccid buttocks. For complex leg workout is recommended to enable the best exercises for tightening the buttocks:

  • from a standing position to do squat with maximum abduction of the pelvis back, straighten up exhale and stretch the buttocks strongly; do 8-16 times in two or three approaches;
  • do plie: arrange the legs widely deploying the most of the foot; slowly squat and as you exhale to return to its original position;
  • leaning back in his chair with both hands, lift the straight leg as far back, slowly at first 8 times, then 8 more quickly; change foot; do a growing number of repetitions of two or three approaches;
  • support on the knees and elbows in turn raise the straightened leg up 8 times one, the other 8 times;
  • lie on your back, bend your knees and stretch your feet on the floor; exhale lift the pelvis, tighten the buttocks, down; repeating in a different mode. How to

Note: These exercises, like the others, it is recommended to do at a different pace, vary the load, using weights: Dumbbells, harnesses, belts, bracelets.

Where can I find time to practice

The harmonious development of man's beautiful legs will appreciate, at a glance expressing their admiration. There is no woman who would not want to feel evaluate their efforts in men's eyes. To do this, should overcome his laziness, put aside all the excuses and find time in busy daily schedule in order to devote themselves for 20-30 minutes.

Not have to go to the gym to experienced instructors, beautiful legs, you can "sculpt" the house, using a minute of free time watching television. See an interesting transmission and can be lying on the living room carpet. You just need to take a position and pump the muscles of the thigh. At the same time on the leg you can put a thick volume of a dictionary: it completely replaces the dumbbell.

for the calf muscles and quadriceps exercises

You can watch TV shows and standing at the chair, at the same time performing some useful exercises to strengthen the muscles of the calf:

  • to rise slowly and fall on your toes on two legs; do the same standing on one leg;
  • to sit down in a wide plie deploying foot and lift them one by one on the toe.

Hoists knees in front of him at a different pace in the standing position on the ground or while walking down the stairs lead in order quadriceps.

How to

Mahi kicking back trains hamstrings. Movement can be performed from a standing position, taking his chair, and leaning on his knees and elbows, one leg parallel to the floor and pull in a position to bend the knee, trying to reach the heel of the gluteus maximus.

What should I do if the legs are not perfect

Legs of a woman should be and can be beautiful, even if nature was not too generous. Another poet said that it is unlikely to find at least three pairs of feet in perfect Russian. Perhaps he was right at the beginning of the 19th century, but the woman of the 21st century can compete with nature, by making the amendments. Trained strong and flexible muscles will create an ideal corset for the waist, graceful lines curves of hips and buttocks, shapely calves.

If the legs are far from perfect, it is possible to make them attractive, dedicating only a few hours training per week. Add to that a balanced diet with plenty of protein, it will soon be proud of a victory in a match with nature.