Signs that you have time for vacation

• Signs that you have time for vacation

Work burnout (bernaut) - this is not a synonym of fatigue, laziness or a desire to earn more money. This is a big health problem, when all that relates to the work, is only one desire - to run as far as possible. Here's how to recognize and distinguish from other states.

Signs that you have time for vacation

1. You're always at work

Or at least communication. Today is quite difficult to avoid that part of the work that can be done via the Internet, as e-mail around the clock. To stop constantly look at the phone, psychologists recommend ... turn off color! The brain loves bright colors and a gray screen does not give much brightness.

2. Your colleagues - idiots

If lately you have become to notice it all the time, perhaps, it is not in them. If you do not say hello to you at work, tell me about it right, but if you used all arranged, and now the world is hostile (and then only at work), burn close.

3. Are you unfairly treated

A colleague with the same responsibilities gets more. Strange guy from a neighboring department became an employee of the month. The feeling that you do not appreciate, contributes to burnout. Talk with the boss about how to get to work longer: maybe we should change the list of duties?

4. The work defines you

Those who receive a large part of the fun and self-esteem with the help of pumps work more prone to burnout. Involvement - it's good, but you need to be able and distracted. In your life, there must be something else. Think about it, what can you tell when meeting, except for the description of their work.

5. You do not have enough control of

Fatigue, unwillingness to do something, and inefficiency - three characteristics of burnout. If you can not control your schedule, did not really have time and the mountain of cases is growing like a snowball - will soon come burnout.

6. The work became boring

The thing that is not happy, lowers self-esteem. Nobody likes to do something meaningless 8-10 hours a day. Look for the tasks that are popular, even if they are outside of your duties. Think not that you are doing some kind of problem, and about how to move the technology forward and improve people's lives. Then it will be easier to come to terms with what is happening and to avoid unpleasant consequences.