How to squat in order to pump up the buttocks, rather than feet?

The fast pace of modern life, women do not have time to keep up with the passage of time. However, as they get older, more and more are beginning to notice that the body is changing, and not for the better: there are extra deposits of fat, muscles droop, the skin becomes flabby. These are consequences not only age, but also related to lifestyle, sedentary work, low mobility, excessive consumption of junk food. How to help yourself look better?

What is the secret of

The most problematic parts of the female figure are the thighs and buttocks. Someone had vaguely heard that in order to correct the problem you need to do sit-ups, and began to wonder about how to squat properly to pump up the buttocks and legs. Some panicked sit on a diet, try them one by one and become frustrated when you do not see the desired result. Others throw a lot of money on cosmetics in the hope that they will help. The secret lies in the fact that the help can only comprehensive measures: proper nutrition, special cosmetics and exercise. Without the last part of any other ways the effect will not give. there are some pretty effective exercise to clean up problem areas. They are simple and can be performed by people of any physical training.

Is it possible to pump the legs

Many are interested in the question of how to squat, to pump up the buttocks, not feet. Fear pumped legs clear, but this point is self-explanatory. The fact is that, in order to foot the ordinary man looked like a bodybuilder feet need intensive athletic training for at one month and compulsory acceptance of steroids. Therefore, the risk of such results for the ordinary person experiencing minimal or moderate exercise, reduced to a minimum. Nevertheless, there are a number of exercises that have the focus on the work of the buttocks. Of course, to completely isolate the leg muscles will not be able, in any case they are involved in the process, but just in total harmony female figure attached not only well taut buttock muscles, but also elastic muscles of the thighs.

Can I do at home

Knowing how to squat, to pump up the buttocks, and regularly using special exercises that can be done tightening the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, flat roundness of the buttocks, shapely legs and improve skin appearance. On this occasion, very often hear that to get good results is possible only in the gym under the supervision of a trainer-consultant. This view can not be called wrong, just in the hall with the use of simulators may be somewhat faster to achieve the effect. But those who for whatever reason do not have the conditions to visit these rooms, can do exercises at home. Only need two important aspects that cause many difficulties: time for sports and willpower. This article will be given advice on how to squat, to pump up the buttocks at home.

Getting Started

To achieve maximum benefit from the lessons a little to understand how to squat. To pump up the buttocks, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Completely stop the elevator - go only on foot, and on the rise, making the step to the next step, you need as much as possible to stretch the muscles of the buttocks.
  2. It is necessary to go to a system of proper nutrition: eat more protein, vegetables, and eliminate from the diet of sweets, fats, fried and flour products. The final day dinner should not be up to 18 hours as advised by many, and for three hours before bedtime - the mode of the day in all people different.
  3. Meals during the day should be multiple, but small volume.
  4. It is imperative that adequate fluid intake - pure water in an amount of two to three liters per day. It is best to drink at least half an hour before a meal and an hour and a half after the meal.

What to look for

It is important to note that miracles do not happen. Therefore expect that the results will come quickly, it would be wrong. Yes, first movements can be seen in a couple of months, but the main achievements have to wait about six months or more, depending on the regularity of sessions and loads of intensity. To go to the question of how to squat, to pump up the buttocks, it is necessary to identify the main points needed to solve the problem.

  1. Classes should be held not less than three times a week. A greater load on the muscles can be given twice a week, and one must be akin to cardio - jogging in the nature, sport treadmill, dancing.
  2. Before the exercises it is necessary to carry out a fifteen-minute workout to warm up the muscles - suitable steps, easy swings.
  3. To be effective, exercise is not enough to know how to squat. To pump up the buttocks, performing the exercises, you need all the time to strain the muscles of the buttocks, that is, to "feel" them.
  4. Do not give your muscles at once the full load - to the untrained body it can be excessive stress. To begin with half a load, and gradually move to the full range.
  5. You must be prepared for the fact that the muscles will ache, - help a gentle massage.

Next, consider some exercises to inflate the leg muscles and buttocks, and given advice on how to squat, to pump up the buttocks. Photos help to perform the task properly.

The complex is useful exercises

All exercises should be performed in three sets of twenty reps with a little breather between sets.

  1. Sitting on the floor with legs outstretched and arms bent at the elbows start to "walk" back and forth, moving the buttocks.
  2. Stand exactly face to the support and holding it with both hands. The back is straight. Taps straight leg straight back with an extended toe cap to the highest possible position. Change leg. If you perform retraction and slightly to the side, it will also work hamstring.
  3. Stand up straight, legs apart about 60 cm, the priest aside back, knees slightly bent, hands behind his head. Perform shallow squats, straining buttocks. Note that, how to squat, to pump up the buttocks, rather than feet: the priest must be kept parallel to the floor, squatting to perform not below the level of the knees. How to squat in order to pump up the buttocks, rather than feet?
  4. Stand with your back flat, hands are lowered. You can take weights. Perform lunges forward with one foot. Care should be taken to have ejected thigh leg was strictly parallel to the floor and the shin - is exactly perpendicular. Repeat with the other leg. How to squat in order to pump up the buttocks, rather than feet?
  5. Get on your knees and back straight. Bent at the knees at a right angle to lift the leg straight up, at the same time straining buttocks, legs not pulling a sock. It does the same with the other leg. To complicate the knee bent legs of the dumbbell can be clamped. How to squat in order to pump up the buttocks, rather than feet?
  6. Lie on your back with legs bent and heels resting on the floor to lift the pelvis, while strongly tensing the buttocks. How to squat in order to pump up the buttocks, rather than feet?
  7. Lie on your side, the lower leg is bent at an angle of 90 degrees and the other leg flat lift up to the highest possible position. Done slowly and smoothly, do not pull the sock. How to squat in order to pump up the buttocks, rather than feet?

And remember that only perseverance can guarantee the long-awaited results!