Effective means for the growth of eyelashes

Female beauty is very delicate and subtle in enchanting sight. No wonder they say "the eyes - a mirror of the soul." A man can fall at the feet of a woman from one of her eyes, only to be conquered by a wave of eyelashes. Therefore, the fair sex so much emphasis on the eyes: stained, try to avoid the appearance of wrinkles and, of course, nourish lashes so that they were lush, long and beautiful.

Unfortunately, with the cilia are weakened, fade, become thinner and break down over time. This is influenced by many different factors - from ecology to the constant use of cosmetics. Is it possible to save a woman's charm and cilia regain its former beauty? Absolutely. Today, store shelves just crammed different cosmetic products, among them funds for the growth of eyelashes.

Effective means for the growth of eyelashes

How to help the cilia

Restore cilia contribute to their fortification and nutrition. How we take care of flowers, and of a need to constantly monitor, to love, cherish. When our eyelashes are quite useful elements, they become thicker, longer and more luxuriant. To this end, developed a variety of technologies and miracle serum, these include the Chinese agent for the growth of eyelashes, and many European and national - everything your heart desires.

To our great joy, today, it is not difficult to find and choose the perfect cure or remedy for the care of eyelashes. In modern laboratories, a number of scientists and cosmetologists daily create improved products to maintain beauty. Means for eyelash growth is not an exception, they have a profound effect on the molecular level. Pleasant as the availability and variety of proposed oil and other substances to restore hair. Of particular note is the absence of contraindications, hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly ingredients. They allow the use of funds even during pregnancy.

Did you know ...

We talk a little bit about the cilia and the most interesting information about their nature.

  1. On average, a person has more than two hundred desyatimillimetrovyh cilia on the upper eyelid. On the ground - about a hundred and fifty, they are long and 7 millimeters.
  2. eyelashes Regeneration occurs at times more often than the updating hair. Each cilium is replaced within 200 days of its existence, and sometimes more often.
  3. They have their own energy limit, on reaching which, the growth stops. If a woman wants a long and thick eyelashes, she has no choice but to resort to an artificial increase in the volume and length - capacity.
  4. In order to cilia rapidly growing need about a month or two of intensive care and some treatments using means for the growth of eyelashes. Reviews about used miraculous assistants speak for themselves.
Effective means for the growth of eyelashes

Why starts loss

Generally, loss of cilia - the process of natural and unobtrusive, there is a constant renewal of hair. But if the loss becomes tangible and visible, it is an alarming symptom. You must first find the cause, then the right, and gently remove it.

Causes intense loss of eyelashes:

  • no care cilia or incorrect selected vehicle;
  • procedure is not performed up remover before going to bed;
  • allergic to cosmetics used;
  • artificial building;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • frequent stress and anxiety conditions;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • a bad environment;
  • weakening of the immune system and diseases of any organ.

Analyze your state and contrast with these factors, for sure you will understand why so rapidly lose scalp century. May notice multiple pathogenic factors that must be immediately eliminated, do not neglect also common diagnosis of the organism. Maybe your cilia signal a much more serious problem. Choose lashes complex care required after a thorough collection and analysis of information about your body. It may happen that some medicinal cosmetics will not be enough, and it is necessary to connect the medication, diet or vitamin cocktails.


Any problem prevention is better than then long to recover its former state. It is therefore important to know what preventive measures should produce, to as little as possible to deal with the loss of hair on the eyelids.

Effective means for the growth of eyelashes

Terms of care cilia are listed below.

  1. Make sure to remove makeup from the face and eyes before going to bed. It is not necessary to sleep with the painted lashes, they are from this rapidly thinned and become brittle and dull. Make-up remover is a very delicate area is better to use special funds for sensitive skin, or wash with a hypoallergenic foam.
  2. Get rid of expired cosmetics and creams. The shelf life of products is very important, such as mascara, you have opened, is suitable for use not more than three months. If a cosmetic preparation causes allergies, itching, redness of the eyelids or other discomfort, it is better without regret, send it in the trash.
  3. Do not abuse the artificial increase in lash - building or gluing purchased. All this dries the skin of eyelids, also known cases of eye infections entering during cosmetic procedures.
  4. Fill in your diet as much as possible with fresh vegetables, fruit and fiber. Balanced nutrition - the guarantee of health of the whole body and strengthen the hair.
  5. To refuse hormonal makeup. It is better to choose a natural remedy for eyelash growth. In order to avoid the harmful effects of hormones, carefully study the composition of any cosmetic product that you purchase.

Select the eyelash growth stimulator

With the current variety of eyelash growth stimulators to make a purchase is very difficult. Where to begin? What to look for when choosing a means for the growth of eyelashes? Reviews - Do pay attention to them? There are more questions than answers, and you need to find the perfect solution, otherwise the result can never achieve. Fortunately, there are certain points on which we can rely in the selection.

Although reducing stimulants, and a great many on the principle of exposure they have to differentiate between 2 types. First nourish and moisturize, body healthy cilia. Second promote regeneration. What is the best tool for the growth of eyelashes?

By moisturizing and nourishing substances include various oils or conditioners, those available in the form of ordinary mascara. Using these products, a large and rapid increase in length is unlikely to succeed to achieve. The effect, of course, is: cilia will become stronger, healthier life sparkled brilliantly, regrowing, but we should not expect an intense density.

Effective means for the growth of eyelashes

To become eyelashes longer, and they were much longer, it is better to use specialized stimulants. On sale they occur less frequently, the cost is much higher nutrient serums, oils and conditioners, and it is composed of much more active ingredients that stimulate the growth of hair on the eyelids.

What are the components increase the growth and density of

So, what should be part of the funds for the growth of eyelashes that you get guaranteed results? The basic components stimulating hair update age, we list below.

  1. Bio-peptides. They improve lashes structure, penetrating deep into the roots and providing a powerful restorative effect.
  2. Taurine. It refers to amino acids that increase the energy level. Nourishing roots, it begins to recover each eyelash, make them stronger and more dense, but also stimulates the growth of new hairs.
  3. Aminomonosaharidy (eg, glucosamine) is very useful to our eyelashes. If the body is found in the lack of a useful substance, the scalp becomes thinner, it loses power, the roots dry out and begin their loss of hair follicles.
  4. The strongest component which enhances the effect of the others. This prostaglandin - lipid material, the initiating phase of intensive regrowth eyelashes. In short, the Assistant contributes to the awakening of the sleeping cilia and accelerates regeneration.

In addition to the main reducing agents, there is also the side, but also the effective ingredients that promote healthier hair bulbs, roots and the structure of cilia. These include:

  • plant extracts such as ginseng, ginkgo biloba, Siberian Ginseng, promotes blood flow to the hair roots, improve the nutritional metabolism, this includes nettle, chamomile, horse chestnut, and so on. Etc .;
  • B vitamins - they eliminate dryness, strengthen the root in the hair follicle, follicles supply nutrients and update the cilia;
  • groups of vitamins A, C, E, taking on the role of antioxidants, the cells give the necessary protection from negative environmental impacts.

If a part of the means for the growth of eyelashes you find these ingredients, you will get the desired result. Of course, in addition to the foregoing, it will be a number of ingredients, depending on the manufacturer, but this is a marketing tool and a way to promote products.

The description and the effect of certain funds for improvement of

It is worth to consider certain popular media separately. Some of them are of great interest for the female population. Many of the fair sex prefer store-bought foods, and other interesting folk remedy only for the growth of eyelashes. Differences of these drugs is quite noticeable on the composition and method of exposure. To make your choice, you need to know about them all.

The drug "Alerana"

Means for the growth of eyelashes "Alerana" look like ordinary ink. The same tube and brush. This means biphasic: in the morning is applied to the eyelashes serum for growth in the evenings - nourishing component. Thus, it turns out complex care.

In serum-stimulator high content of taurine acid and plant extracts, they contribute to the strengthening and growth of hair. The Nourishing Night substances activate the healing oil, and vitamin E.

To the result was palpable and visible, are a means of up to three months and repeat the course every six months to consolidate the results.

The agent for the growth of eyelashes "Kareprost"

Effective means for the growth of eyelashes

This serum restores the structure of the hair from the inside, acting firming. The main component of the regeneration of cilia - is bimatoprost. This substance is contained in the tissues of the human body. Thanks to him, improved materials and blood flow to the hair follicles exchange, cover growth is enhanced.

The agent for the growth of eyelashes "Kareprost" is used in the course of 30-60 days duration, depending on the complexity of the problem. Some experts prescribe it as a reducing agent after removal of artificial eyelashes. It is not harmful and has no side effects. However, its membership better study carefully, so as not to use the component to which you are allergic.

Traditional methods of

Folk remedy for eyelash growth - the choice of many girls. Natural components they rely on 100 per cent, even if the effect is mnimalen, no harm will not cause such funds.

Methods of traditional medicine offers a huge variety of procedures, reducing scalp century. Especially nice and comfortable that prepare them under the force of every woman. You can feel like a witch, creating miraculous balms and masks, a part of which, as a rule, include vegetable oils, juices, herbs, beneficial effect on hair growth. In addition, the agent for the growth of eyebrows, eyelashes or hair, cooked their own hands, just will not contain harmful chemicals. To independently choose cosmetic folk remedy, you need to study the impact of particular natural oils, herbs and other natural ingredients. Next we will highlight some of the secrets and tricks of using natural ingredients that are actively involved in strengthening the hair and eyelashes.

Effective means for the growth of eyelashes


Excellent tool to strengthen the growth of eyelashes - a castor oil. It nourishes each lash from root to tip, and activating all energy forces. Accelerated growth of hair, increases the density. Apply castor oil ordinary cotton swab before going to bed.

In order to enhance the operation and double the efficiency of castor oil, add a magic bullet even sea buckthorn oil with carrot juice, which revealed an increased content of carotenes and vitamin A. Apply the mixture on the whole length of the hair and lightly massage the lids. This home remedy for eyelash growth will help to forget about the problems of hair loss.

There is another oil that always helps women save from hair loss, be it thinned the hair, eyebrows or eyelashes - burdock. It contains a huge number of active substances and proteins that stimulate the renewal of hair. If the cilia every day to lubricate the mixture of burdock oil, petroleum jelly and brandy in equal parts, in a month you will notice what they are lush and long steel.

At loss of cilia in a hurry to the aid of his grandmother's recipes - United almond and peach kernel oil. The mixture is heated a little, dipped into it a cotton pad and wipe his eyes. Photographing means with age can be within 15 minutes after application. Use these two oils on the grounds that they contain vitamin F, and this is the right tool for the growth of eyelashes. Pharmacy - a storehouse of medicinal herbs and esters, which will restore the structure of hair, it is worth it to seek a solution to the loss of eyelashes.

Herbal decoctions and infusions of

To restore eyelashes make herbal compress, granting the expressiveness of your look. To this mix leaves mother coltsfoot, daisy, calendula, welded and applied as a lotion to the eye. This not only helps with loss of eyelashes, but also reduces fatigue from his eyes, removes puffiness and dark circles.

If for some reason you do not have such a mixture approached (allergy, intolerance to the smell, and so on. D.) Use to compress the infusion of cornflower and sage. This is no less effective means for the growth of eyelashes. However, treatment with herbs considerable length of time, than the use of other drugs, but it is the safest.

Pets mask

If you are - a creative person and adore to create makeup with your hands, try to make yourself firming mask. This exciting and effective.

№1 mask. In equal parts of olive oil are connected, almond, burdock, castor oil, seasoning with fish oil and vitamin E. The mask should be stored in the refrigerator and daily applied to the eyelashes. In order to apply the tool comfortable to use a brush from the old carcasses, only wash the area thoroughly. The course - to full recovery.

№2 mask. One tablespoon is taken tea castor oil aloe juice, 2 drops of Vitamin A (as an oil) and twice more vitamin E (they together are contained in capsules "Aevitum" sold in pharmacies). Apply this mask is similar to the first. Apply daily until full remedy the situation.

Effective means for the growth of eyelashes

This list of tips and solutions to help cope with the problems of thinning and loss of eyelashes, but it is worth remembering that this is only the outer side of the treatment, so if you have heavy hair loss, it is necessary to review the diet and lifestyle. Do not pull the trip to the doctor if you have already tried many means, but have not achieved the desired result. The state of human hair cover may depend directly on the work of some of the internal organs. Be attentive to their health, and many problems will be solved by itself.