Clothing mods of the last century and the present time: similarities and differences

Hipsters - style in clothes, youth subculture or lifestyle? Translated into English dandy - a hipster. However, clothing and confused hipster Hipsters impossible. In this part, they differ radically.

Clothing mods of the last century and the present time: similarities and differences

Hipsters: grandparents and grandchildren

Consider mods, born at the turn of the millennia, and their grandparents - mods middle of the last century. What is the difference between them? That brings together representatives of different periods subculture "dudes"? Style of clothes? Photo, placed in an article this showcase. In the first two it seems that between the fashionable youth of the past and our contemporaries do not have anything to do, but look at the bottom two pictures: one - dude, on the other - the hipster. Find the differences. The fact that internal attitude similar mods both generations. Both are, of course, indicate the direction in which moves the whole of society as a whole. In this lies the secret of this style. On the one hand - the antipodes, and on the other - a complete copy. This is not only and not so much clothing, but rather the spiritual sphere, because the fashion for clothes is always more than just an "onion". Any designer will tell: "In order to make the model look harmonious, it must feel the way that created the master." Only in this case, the photo shoot and fashion show will be successful and inspire the public desire to complement their wardrobe of his creations.

Hipsters by Valeri Todorovski

In recent years, after the publication of the same movie Valeri Todorovski, street fashion style added another. Modern clothes in the style hipsters 40-50-ies is bright and variegated colors of fabrics, very feminine dresses for girls, jackets in colorful cage for boys, extremely wide or, conversely, too tight pants, high smooth hairstyles with fleece, expressive accessories .

Clothing mods of the last century and the present time: similarities and differences

The young people organize theme parties, which dress in the fashion of 70 years ago. Looking at them, it is impossible not to smile. Slim waist elegant women are emphasized lush multi-layered petticoats, worn under dresses. What could be more feminine and more beautiful diorovsky X-silhouette "New Bow" and narrow sheath dress, tailored for complex patterns representing a figure similar to an hourglass, and the length of the knee or slightly below? Accessories, bright, large and eye-catching, expressive contrast with the suit material. Clothing mods 50s sewed of the most fashionable in the middle of the last century fabrics, surely then it was synthetic, today it can be put on just for the sake of shocking, unless, of course, be able to get, - nylon, nylon, polyester, crimplene, bologna, acetate and the like, has long passed into the category of rare.

Soviet dandies, or "Against whom have been friends?"

Interestingly, the Soviet morality clothes dandies perceived with hostility, as a vulgar display of insipidity and rootless cosmopolitanism. However, after several years of domestic light industry started producing the very stilyazhnyh sweaters with reindeer and motley fabrics proverbial peas, strip and cage. The fact that only recently being pounded to the nines for which expelled from the Komsomol and expelled from the institute, suddenly became respectable and recommended as perfectly corresponding to the builders of communism. Now the enemies of society proclaimed hippies and beatniks.

Hipsters past - workers, artisans or elements that undermine the social fabric?

Where they took their clothes Soviet dudes? Clothing recoloured own hands and was revised by skilled craftsmen from the one that sold in stores. Many people purchase from black marketeers or brought from foreign trips parents.

Clothing mods of the last century and the present time: similarities and differences

For the most part, for a country behind the Iron Curtain, all that comes to us through the cordon, bypassing the legal ways, bore stilyazhnosti shade. It was not just clothes. Under this category fall, and music, and literature, cinema and - any visual art and technology. Hipsters were masters of all trades, they differed enterprise and an active lifestyle, which were forced to hide.

The main difference mods past and present - a question of patriotism

The main difference relating to the mentality of mods and hipsters, that dudes idolized United States. The word "dude", which has been used in communion as a symbol of their own, trusted and worthy Man, stands for "a person who respects the high American culture." Current dudes-hipsters, by contrast, tend to be native Russian, to the intelligence. Dense vegetation on the face - a mandatory component of the image of modern dandies. Beard, that for centuries periodically caused great controversy in our country and abroad was seen as an integral part of the appearance of the Russian peasant - as component stylish image. Beard, balalaika and bears on a string - that's you and the average citizen of Russia, according to the limited layman Euro-American heartland.

Modern dudes-hipsters

Modern hipster Hipsters, a la 2015, easily recognizable by the style of dress. Low-key colors, voluminous scarves, rolled up around the neck, like a man freezes, and the only way to warm up a cold throat. Shapeless knitted hats or hats with brims, canvas bags, fabrics, natural fibers, horn-rimmed glasses - Clothing-hipsters hipsters reminds wardrobe marginalized from urban landfills or poor intellectuals. This is an image of people who are unable to buy new fashion items. All true, but the clothes in the style of hipsters, hipsters are usually complemented by the latest model of iPhone for fifty thousand rubles and a train of very expensive perfume.

Clothing mods of the last century and the present time: similarities and differences

Attitude of young people - and hipsters hipsters

Clothing and hipsters hipsters shows that the adherents of this style, loving life, appreciating the latest achievements in science and technology, do not feel comfortable in the realities of modern morality, a little out of sorts, I suppose. And those and others - or the children of wealthy parents, or are trying to show that they are of such an environment. They are often not realizing in this report, other thinner feel disunity and conflict in the social structures and how they are able to reject the modern false and contradictory moral adults.