Bear hunting in the winter. Hunting of polar bears

Few know that the bear is the largest carnivorous animal. Some individuals from his family reach a length of three meters and weigh about seven hundred kilograms. Strong body with a strong five-fingered paws and big claws, well-developed ears, excellent vision and truly perfect sense of smell made it an excellent animal hunter. Predator capable smell approaching extraction from a great distance.

Bear hunting in the winter. Hunting of polar bears


Bears on the planet live in a variety of conditions - from forests, steppes and high mountains to the ice in the Arctic. In this regard, different types are not only a way of life, but also feeding.

The bulk of these predators mammals of the family lives in the plains and mountain forests in temperate or tropical latitudes, for some species is characterized by an attachment to the water. But polar bears hunt which led to a sharp decline in their numbers, inhabits arctic expanses of ice up to the Arctic Ocean. This is - the only animal species of this family, which is a semi-aquatic lifestyle.

The polar bear

It is much smaller in numbers of his fellow brown. Pressed man, he is gradually receding into the open sea, adapting life on drifting ice floes. In winter, come ashore only to pregnant females. They rest up in dens before the cold weather.

Bear hunting in the winter. Hunting of polar bears

The main reason for the small number of these animals - their human extermination. They are not very careful, but because hunting of polar bears, especially with the use of modern weapons, is quite simple and always dobychliva.

Fishing in ice

As long as they kill only indigenous people of the Far North with spears and bow damage in the population was small. However, since the seventeenth century in the Arctic waters began to regularly sail mammal court. Since that time, hunting of polar bears has become very common. For residents of the North is a pet - the main commercial species. Bear hunting here has long been carried out with the sled dogs. They are harnessed to the sled, which go to look for prey in icy snow-covered desert. Seeing a polar bear or fatliquoring find his trail, hunters approach the animal. When the distance is reduced enough to be able to attract the biggest and most evil of huskies teams who could hold prey, dogs released. These "bugbears", which are specifically train can get a hold of a predator and keep it up as long as people came to the rescue did not shoot the victim in the head. Sometimes the wounded, "the master of the Arctic" escapes, sometimes even jumping into wormwood. But experienced hunters know that a thick layer of fat will not drown wounded animal, but because it can be pulled out. I must say that the number of these animals reached a critical level today. Therefore, throughout the Arctic bear hunting is prohibited without special permission.

Bear hunting in the winter. Hunting of polar bears

Brown species

This toed inhabitant of steppes and forests - a very dangerous animal. Not always meet with them for human ends safely. Nevertheless, bear hunting is very popular, especially in Russia.

Seasonal cyclical lifestyle of this predator quite pronounced. By winter, the bears fatten subcutaneous fat, Lying with the fall in the den. Depending on the climatic conditions they are in them for about six months, until the March. However, in the south, where the winter, as a rule, there is little snow, the bear may not lie dormant.

Sometimes toed predator does not have time for the autumn quite fattening. So sometimes he wakes up in the middle of winter, and goes in search of food. Such individuals are called rods. They are very dangerous, because hunger makes them ruthless. They attack any living creature, met him on the way, even a man. They have very little chance to survive until spring.

Hunting Species

The fishery on this brown inhabitant of forests and steppes is of several types. The most common bear hunting in the winter - in the den. In addition, it "go" with the approach to the bait, with a knife, spear, with the huskies and so on. D.

Bear hunting in the winter. Hunting of polar bears

Regardless of the method of production, we must always remember that bear hunting is very dangerous. It is a ritual that must be correctly "conduct", otherwise it could end in tears for the man. After the bear - this is extremely dangerous and terribly insidious beast, which produce no preparation is impossible.

In den

In this kind of fishing should be involved at least three people. Two are armed, and the third follows the dogs. Bear hunting in the den should take place at dawn. It is a lot of surprises, in fact survive the extraction of the hole is almost impossible. Sometimes the bear lies in a place like that for a shot opportunity does not happen, sometimes, the wounded could leave. Experienced hunters know that then find a wounded animal is hard enough.

Bear hunting in the den is as follows: dogs, mostly huskies, sent to the place of production of hibernation. They begin their barking wake clumsy. If necessary, it helps people tormoshaschy bear long pole. Angry brown predator crawls out of the den. At this point, the hunter needed to make an accurate shot.

Bear hunting in the winter. Hunting of polar bears

The method of the winter fishing is most common in the central part of Russia. However, many professionals, he is not very popular. The reason is that this bear hunting has two sides. From a moral point of view it is rather soulless as mining, sleeping den, virtually doomed: she had no chance. Sooner or later, the dogs wake clumsy, and he jumps right to the bullets. On the other hand, the bear hunting is extremely dobychliva.

With huskies

Dogs seek out prey and hold it in place until the arrival of man. For such a method of hunting Laikas thoroughly train. Well-trained dogs chasing beast close to it do not fit, but only the voice of sign to the owner. Experienced and evil "medvezhatnitsy" must have the courage and skill, in addition, they must be able to grip slippery and stop jumped out of the den clumsy.

Bear hunting in the winter. Hunting of polar bears

With a spear

When people talk about the weapons for hunting, "master of taiga", then the first thing that comes to mind. Indeed, fork and bear are concepts inseparable. Even today, in the early twenty-first century, these weapons of our ancestors did not waver to "Tales of olden times." With spear hunted mainly in the winter season - in the den or the dogs, when the animal is already raised. On this method of extraction of bear risked only strong, courageous and clever people. Rohatyn was made of hard wood. To its center was mounted a long metal knife.

Bear hunting with a spear held before the first snow to man nothing prevented easy movement. People should have been two. In addition, such a hunt and took the dogs that was stopped and tightened bear.

Also in Russia has always been spread bear hunting with a knife. The meaning of it is that, seizing the moment, cause production blow to the chest or head. Most often, it was a time when the bear attacked the hunter. And when between them was only a few meters, an experienced "safecracker" plunges a knife.

On the bait

In Siberia, this method is considered the most effective. Hunting bear on bait is organized using a falling pet waste meat or fish. They spread near the pre-arranged ambush - in places where the beast is more often. The smell of bait has always attracted the attention of a bear.

Bear hunting in the winter. Hunting of polar bears

skradok for shooting is arranged in a tree. It - flooring made of poles or planks. Bait for bear spread at a distance of twenty meters. Most often prey comes in the night, but get in the ambush need long before dusk, making sure to leave no traces. Bear hunting at bait runs with twelve-gauge rifle.


Regardless of the method of extraction of bear, one must realize that in front of him - a very tricky, insidious and powerful being. Therefore, treat the fishing is needed with the utmost care.