Laser biorevitalization: reviews

Beauty salons are increasingly offering new technologies. One of them - Laser biorevitalization. Word of the new, not everyone knows what it means. Try to figure out what it is and what can be achieved. Let us turn to a review Women already past sessions biorevitalisation. We learn from them, whether or not to trust this innovative method?

What is laser biorevitalization?

As is known, hyaluronic acid - a leader in anti-aging components. Many modern technologies use this ingredient to improve the appearance of skin.

Laser biorevitalization: reviews

The essence of them is often reduced to the introduction into the deeper layers of the epidermis of hyaluronic acid. Thus, for example, injection revitalization is for injection of the drug in the face, neck, hands. But there is a method of administration of hyaluronic acid in the deep layers of the epidermis without injections. It is called laser biorevitalization. To perform this test requires a special device.

The steps of the procedure in

Laser biorevitalization: reviews

• cleansing facial skin. The specialist makes the client easy peeling to remove dead layer of the epidermis. But maybe just clean the skin using a special gel for washing. Now the skin is ready for the procedure.

• Eye protection. Master puts forever client gauze. He then puts on her goggles to protect your eyes from the laser action during the procedure.

• The application of the drug. Treatment area master lubricates gel containing low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. By itself, this formulation can have on the skin noticeable rejuvenating effect. In order to intensify its components, special equipment is required. Therefore, we proceed to the next step. • Work with the laser. The massage lines skin specialist conducts multidiodnym laser emitter. As a result of this magnified penetration hyaluronic acid molecules in the upper layers of the epidermis.

• Application of the caregiver means after completion of the procedure. Master puts a nutritious mask with ceramides to the treatment area in order to fix the result. Now hyaluronic acid will not evaporate.

Laser biorevitalization: reviews

Cosmetologists say that laser biorevitalization must be held courses for 3-7 sessions per month. However, if there are clear signs of aging, the process should do more often: 6-10 times with an interval of 4-7 days.


The indications for this procedure are:

• dryness and sagging skin, poor tone of her;

• age-related changes of face, neck and décolleté;

• facial wrinkles and age;

• burns to the skin after sun tanning or after chemical peels;

• scars and stretch marks.

Laser biorevitalization: reviews


for the session Restrictions

Contraindications for a procedure such as laser skin biorevitalization is herpes, idiosyncrasy hyaluronic acid, malignancy, pregnancy. Also, doctors are advised not to hold sessions for women who are breastfeeding.

An alternative method of

• no injection mesotherapy. By means of special equipment (laser, magnetic, ionic apparatus, apparatus for cryotherapy) conducts master skin rejuvenation procedure, treating it as a special "cocktail" consisting of vitamins, acids or homeopathic medicines. Composition of the solution chosen by the specialist, depending on skin problems to be solved. • Bioreinforcement face. The procedure of experienced cosmetologist. Under anesthesia, he enters under the skin of a special gel under a special scheme.

• Plazmolifting face. The newest method facelift with the help of a client's own blood plasma. It involves the injection of plasma rich in platelets, in the area of ​​the face and body.

• Mesotherapy hyaluronic acid. It carried out by injecting hyaluron acid in need of rejuvenation: the face, neck, arms, chest area. The method is also called injection revitalization.

• 3d-mezoniti. Method of skin lifting. It is done under anesthesia. The skin is deeply introduced steel needle through which layers of the epidermis is delivered in so-called mesons, which was later absorbed there. The method has proved popular with the elimination of nasolabial folds, "crow's feet" around the eyes, transverse wrinkles on the forehead, pulling an oval face, cellulite and stretch marks.

• Contour. It involves an injection under the skin without anesthesia biologically active substances that contribute to its rejuvenation.

Laser biorevitalization: reviews

Opinion consumers

Try to figure out what women like laser biorevitalization face. Reviews of saying that many already tested this method. Beauty requires sacrifice. Many modern methods of rejuvenation deliver a lot of agonizing minutes our women seeking to become even more beautiful. But these words did not refer to this technology. The main thing, as indicated by the clients of beauty salons - it is painless and pleasurable sensations during laser biorevitalisation. Women say that he treatment takes somewhere around an hour. And all this time customers are, relax, relax and enjoy. And it does not feel any burning or tingling, or pain. After treatment, the skin is not reddened and inflamed. It moisturized and soft as if a little tight. Even after revitalization lips are slightly better and look better. The following day, the result does not disappear and kept for a few days. Then the procedure is recommended to repeat.

What has been achieved?

Laser biorevitalization: reviews

Many women say that a particularly good laser biorevitalization that the result of its action can be seen almost immediately. No need to hide his face from the sun, to mask blemishes Tint after the other methods of rejuvenation. The only thing that advise consumers do - it is from time to time to re-take the course of revitalization procedures to save the result. Usually 4 sessions with an interval of 3-4 days is enough that the skin has acquired a tone, fine lines disappeared, narrowing the pores, improved complexion.

What is needed for the best results?

Often tips on care after the procedure gives an expert in the beauty salon, which it holds. But a lot of useful can inform and women who are familiar biorevitalization laser skin. Here's what they recommend that those who decided to try this method:

  1. Ask an Expert in the beauty salon about what preparations with hyaluronic acid it uses. There are expensive import tools that are tested and proven effectiveness. And there are also lesser-known budget brand, the price of which is low. Beauty, value their reputation, using funds from the first group.
  2. After the procedure, and during the course it is necessary to drink at least 2-3 liters of clean water per day. It is important to achieve a good result of skin hydration.
  3. In order to maintain the effect to use face creams with hyaluronic acid or collagen and ceramides. Laser biorevitalization: reviews
  4. In the beauty salon necessary to ask whether there is a master medical education. It is very important. After all, only a qualified specialist will perform the procedure so that after that there were no side effects.
  5. Do not rush to coupons, gift discounts and promotions beauty salons that offer laser biorevitalisation for a small cost. Typically, this is done in order to attract customers, and preparations for the procedure using low-efficiency and low-cost. There is a risk of rejuvenation instead receive only side effects such as facial edema.

Negative customer feedback

Not all beauty salons client so positive to say about this method. Suggests insecurity procedures have contraindications laser biorevitalisation skin. Reviews of women say that, apparently, is not so harmless this technology. Secondly, it should be noted its high cost. The average price of 2,000 rubles per session. In order to obtain a significant effect, it is necessary at least 3-4 times to make laser processing. And it is poured into a round sum. In addition, should take into account the fact that the course of procedures should be repeated every six months. Not all consumers are ready for such spending. There is another circumstance, referred to in a negative comment women. Some of them believe that it is not useful, and can bring harm to laser skin biorevitalization. Reviews of talk about the following warning: You can not use the method to women younger than 50 years. The fact that the hyaluronic acid has the ability to attract water from the surrounding cells. That is why during the course it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. As a consequence, the client may experience swelling of the face that does not fit in with a rejuvenating effect. Furthermore, when hyaluronic acid is gradually removed from the cells, they are dehydrated. The effect obtained during the course of procedures is lost. And sometimes face looks worse than before the use of this method of rejuvenation. We learned about the way that the laser biorevitalization. Reviews women to try out this method of rejuvenation will help us to avoid mistakes during the procedure.