Dry skin on your feet: Causes

Women spend much time moisturizing the face, neck, hands, but sometimes forget about foot care, and yet it also requires proper nutrition. The result is peeling, cracks and roughness. Especially dry skin on my feet bothers people in the winter time of the year when you have to wear warm clothes.

What factors influence the occurrence of peeling of the skin? What are some ways you can get rid of the discomfort? Why is dry skin on your feet itch and crack?

The causes of the problem of

Dry feet most likely to occur in the winter months, when heating premises equipment is taken out of the air all the moisture. The skin begins to look rough, overgrown unpleasant scales and itchy. This problem may be encountered at any age, the main thing - to know how to get rid of it.

Dry skin on your feet: Causes

The main reasons for the feet dry skin include:

  • lack of care;
  • synthetic tights;
  • fungal infections;
  • abuse of the sun;
  • a lack of vitamin E;
  • a variety of diseases.

Dry skin on your feet can be caused by suspension of the natural process of renewal of skin cells. As a result, there are small flakes like dandruff. However, this is a manifestation of a serious disease that requires immediate treatment.

Water treatments and care

Dry skin on your feet? The reasons might be hiding not only improper care or lack of vitamins. A very common factor in the appearance of the feet dry is wrong taking a bath. Hot water and soap destroying act on the skin. They wash off with her natural moisture, resulting in dryness and flaking. Take a bath should be 10 minutes, and in the winter time of the year it should be done no more than twice a day. When washing is better to replace ordinary soap moisturizer that will soften and nourish the skin.

Dry skin on your feet: Causes

Remember that the skin should not be rubbed vigorously with a towel. Such manipulations are removed from the surface of the lion's share of moisture. It is better to gently blot your skin with fresh towel and let it dry well.

After 3-5 minutes after bathing may be applied moisturizer. This can be a special lotion, lotion, cream or any children Vaseline.

Additionally, soften and refresh the skin of the feet will help wrap wax procedure. To do so, apply to the beauty parlor. Legs covered with several layers of warm paraffin wrap up and leave for 30-40 minutes. As a result, horny particles are removed with a wax, and the skin is updated.

Therapeutic baths

If you have very dry skin on your feet will help herbs. Their infusion to be added to the bath, and after the procedure to do a light massage of shins.

Dry skin on your feet: Causes

The most effective herbs for this procedure are:

  • Chamomile;
  • oak bark;
  • sage;
  • mountain arnica;
  • yarrow.

These trays are held twice a week for 20 minutes. As a result, the legs skin moisturized, reduces the risk of fungal diseases, heals small cracks, relieves irritation.

Nutritional oil

Very dry skin on your feet will soften if it applied to a variety of masks. Mixing equal parts coconut oil and vitamin A, you get a great nutritional tool that will prevent your skin from drying out. A variety of aromatic concentrates can also be added to your foot cream. For example, oil of sandalwood, tea tree and patchouli. Good for the skin mask of cream or fat sour cream. Resorting to such a humidification mean, you can not worry about the glut lipids. The skin absorbs as much oil and fat as it needs.

There was a dry spot on the skin of the feet

If you experience such problems should consult a doctor. Perhaps it is eczema, which is treated only with steroid ointments. It is also worth to pay close attention to your diet.

Discard the food containing colorants, preservatives, harmful fats. The greatest number of vitamins included in ordinary natural foods. Prefer fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts. Do not neglect the seafood - especially a lot of valuable substances contain red fish, seaweed, mussels, calamari.

Dry feet

Itching, cracking, discomfort, - that such manifestations may be encountered when the stop skin drying out.

Dry skin on your feet: Causes

Heels can burst up the blood, causing excruciating pain. Such wounds are open to getting infections, and often to the common symptoms align signs of fungal lesions.

Dry skin on your feet: the cause of the cracks

For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to find out the factors that influenced the occurrence of dry feet. The most common ones are:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • climate change;
  • frostbite of the feet;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • wearing open shoes;
  • socks of synthetic materials;
  • the use of small quantities of liquid;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stress;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • taking certain medication;
  • age-related changes.

Dry skin on the soles of the feet can be a symptom of a hidden flow in the body of serious illness. Therefore, if self-treatment does not work, it is best to consult a dermatologist.

foot care

To your heels have always been in order, you should regularly follow the simple rules. The first to be processed daily foot pumice to remove the horny layer of the epithelium.

Do not forget to do daily foot bath with herbs. Good help douche: It enhances the blood circulation. Also to this end, good massage, and lift your legs above the level of the head during rest for 5-10 minutes.

Dry skin on your feet: Causes

Nourishing cream for the feet or the special remedy of cracks is necessary each day to put on your heels, and at night it is desirable to put on cotton socks.

Good help salt and herbal bath. The warm water should be added to strong chamomile extracts, nettle, calendula. After the procedure, feet carefully processed pumice, wiped, and then apply a nourishing cream.

Wear only spacious, comfortable shoes made of leather, which does not stop squeezing and does not prevent the penetration of air!

Redness - dangerous symptom

Most often change hue leg skin sheets indicating that the penetration into the body of infection. Most likely, this athlete's foot - a disease that appears as a result of infection of the foot fungus. Dry red skin on the feet begin to itch and itch, which causes severe discomfort.

Infected with fungus can be in public places such as swimming pools, public showers, sports facilities, saunas. In order to protect themselves from infection control, you must be sure to take a spare pair of shoes, and avoid walking barefoot.

Dry skin on your feet: Causes

Also, do not wear someone else's shoes, you should always have a personal hygiene. The fungus can occur if you regularly wear dirty socks or shoes to wear unseasoned. If you strongly itchy dry skin on your feet, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Signs of the disease

The appearance of the fungus most often signaled by itching and unpleasant odor. Also can appear swelling, burning, and sometimes fever.

Affected fungus places are beginning to crack, to hurt, there are diaper rash, peeling, worried about dry skin on the toes. With the addition of the infection occurs roughness stop, and painful areas covered ulcers.

Often foot fungus causes various allergic reactions, which pass to other parts of the body. The disease is difficult: there are ulcers, erosion, painful blisters with fluid.


Getting rid of the fungus of the foot takes place in several stages:

  • eliminates the redness;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • applied antifungal therapy;
  • is restored normal blood circulation affected areas;
  • conducted disease prevention.

Treatment of dry skin on the feet caused by fungus, carried out with the help of ointments, special creams and gels. In addition, the doctor attributed medicated preparations: solutions, tablets.

Dry skin on your feet: Causes

Also recommended home treatment using foot baths with the addition of potassium permanganate powder. After the procedure is applied to the affected areas of cream, and received antibiotics.

To dry flaky skin on the feet does not interfere with the penetration of ointments, it must be removed with a salicylic Vaseline. After its application exfoliated flakes are easily removed with pumice.


You want to forget that such dry skin on your feet? Use for its effective moisturizing cosmetics containing vitamin E and fatty acids. Such is cream with sea buckthorn oil and mink. He is quickly absorbed and does not form an oily film and nourishes the skin of feet.

A good remedy for dryness is cream with black cumin oil. Its basis is also a mink oil. This tool is used with eczema, psoriasis, as it contains no hormonal components, heals skin and promotes its regeneration.


If you have dry skin on the feet, the causes can be various disorders in the body. Improper nutrition, addictions, abuse of junk food can easily provoke a more dangerous disease.

Enrich your diet with vegetable oils, beneficial vitamins, keep the right, healthy life. Spend more time in the open fresh air, walk barefoot. Take care of your health, protect your body from the negative effects of the environment and be sure to enjoy your life. Then unpleasant illness will get you a party!