"Ideal" for weight loss: reviews. Diet pills "Ideal"

Every woman wants to be attractive, special and unique. The modern world dictates its own conditions, so the girls tend to slim figure. Some people manage to achieve a result through proper nutrition, diet and sports. However, it is the strength is not all, since this process requires some time and a good exposure.

Millions of women are looking for an effective weight loss method that does not cause to give up delicious food. such means are most often pills. Unfortunately, there are no miracles. You can not lose weight while lying on the couch. Even if you decide to take such pills, you have to move more and to limit junk food in order to achieve the best result. Women say that they lose weight at the same way of life, but the kilos back with the cessation of taking the pills. That is why we must remember that weight loss results depend entirely on you, the drug will only start a new life.

means "Ideal" - diet pills

The drug "Ideal" is designed to speed up the weight loss process. Its action is based on cleansing the body. Due to the detoxification not only reduces weight but also improves skin and hair. Composed of medicinal plants that grow in Indonesia. They are used for centuries to improve the gastrointestinal tract.

On the territory of Russia, this dietary supplement used for over 10 years, and thus has proved its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight. Many women opt for pills "Ideal" for weight loss. Instructions to the drug indicates that prior to use funds better to consult a doctor.

The composition of the tablets

Manufacturer of the preparation states that the remedy for weight loss created based on natural ingredients that stimulate metabolism.

The pack contains 60 pills. "Ideal" The composition of the tablets:

  • pericarp areca (Areca diksonii Roxb Pericarpium.) - 50 mg;
  • palmate rhubarb (Rhei Radix) - 50 mg;
  • guatsuma ulmaria (Guazumae Folium) - 150 mg;
  • excipients (lactose, starch, talc).

The shelf life is 36 months from date of manufacture. Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.

The main active components of

means "Ideal" for weight loss reviews which mark its vegetable origin, stimulates the body's cleaning due to natural ingredients.

One of the components of the drug is guatsuma vjazolistnogo. It is in contact with the intestine wall and it surrounds prevents absorbed fats coming together with food. Thus, the calories are not deposited in the body.

Palmate Rhubarb - this plant, improves metabolic processes. Moreover, this component has a bactericidal action. He, like guatsuma vjazolistnogo, does not grease absorbed into the body, taking them due to its mild laxative effect.

Pericarp areca is a strong absorbent, therefore contributes to thorough cleaning as well as an overall improvement in health.

tablets admission rules "Ideal"

The drug "Ideal", whose price is about 900 rubles, designed for 2-4 courses for 14 days with an interval of a week. During this period, you can lose up to 10 kg. The result depends on the initial body weight. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to take 2-3 capsules daily during dinner.

This tool can be used for weight loss even after achieving the desired result. It is suitable as a maintenance drug. In this case, it can be used 2-3 times per week 1 capsule.

Additional measures for weight loss "ideal" of tablets admission

For all the efficiency you should not rely on pills "Ideal" for weight loss. Reviews indicate that the tool does not help with obesity. Therefore, if you have a serious weight problem, only one drug does not bring the desired result. It is better to combine with proper nutrition and physical activity.

There are a variety of diets, so pick your favorite technique is not difficult. However, it is not necessary to starve yourself, and fit the most simple, everyday meals are low in fat. Especially good to eat raw vegetables and fruits. You need to drink more water and fluids. Coffee from the diet is better to exclude or limit. Ideal green tea without sugar.

Proper exercise will help to pick up the coach in the gym. But exercises can be performed at home. The main principle is the movement. What it is, the more active is to go overweight.

Tablets for weight loss minus

Nutritionists believe that all dietary supplements to lose weight with laxative effects cause harm to the body with prolonged use. This is due to the fact that the intestine becomes accustomed to the artificial stimulation that deprives him of the need to work on their own. In this regard, after stopping the pills may have problems with obstruction and deterioration of motility, and as a result there is a poisoning of the body due to poor purification. It's worth noting that the habit is not the laxative component and its impact, which disaccustoms work intestine.

As mentioned earlier, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid you drink, when receiving means "Ideal" for weight loss. Reviews sometimes are negative due to dehydration. Due to the laxative effect of the body are derived not only toxins, but also a considerable amount of fluid. Therefore, it is worth considering that for an adult is considered normal to drink 2 liters of water a day, while taking the drug is better to eat 2, 5-3 liters of fluid.

Many people think that taking diet pills does not require a doctor's supervision. This is a misconception. If you want to lose weight without harm to your body, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.


As with any drug, it means "Ideal" has contraindications:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypersensitivity.

Caution is a tool necessary to take people who are allergic. However, this reaction may face any organism. In most cases, this is due to the reception BUD maximum dose for a long time. This can lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, at the first sign of an allergic reaction, you should stop taking the pill and seek medical advice.

"Ideal" Reviews of tablets

These pills have proven themselves on the market. On the preparation can not only read, but also to hear from friends, if they helped the "Ideal" for weight loss.

Reviews of Bad mostly positive. Women write that in the first week was spent between two and four kilograms of excess weight. It notes the ease in the body. Some women say that at the time of taking the pills have decreased appetite, which certainly is a plus in the fight for a slender figure.

In addition, many of the positive reviews indicate that the drug does not require rigid restrictions in meal. This fact only improves the overall mood of losing weight.

Like any tool for weight loss pills "Ideal" and have negative feedback. Some complain of occurrence of problems with the stomach or intestine while the drug. It can be read and that the woman did not notice the result.

Each individual organism, there is no universal pills. Seriously consider the choice of such a drug, you can lose weight without harm to their health.