Fishers note: trout fishing in winter

Trout has recently become increasingly popular among anglers. Her angling though complex, but at the same time very exciting, so it attracts a large number of supporters. A trout fishing in the winter - the occupation even more difficult. However, this does not scare any angler difficulties.

This representative subspecies of salmon - fish freshwater. She loves pure and cold water. From October to December, this representative of the salmon family goes to spawn. At this time fishing it is strictly forbidden. But, after the spawning process is completed, and the potential production goes back to the places where she had gone (from the major rivers and lakes), comes the freedom for lovers.

Fishers note: trout fishing in winter

About reservoirs

Of course, trout fishing in the winter is not as widespread as the same bream or carp. Indeed, in reservoirs located far from populated areas, lake, brook and rainbow varieties of this fish are rare. Nevertheless, this delicious salmon sold in stores and is served in almost every restaurant. This is explained by the fact that it is widely bred in private ponds. Therefore, trout fishing in the winter on paysites fairly widespread. Regulars such artificial ponds often come fishing is on the trophy specimens.


Often, many fans of "quiet hunting" for some reason can not leave the city for tens or even hundreds of kilometers to catch a trout. Sometimes it is not enough time, and in two days you can not meet.

Fishers note: trout fishing in winter

This is why, according to many, trout fishing in the winter on paying students is the most optimal way. These private pools are filled, usually rainbow variety of this fish. However, such a catching has advantages and disadvantages. Pros are that without a catch does not return home one. In addition, a number of ponds with pay is always a recreation center, and the conditions are most comfortable: for the convenience of fishermen provided by almost all. A disadvantage is that this trout fishing in the winter or the summer is paid, and the excitement and adrenaline in it less.

Where to look for prey

After spawning of the pack of rolls of small streams downstream in larger bodies of water, where it is for the winter. Summer quite difficult to determine where the production will be lurking in the cooler months. However, we know that small rivers it accumulates near the springs, and under waterfalls in deep places. Therefore it is necessary to explore the river, to identify where the best catch. In winter, the place where the springs can be seen quite clearly: next to them on the bank of snow there is little, indeed, there is even a green algae, because the temperature of the water in such areas is typically about three to five degrees Celsius.

Fishers note: trout fishing in winter

Behavior of

During the winter months the trout feeds mainly on insect larvae that live in the water under the stones, and caddis or amphipods. Large specimens often chasing small inhabitants of ponds. Winter trout moves much more slowly than in the summer. Therefore, quite often it stops at the bottom of the river or leisurely swims to the other side or to his hideout. Since the cold river is always more clear, and the water in it much less fine trout sees everything that happens on the beach. Therefore, experienced fishermen always recommend to my colleagues to move very carefully, otherwise you can flush out the prey.


For trout fishing in the winter are most commonly used glass or carbon fiber float telescopic rod with a length of four to six meters. They are fairly easy to fold. This is especially handy when the angler wades through deep snow in the woods or in the canyons: they can be quickly brought into the operating position.

Fishers note: trout fishing in winter

In winter, clear rivers and extraction itself inactive, so winter trout fishing involves the use colorless fine fishing line having a diameter of 0, 15 to 0, 20 mm. On the weak currents and shallow pits to catch this fish better with a float. In this descent is controlled so that the nozzle floated as close to the bottom. Trout usually takes sharply, drowning float. Be sure to be masked, throwing a tackle from behind cover (bushes or rocks). In rivers this representative salmon bite very gently, almost imperceptibly. Therefore, for large stones or under strong current falls to justified winter without trout fishing float, but with an enlarged sinker. Otherwise, the nozzle can carry the flow of water.

Bait for trout

Fishers note: trout fishing in winter

In winter, the fish are usually caught on caddis or amphipods as well as insect larvae, which are under a lot of stones on the bottom of the fast river. Of course, the production of a bait - is not easy, because the angler has to climb with their bare hands in the icy water, raise the stones and pick the bait. Therefore, many in advance take care of her prey. Good nozzles are fry up to forty millimeters or dead fish. They are pushed onto the hook of the tenth size as the worm, or output the sting through the abdomen or back.

If fry too large, they can be cut into pieces and each implant separately. Experienced fishermen say the best trout are biting on tails. Since it is not always possible to catch young fish in advance, you can stick on the hook pilchards, ice cream and even salt, previously cut into pieces. In trout small mouth, so it is entirely the bait will not be able to swallow.

On paste

Fishers note: trout fishing in winter

Sometimes it seems that all the conditions are met for a successful bite, but still can not catch no. And then, according to the avid fishermen, need to take as a very special kind of packing - paste. It is believed that it is the desire of the fish rush to lure the search. Pasta - this imitation salmon roe, it is a conventional foam, strongly impregnated with flavor, as well as the usual corn or bloodworms. Trout perfectly responds to this nozzle, especially when it moves. Therefore, the speed of pasta down is very important: the best results are obtained by a slowed lowerable accessories. Trout winter on pasta requires a strong, but thin hook. A very particular composition of this bait may be very different, and it is selected depending on the reservoir. But it is better and more reliable, so that the angler is always at hand there were three or four colors to have a fallback if the trout caught "capricious."

Fishers note: trout fishing in winter

A particular difficulty in catching on pasta there. From a small piece of the paste is formed by a ball, so as to obtain an oval. Then the resulting nozzle is put on the hook, which is masked by the sting, otherwise extraction may stumble at pokleve iron, and then to catch, you can pull the plug.

On zherlitsy

Those who knows the terrain of the reservoir, where this type of gear fits best trout fishing is carried out in the winter. To do this, many take the most common models that do not just help with the capture of perch, pike and other predatory inhabitants of the underwater world. Trout fishing in the winter on zherlitsy requires no special tuning gear for trout. In most cases it is enough to simply replace the leash.

optimal thickness for this component for fishing tackles in rainbow trout must be chosen in the range 0, 25 millimeters. But if in a given body of water has a chance to catch enough big fish, such as more than three kilograms, then you can take the leash and powerful.


Fishers note: trout fishing in winter

Use of at catching trout flat variety of bait, especially yellow or silver shades, greatly increases the chances of a good catch. In form is better to take the option which extended lower part and bend before the foundation of the hook.

Trout fishing in the winter lure makes it possible to plan the most smoothly nozzle in hand. In order to increase the effectiveness of its fishing, and many use the optional live bait. Game spoon must be done with small fluctuations. Often the best trout affects movement, reminiscent mormyshechnye.

On the nymph

Using paste or shrimp meat, float rod can be fished both sturgeon, sturgeon and, of course, trout. Sometimes these fish vyvazhivayut on cicada, trolling or rocker. But there is one bait that generally takes any catch. This artificial nymph. It is made mostly of "edible" silicone. As a rule, trout fishing in the winter nymph is enough catchability. Bait need to be painted in green and brown or red. It is noticed that the trout in some waters in the winter well takes those jig or nymphs on the body where there are sequins.