How to make a shampoo with their hands. Pet shampoos: recipes

In recent years, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find in the store shampoo that would do not harm the locks. Almost all manufacturers add to their products a lot of harmful preservatives and sulfates, which gradually weaken not only the hair, but also the skin and roots. Therefore, to avoid such problems, more and more girls are starting to think about how to make shampoo with their hands. In fact, useful to prepare the mixture at home is not difficult, and for this there are many recipes, which we discuss below.

The base shampoo

How to make a shampoo with their hands. Pet shampoos: recipes

It is known that in the past, when there was no shampoo, women enjoy certain foods and herbs to wash the hair. But because these natural products do not foam, the routine becomes boring and even tedious. For this reason, not all are willing to use these products for washing the hair. But progress does not stand still, even today, to prepare a quality shampoo at home, you can buy the soap base into which are added natural substances. This important ingredient can be found in specialty stores or to look in pharmacies. Alternatively, you can buy a simple shampoo, in which there will be all sorts of additives, colorings, flavorings and other "useful" parts. This is very important because any preservative is harmful. Finding a suitable basis, it is possible to enrich the necessary herbs, vitamins, flavors and other ingredients as desired.

The principle of the preparation of

How to make homemade shampoos? All very simple. By the soap base are added really useful ingredients: herbs, vitamins and essential oils. But they are not recommended to mix immediately with the entire base. We need to take a clean bottle and dial into it a little soap component so that only lasted for a half. In this capacity, our medicinal preparations are added in turn. Corked bottle lid, carefully shaken him. After one day, you can wash your hair with helpful staff. It is important to bear in mind that the shampoo, made with their own hands, can not be stored for a long time, otherwise, all substances lose their properties.

Varieties of shampoos

How to make a shampoo with their hands. Pet shampoos: recipes

It is known that depending on the structure and characteristics of the selected hair care product. Everyone has their own skin type that requires individualized care. There are shampoos for dry, normal and oily hair. There is also a means of fragility, to shine, to give health, growth, and dandruff from falling out. The interesting thing is that all the girls have the opportunity to prepare a shampoo at home, who will perform the necessary functions. And yet - and this is the most important thing - as long as you use the products of their own preparation, your hair a break from the chemicals, become strong, healthy and beautiful.

The role of vitamin supplements

Typically, vitamins are added to the shampoo with a purpose - to make hair strong and free them from breakage. But the role played by this or that component, not everyone knows.

Vitamin A (or retinol) has the ability to activate and accelerate the metabolism, so it is added in order to ensure supply of hair.

Vitamin C is indispensable in the fight against fragility. From this ingredient hair becomes stronger and more elastic.

B vitamins result in the rate of sebaceous glands, as well as reduce the manifestation of allergy, which is very important for sensitive skin.

Vitamin E also is important, as it slows the aging of cells. But dandruff, various diseases and scalp damage, hormonal imbalance - all of which can cause hair loss.

Incidentally, note that the shampoo may be mixed as a single vitamin component as well as with several.

How to make a shampoo with their hands. Pet shampoos: recipes

The role of plant components

In domestic shampoos can be added not only vitamins but also other means, which also perform a particular function. To accelerate the growth of hair, have long resorted to the help of burdock root and nettle.

If there are inflammation or irritation, use chamomile and succession.

Solve the problem of dandruff helps juniper, rosemary.

The basis of the need to add quite a bit of broth, so it is cooked very concentrated. In addition to herbs for hair shampoo essential oils are added. They have different effects on the strand, so it is necessary to take into account their properties.

If the hair is dry, add rosewood oil, sandalwood, mandarin, chamomile, lavender, myrrh, jasmine.

For oily hair use clove oil, almond oil, tea tree, lemon, mint, lemon balm, cedar, geranium or grapeseed.

A roll of suitable cypress, ylang-ylang, tea tree, pine, incense.

As you can see, the range is very wide, so anyone can prepare a remedy for hair care and scalp according to their tastes and needs. Many people have already experienced the effects of these natural cleansers. It should be noted that it is often in such mixtures may be missing soap base.

Normal hair

This shampoo recipe as a main component offers to baby soap. It must be rubbed on a grater or chop the other way, to add 1 ch. L. Borax and a cup of decoction of chamomile flowers. Stir the mixture and set aside for two hours. Optionally, you can put a pearl. My head as usual. By the way, you can prepare a shampoo for kids, in which you can add an egg yolk, a decoction of herbs, or other components on the basis of this soap.

How to make a shampoo with their hands. Pet shampoos: recipes

Dry hair

Recipe number 1. Here, the basis is a glass of plain water. Crumble need two slices of rye bread and soak it with boiling water. Gruel should insist night in a closed container in a warm place. A day grind two yolks and add the prepared mass. All the quality is mixed (can blender), after which the hair shampoo is ready. After applying the hair should be washed thoroughly under running water. Recipe № 2. It takes 2 spoons of castor oil and yolk. The mass of well mixed. It means you need not only to rub in the hair, but also in the skin, then the head should be washed under warm running water.

Recipe number 3. This shampoo with oil gives health dry and weak hair. It needs three kinds of oils: olive, castor and burdock. Each taken in a teaspoon. Yolk is added and everything is mixed. The resulting mixture is necessary to rub the hair and wash off all the water. Finally rinse your head chamomile broth or lemon waters.

Recipe № 4. Now basis will Footprint regia, which is mixed with 50 ml of water. The liquid trying to drive two chicken yolk and add 5 ml of liquid ammonia. Stir all the ingredients, spray on all hair. Wash off with warm water under the ordinary.

How to make a shampoo with their hands. Pet shampoos: recipes

for oily hair remedy

Next homemade shampoo is prepared on the basis of children's soap (100 grams). It must crumble and dilute with boiling water (take a 1/2 cup of water). The mixture was filtered, and thereto is added 25 g of the alcohol. After "shampoo" is cool, in the scalp to rub beaten egg. The warm water is necessary to moisten the towel that five minutes turn into hair. Removing the "turban", wash off with soap and water cooked egg. Finally rinse head "conditioner" from apple vinegar (2 liters of water with 1 tbsp. L. Vinegar).

Another relevant and useful recipe is made from Art. spoon tansy and two cups of boiling water. Mix the two ingredients and infuse two hours. In addition to combat hair greasiness, this tool helps you to get rid of dandruff.

A simple recipe of yogurt. It flows into beaten egg white and mix. This mixture after rubbing head rinse, the hair is rinsed with water and with the addition of fresh lemon juice. This infusion is used as a shampoo three times a week for a month. 1:10. Birch buds are lowered into the hot water and infused for 20 minutes. Means ready.

Option mustard shampoo for oily hair. A little warm up two liters of water to dilute it in a spoonful of mustard powder. Qualitatively, wash your hair with this mixture, then rinse them with water and drops of lemon juice.

How to make a shampoo with their hands. Pet shampoos: recipes

For any hair type

Every woman can cook gelatin shampoo your hands. This will require a baby soap and yolk. At first, in Article 3. l. Water poured spoon gelatin. Harvesting infused 40 minutes. After this ingredient is completely dissolved in a water bath. When the liquid has cooled slightly, to it is added 1 tbsp. l. grated soap and yolk. Leave the mixture on the hair for 10 minutes. Shampoo is removed with warm water.

There shampoo recipe of mustard, which increases blood flow to the head, thus strengthens hair roots. Prepared 50 grams of one of the following components: henna, bran or clay. By this ingredient is added teaspoon of mustard and three drops of your favorite essential oil. Mass diluted small amount of running water. After application to the subject's head mixture for 15 minutes. Wash off with shampoo, you can either prepare a broth of herbs, or plain water.

Another option mustard shampoo. The yogurt is added to our powder spoon, after which the liquid is brought to a state of sour cream. The prepared mass is poured into 2 hours. L. any oil (vegetable) and yolk. Well-blended mixture is put on a bit of a wet head and hold about 15 minutes. After shampoo mask is washed off.

The following means is prepared from 3 hours. L. Roma, 4 tbsp. l. flax oil and two yolks. The components are ground well and left on the hair for an hour. Shampoo mask is washed off with warm water. This embodiment is ideal for daily use. It can be interpreted by preparing a shampoo for children. To begin, prepare a decoction of herbs, which will be considered as a basis. Take a spoonful of the following ingredients: basil, sage or rosemary. Dry grass is filled with 200 ml of water. Capacity is put on a slow fire, and the contents brought to a boil condition. Let cool and filtered decoction, meanwhile grated grind olive oil or glycerine soap. As a result, we get a third of the crumbs cup. In her dripping 15 drops of essential oil of Jojoba and Ylang-ylang (can substitute pine). All components are mixed with each other. Bank tight-fitting lid and put in a dark cool place. Ready shampoo in such a state can be stored for seven days.

Strengthening Recipe

Girl curls which become lifeless and weakened, can prepare a liquid fortifier with their hands. For him, need to stock up on liquid foundation with vitamins E and D, castor oil and burdock, rosemary tincture. Furthermore, we need clean 250 ml jar. It is necessary to measure out 150 ml of base, and pour into a prepared container. The first infusion of rosemary poured approximately 80 ml. It is able to give your hair shine and provide them with a pleasant aroma. But this infusion may optionally be replaced by another component - lavender or rosewater flavored liquid. Next poured castor oil. It will be small enough spoons. Also, burdock oil is measured (two small spoons). Finally go vitamin E (one capsule) and D (five drops). Capacity screw cap and stir so that all the ingredients are mixed. This Burdock shampoo is suitable for use in a day. To strengthen the hair, some prepare herbal tea. In equal parts taken hops cones, birch leaves, marigold flowers, burdock root - in total should get 50 grams of grass. Assembly is placed in a vessel and pour the hot light beer. We reserve the mass of a few minutes, and then we put it on the hair and wash off with plain water.

Another popular Burdock shampoo. To cook it you need to stock up on dried or fresh leaves of burdock. We need one hundred grams of herb per liter of water, a cup of vinegar. These ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and slowly boiled for half an hour. Means is filtered, and the resulting two glasses to clean the head. After washing your hair rinse waters. In addition to strengthening shampoo prevents dandruff, gently cleanses the scalp. Hair get shine.

How to make a shampoo with their hands. Pet shampoos: recipes


If you are tortured dandruff, try to cook the next shampoo. The small container pour rubbing alcohol (sufficiently teaspoon) was added thereto, essential oils - Five drops droplet rose and sage. Using a mixer, beat 2 egg yolks and pour them into the prepared mixture thereof. Use the tools you need as a shampoo.

From the loss of

This shampoo is suitable for every type of hair. It will take 50 grams of white clay that is mixed with one hundred grams of warm waters. Mass should have an average thickness. Means to apply massage, wash off with plain water. Keep the composition can be not more than fourteen days, of course, when the packaging is sealed.

Famous excellent characteristics of sea buckthorn oil. It treats the roots and scalp, making hair elastic. But the disadvantage of this oil is that it is very badly washed off, so not all take the risk to make a shampoo buckthorn. But to prepare the mask, which is then washed off, this ingredient is just precious! Immediately worth mention: the obvious result will be noticeable after only a few treatments. Sessions are held with regularity every 14 days. We take a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil, brandy, soap base. The latter can be replaced by such a composition: the juice squeezed from half a lemon, chicken egg yolk and honey spoon. All components mix thoroughly, we applied to the hair and leave for 20 minutes. The mask must be well washed off. Be patient, after a time you will become the owner of the dense and strong curls.

A few secrets for beautiful hair

It should be noted that the use of homemade shampoo is not only necessary to address the major problems with which often act dryness or greasiness of hair. Such agents produce further improving effect.

If you want to make your hair shiny and were thus well combed, you crush and add to the shampoo tablets generally aspirin.

Try every time to rinse hair herbal infusion. As the main component is suitable chamomile, celandine, oak bark, nettle.

To improve the condition of the hair follicles, it is necessary once a week to do a light massage of the head. The procedure is preferably carried out before washing the head.

Many women dried hair, shook them with a towel. It is desirable not to do so because the fungus is able to propagate intensively under such wet cap.

If you - the owner of blond hair, can do for yourself dry shampoo. To do this, it purchased ordinary starch and rubbed into the scalp and hair. After waiting for ten minutes, you need a good rub your hair dry with a towel and comb the remnants of starch. However, to use this tool, you can express a couple of times a month at most.

To ensure the health of your hair, you must also control your diet. Try to give up the wrong foods and do not forget about vitamins.