Yoga at home for beginners: exercises, photos

Yoga is an ancient philosophical doctrine that came to us from India. It aims to control the psyche and the body with the help of special exercises and techniques. And to grasp this ancient art of self-knowledge, a special yoga course for beginners at home has been designed. It not only helps to achieve harmony with oneself, but also save you from excess weight and generally healthier and strengthen the entire body. And that's not to mention the supply of energy and good mood, you get the whole day.

What does yoga

To exercise yoga at home for beginners suitable warm and cozy place where people will feel comfortable. But the most important thing - it is an internal mood and concentration. During the lessons you need to give up all thoughts and to focus on the inner world, on breathing, which fills the entire body, tones it.

That is why it is recommended to do yoga in the morning, when the mind is clear, not blurred everyday concerns and problems. Even a specially designed set of morning exercises for beginners that will give you:

  • warm-up and warm-up the whole body, every joint and vertebra, its preparation for the labor day, not only physically but also mentally;
  • improvement of blood circulation of the whole organism;
  • self-massage of internal organs;
  • in a good mood for the whole day, which will provide you with endorphins, developed during training;
  • removal of the neck and spine problem areas;
  • weight loss, the body looks slim and fit.

It is useful if the child at home yoga for beginners? Children regular exercise to stimulate the development of attention and fine motor skills of hands. We should also note that the breathing exercises, performed in parallel with the basic asanas, reduce the risk of respiratory disease and have a beneficial effect on the immune system as a whole. In addition, a specially selected range can both tone child and relax him and prepare for sleep.

Yoga at home for beginners: exercises, photos

The most important thing in children's yoga - is the right approach. Turn compulsory exercise in the daily exciting game. Come up with a story or an interesting mini-history of each pose. And you will not notice how your child will tear itself to deal with.

The basic rules of yoga at home

Yoga for beginners house has a huge advantage over conventional classes in the gym in the first place in terms of spiritual enrichment and emotional unloading. No need to go anywhere, you can engage in a familiar home environment. And that yoga brings only pleasure, you need to follow these simple rules:

  1. The first and most important - daily workout. Only regular exercise, yoga at home for beginners will be really effective. This condition may seem to someone too complicated, but in fact it is not. Already after the first exercise, feeling a tremendous state of mind and body, you will not want to throw yoga. In addition, the entire day will be filled with anticipation of the next morning to once again plunge into their world, becoming a little better and happier.
  2. All the postures are performed as your physical abilities. Do not try to make a perfect asana the first time, it can only do harm. Gradually honing your skills, you will achieve the desired result.
  3. Concentrate on each breath, each movement, release all other thoughts and enjoy.
  4. Take short breaks to rest between each asana.
  5. in each posture is delayed as much as is comfortable for you at this time, but no less than 3 of inhalation and exhalation.
  6. Smile, and you all must succeed!

3 components of yoga

Measured breathing, exercise and relaxation phase - these are the three pillars on which rests yoga for beginners. Classes at home, harmoniously combining these phases can soon breathe life into the body and bring a new level of physical and spiritual development.


Yoga at home for beginners: exercises, photos

So, breathing exercises (especially the correct algorithm for their implementation) are very important in yoga, it is the foundation of all learning. They aim to increase the energy level of your body. After mastering the basic pranayama, they can be used in everyday life to bring to a standstill the emotional sphere. Next, the description will perform parallel postures seen breathing exercises.


Yoga for beginners house includes a large variety of poses, or, as they are called asanas. They have the names of those objects, animals or plants, which resembles the body location. It is important to try to understand the performance of asanas every move, listening to your body, properly combine breath and location of the body.

Yoga at home for beginners: exercises, photos

Yoga home for beginners as professional yoga, includes 2 types of exercises: static and dynamic. Staying in static asanas trains endurance, focus and quietly prepare for meditation. It should be noted that these postures have a long residence time in them.

But the dynamic exercises are aimed at warming up the muscles, they are working on every joint of your body, filling the entire body with oxygen and activating blood circulation. The essence of dynamic asanas is a smooth transition from one pose to the next.


Yoga at home for beginners: exercises, photos

The final stage of training - a phase of relaxation. It also includes yoga at home for beginners. Morning complex, or Surya Namaskar - a vivid example. As it seems at first glance, such unimportant exercise, so many initially neglected by them. This is fundamentally wrong. It is through them, there is a relaxation of muscles, joints, who had been training for heavy loads.

Surya Namaskar

Morning exercise complex "Sun Greeting" - this is yoga for beginners. Exercises at home to help prepare the body for more complex exercises. So, let's begin.

Yoga at home for beginners: exercises, photos

With a deep inhalation and exhalation begins yoga for beginners at home. Photo below clearly illustrate the correct execution of asanas.

Stand up straight. Breathe. Pass through the fresh air. Exhale. Inhale, raise your hands up, good stretch, exhale.

On inhalation raise both hands up little cave in back to back and descend down to the legs, while holding back smoothly. Exhale.

Plank - Chaturanga

On the inhale pull the right foot back and then left. With an exhalation is retained in this position. It's called "plank pose." Breath - "strip". Exhale work out a smooth transition into Chaturanga dansasenu. Make sure that your elbows are held tightly to the body. Uniformly lower the body until the moment is not completely bend the arms at the elbows.

Yoga at home for beginners: exercises, photos

Dog muzzle up - dog muzzle down

Breath. Pull the foot and arch your back backward. This asana is called "a dog or cobra muzzle up." Exhale. Lift up the thigh. Hands and feet firmly to the floor. This asana "muzzle the dog down." Take a deep breath. Pull harder. Pull up the thigh, and chest open, and try harder to bend it. Keep the heel on the floor intently, fingers straightened.

On the exhale, take a deep lunge with the left foot. Inspiratory rise, straighten your arms back and forth. On the exhale, lower your arms. Inspiratory hands up, put his hands together. On the exhale, hands folded in front of him, lower yourself into a squat. All this time, keep your back straight. Do not overwhelm the forward or backward. Keep feet together. Take care to bend your knees are level with your toes. Inspiratory stretch upward, lengthening the spine, and a little cave in. On the exhale, scroll down to the feet. Try whole body to cuddle up to the feet. This asana is called "utannasana". On the exhale, go to the deep attack on the right foot. Repeat the above sequence of 5 to 12 times. Do not overreach. Perform all exercises freely.

Yoga at home for beginners: exercises, photos

After completing the basic asanas straighten. Fold the front of the palm. Slowly breathe. Focus on your heart center, which is located halfway between the chest and the back. Aim out of breath in all parts of the body. Smooth inhale and exhale. Relax.

Here are the basic asanas, which is home yoga for beginners. When you will be able to perform them with ease and in a dynamic pace, try to do more complex exercises. And so the small steps you come to a complete inner harmony and physical perfection.