Benefits and harms of protein. Casein Protein: benefits and harms

In order to achieve high results in sports weightlifters should have enhanced training and a balanced diet. The composition of the diet consists of nutrients and bioactive substances. Proteins (proteins) - the main ingredient of sports nutrition. These biopolymers help the body cope with the most demanding workloads. Many readers wonder about the harm and benefits of protein are the place to be. First we need to find out what are the proteins and their role in the body.

Benefits and harms of protein. Casein Protein: benefits and harms

The biological role of proteins

Proteins - biological polymers, which are composed of α-amino acids. The structure of the muscle fibers are proteins. It should be noted that the rapid growth of muscles is observed in a positive nitrogen balance, that is, when the body receives more nitrogen than stand out from it. At deficiency of the element muscle growth stops, sports load seem overly high, and if the desired result is achieved and, the cost of enormous effort.

Weightlifters, weight lifters, powerlifters, bodybuilders and other athletes have in their diet special food supplements. In fact, this diet containing a huge amount of concentrated protein. Benefits and harms of protein has long been studied by leading experts in the world. High-quality proteins quickly absorbed by the body. Experts say that to maintain muscle mass in the form of an athlete need about 3 g protein per 1 kg body weight. With intense fiznagruzki dose increased to 4.6 g / kg. Benefits and harms of protein are unquestionable, but its excessive use can cause substantial damage to human health.

Benefits and harms of protein. Casein Protein: benefits and harms

Types of proteins in sports nutrition

The composition of the human diet consists of proteins of plant and animal origin. The sports nutrition is most often used the following proteins:

  • whey protein concentrate;
  • egg protein;
  • protein hydrolyzate;
  • soy, pea and hemp protein;
  • casein;
  • meat protein;
  • milk protein isolate;
  • fish protein;
  • Whey Protein Isolate.

Most often, sports nutrition manufacturing use milk (casein or whey) protein. What is the reason? The fact that the milk proteins after the egg protein is the most balanced in amino acid composition and biological value.

Benefits and harms of protein. Casein Protein: benefits and harms

Milk proteins

Today there are a huge number of factories specializing in the sports nutrition industry. Virtually any dairy, if desired, can produce a protein powder benefit or harm which will depend on its quality. Whey is rich in digestible proteins (immunoglobulins lactalbumins and lactoglobulins).

Whey Protein: benefits and harms of

whey proteins exhibit a multifaceted effect on the human body:

  • increase the level of glutathione (an antioxidant) in the blood;
  • to activate the growth of muscle tissue;
  • accelerate recovery processes after grueling workouts;
  • help burn excess fat (triglycerides);
  • increase stamina and immune resistance.
Benefits and harms of protein. Casein Protein: benefits and harms

should be noted that after use the above protein concentrations of low molecular weight peptides and amino acids in the blood rises sharply. Whey is rich in complete proteins, that is, it is composed of 8 essential amino acids that can not be synthesized in our body, so they must be obtained from food, and special biological supplements. In addition, about 14% of milk proteins are in the form of a hydrolysis product (oligopeptides, tri- and dipeptides, amino acid residues). These substances activate digestion processes involved in the formation of most bioactive (enzymes, hormones) compounds. Whey proteins - ideal for the preparation of a cocktail after exhausting workouts. Given the above arguments, the benefits and harms of protein evident.

Considering the harm of whey protein, which he has on the body, it should be noted that all the side effects are not a serious danger to human life. Usually, side effects are reduced to flatulence in the intestine, headache and fatigue. Many experts believe that all of these symptoms often are stimulated by lactose (milk sugar), which is added by the manufacturer as a sweetener.

Benefits and harms of protein. Casein Protein: benefits and harms

Casein Protein: benefits and harms of

Casein - complete protein formed by curdling milk under the influence of specific proteolytic enzymes. On average, in 1 liter of milk contains about 30 g of casein. If desired, in specialized stores you can find a casein protein. Benefits and harms will largely depend on depend on the quality of its production. This protein is fairly easily distinguished from the milk, so it is cheap and available. As a rule, these athletes consume protein at night, in order to feed the body during sleep. The main properties of the casein:

  • slow hydrolysis of other nutrients;
  • is absorbed slowly;
  • contains all the essential amino acids;
  • does not cause an increase in blood insulin concentration;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • suppresses hunger;
  • does not contain lactose.

Protein Protein

Some people think that eating protein can cause a range of diseases, "planted" liver, heart and kidneys, cause dependence, lower potency, and so on. D. In fact, all these versions have no reason to exist, although there are some exceptions.

Let's talk about the dangers of

Sam protein protein, benefit and harm that it brings, known to many experts in the field of dietetics. I would like more rasmotret these aspects. Most experts do not recommend to use proteins for people who have kidney failure. At the use of soy protein sometimes experience an allergic reaction. The negative sides of the vegetable protein can also include low bioavailability and efficiency of the product. In soy contains many inhibitors that inhibit the protease activity of the gastrointestinal tract. There is information that soy protein with a long reception can harm the cardiovascular system.

Benefits and harms of protein. Casein Protein: benefits and harms

The reception is harmful proteins only in the case when you fail to comply with the dosage. Proteins contain a lot of nitrogen, but it is excreted from the body in urine alone. When excess or insufficient consumption fiznagruzki proteins instead used to build up muscle, must be simply excreted. In this case, there will an additional burden on the kidneys, which is extremely undesirable. Protein intake for each individual athlete, it is calculated based on weight and physical activity. It is safe to say that at the use of the proteins our body gets more benefit than harm.

Let's talk about the use of

The benefits for the human body protein is evident, because it is the basic building material for muscle tissue. For daily protein production in the amount of 1, 5-2 g / kg body weight, you will need to use a huge number of products, as it is known, will create a serious burden on the digestive system. When consumed slowly digestible protein before going to bed at night you will be able to prevent the destruction (catabolism) proteins. Benefits and harms of protein is now known to you - decide for yourself which product and how much you eat.