Interesting facts about the female body

• Interesting facts about the female body

Many people know about the incredible endurance of women's bodies and heard something about the difference between the recognition of colors for men and women. And did you know that cellulite - it's not a "bad fat", and is absolutely normal? How about the fact that women are more rational than men by nature?

Interesting facts about the female body Interesting facts about the female body

Women are more mobile neck

Have you ever noticed how women and men turn when they call out? Try this test and you will see that a man turns his entire body, and she simply turns his head. The reason lies in the structure of the muscles, which is more elastic in women.

Interesting facts about the female body

Women dream more sensitive hearing

This fact is the result of an evolutionary process. Women are sensitive to noise, while they are sleeping, they woke up to the crying child. But the good news is that this rule works only for high-pitched sounds. In the low-pitched sounds is awaken a woman.

Interesting facts about the female body


one breast larger than the other

The difference can be either nearly invisible or very noticeable, but in both cases there is nothing to worry about. No one has a perfectly symmetrical breasts.

Interesting facts about the female body

Women are more rational

Despite the common belief that women are more emotional and men are more rational, reality is quite the opposite. Thick cortex was associated with higher scores on a range of cognitive and general intelligence test. And a woman's brain has a much thicker crust than men.

Interesting facts about the female body

Cellulite - is the norm

First of all, "cellulite" is not a medical term, it is also not a sign of a mature woman obesity. According to statistics, only one out of 40 women do not have such an accumulation of fat in the gluteal-femoral.

Interesting facts about the female body

The women get drunk faster than

Women have less water in the tissues than in men. What does it mean? Women get drunk faster than men because their bodies are less able to digest the alcohol before it reaches the bloodstream.

The women form a strong attachment to other people

The reason is that women have higher levels of oxytocin. Oxytocin - the so-called love hormone. It promotes attachment, strengthens relationships and facilitates stress. Oxytocin is also responsible for the creation of bonds between mother and child, and even breastfeeding.