Cup massage at home. Cup massage cellulite

Cup massage - this is a known way to improve health and eliminate cosmetic defects.

The properties can massage

When the procedure uses special banks, within which vacuum is created (using the heat pump or special). Effects of massage is based on the increased blood flow to the massaged area, and as a consequence, improves microcirculation, stimulates cell respiration, oxygen, accelerates their metabolism and renewal.

In the 20th century, medical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the procedures were performed. Has one distinct advantage can massage. At home, it is easy to carry out on their own.

Cup massage at home. Cup massage cellulite

History can massage

Long ago, our ancestors can massage performed using hollow horns of animals. This unusual instrument was used to suck snake venom out of the wound or pus in inflammation on the skin. Later the horn was replaced with bamboo cups, and after them came the classic and familiar to all glass jars.

Especially prevalent technique of vacuum massage in China. There's a saying that using cans can cure half of all diseases. The Chinese have used them even in surgery, when it was required to withdraw blood from the venue of the operation. Later, cupping massage became an independent kind of treatment with vacuum devices.

In Egypt, too, we were aware of the technology and used it to reduce fever, eliminate pain, dizziness, and in general to accelerate the recovery.

The ancient Greeks borrowed from the Egyptians massage technology and eventually all over the world came to be known can massage. At home, it did everywhere and share experiences with each other.

Devices for massage

Cup massage at home. Cup massage cellulite

A mandatory attribute for the massage is only the presence of the device by means of which will create a vacuum. Modern devices for massage presented in a huge range:

  • Fire model, mainly made of glass.
  • Bezognevye made of plastic, silicone, rubber.
  • Compression - sophisticated devices, they need to be connected to the mains.
  • The most common today - silicone banks. They allow you to define a suction force and are therefore suitable for people who are particularly sensitive to pain, and children.
  • Rubber banks may be a dispenser, but the models made from this material, such a function is less common.
  • Glass jars losing its popularity because of the need to use fire, it is impossible to adjust the strength and fragility of the vacuum.

Women in high demand manual cupping massage. Responses about him enthusiastic and confirmed its effectiveness. The beauty salons are commonly used compression devices, but their analogues can be purchased on the open market. Electric massager for home use noisy, expensive and less convenient to use.

Cup massage at home. Cup massage cellulite

Contra can massage

Unfortunately, cupping massage at home, not everyone can afford. There are a number of general contraindications for the meeting.

Vacuum massage is contraindicated in case of:

  • if a person has a fever;
  • are skin lesions and inflammation of the skin;
  • the presence of a human cardiovascular disease;
  • when there are problems with the veins: thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, vascular fragility, varicose veins;
  • the presence of a human hematologic and oncologic diseases;
  • if the person has tuberculosis or has other severe lung problems;
  • If he suffers from hypertension or hypotension.

It should also be borne in mind that the banks can not keep a long time in the projection of vital organs: kidneys, heart, liver. You also can not put the banks on the spine. In the accumulation of lymph nodes is strictly forbidden to carry out cupping massage. "How to do it correctly?" - a question that interests almost everyone.

Cup massage at home. Cup massage cellulite

The total equipment of canned massage

The direction of movement is defined by the periphery to the center and top to bottom, that is, from the fingers to the shoulders, the sides of the spine, from the knee to the pelvis in the form of:

  • straight lines;
  • circles;
  • zigzags;
  • coils;
  • numeral "8".

only the movement held firmly forward, reverse - without pressure. Any manipulation carried out 5-10 times.

Proper cupping massage is straightforward even for a beginner. The main thing - to observe the sequence of actions.

  • Before massage, clean the area of ​​skin kneaded and then heat it with the hands.
  • In order for the bank to glide easily over the skin, you need to apply the cream or Vaseline.
  • The Bank sets on a flat portion (not on his knees, not in the armpit). The thickness of the skin, which is to be drawn into the jar -. 1 cm should not be allowed to drag the plot to change color.
  • Further, sliding movements proceed with the execution of movement - depending on the technology.
  • Take banks need at one end, having fixed area of ​​the skin, and in any case it is impossible to pull up the bank along with the body, trying to tear it.

Almost any person can improve their health by regularly making cupping massage. Reviews of people on this procedure are positive, as evidenced by the many years of practice. After the massage, the body portion need to cover a woolen blanket and lie down for half an hour.

If during the procedure a person complains of pain, it is necessary to pay attention, not too much pressure in the pot (large layer of the skin at the bank), you may need to reduce the speed of movements, or to add more lubricant.

Cup massage at home. Cup massage cellulite

Jar facial massage

In order to perform a facial massage cupping, you should choose the right size container. In pharmacies you can find sets of different sizes. Most small jars are used for age and area of ​​nasolabial triangle. Medium size - for cheeks, neck and forehead. The direction of movement is different from all other regions and made from the center to the periphery, that is, from the nose to the ears, from the eyebrows to the hairline.

technique can massage the face

You must start from the clavicle downwards. After the massage the neck make the treatment of the chin and jaw. Next, massage the cheekbones, and then - the central part of the face. Forehead and temples processed last.

Can massage the face means that during a session is necessary to maintain the skin so that it does not stretch. Suction should be minimal. As a lubricant is recommended to use a face cream, serum or mask.

Vacuum massage abdomen

Cup massage at home for the abdominal area will help solve problems such as:

  • poor skin tone that area (for example, due to age or pregnancy);
  • presence of cellulite;
  • striae (stretch marks);
  • body fat.

Cup massage cellulite quickly gives first results already after 5-6 procedures skin is tightened, leveled, decreases body fat. The maximum time of the procedure during the first sessions no more than 5 minutes. Later, you can increase the duration of exposure to 20 minutes. Held cupping stomach massage is simple: use the circular spiral movement, which are conducted in a clockwise direction. They begin at the navel and gradually spread on the bottom and sides.

Can massage the abdomen is very popular among women. As a lubricant perfect anti-cellulite cream or honey. But it is contraindicated in those who have there is an inflammation of the pelvic organs (uterus and appendages, bladder). Also it is forbidden to do a massage during pregnancy.

Cup massage at home. Cup massage cellulite

Cup massage in the treatment of cellulite legs, thighs and buttocks

Cup massage cellulite is very common in women, as this problem is not uncommon. The skin in the area it is desirable to heat under a stream of hot shower, and then proceed to massage. As a lubricant used anti-cellulite cream or honey. Movement during this massage should be a zigzag, spiral. Their direction - from the bottom up. You should avoid the area of ​​the groin, can not massage the popliteal part and fold between the leg and abdomen. On the buttocks and thighs is necessary to act in the transverse direction. If the skin blushed, then the procedure should be stopped.

Duration of the course during massaging

Cup massage at home. Cup massage cellulite

The number of treatments depends on skin condition and neglect of the problem. Usually enough 15-20 procedures every day or every other day duration of 20 minutes. Courses conducted 1 time in 3 months. It is also possible preventative sessions once a week.