Braid of strands 4: weaving diagram

Oh, spit! It is associated with a great many folk traditions and beliefs. She never goes out of fashion, as if suddenly happened is - it does not last long.

Thanks to her, you can easily change their way - from mischievous girls to business woman.

Her love famous stylists and socialites. And most importantly - to braid plait quite easy, even with this child cope! Especially it concerns a simple braid of 3 strands. Others kinds of weaving, such as a braid of 4 strands, require little training and additional skills.

Braid of strands 4: weaving diagram

Hairstyle without limitation period

Spit - is hardly any first haircut of our ancestors. It is not known in what part of the world for the first time a simple braided plait, but that this hairstyle was the most popular among all peoples - a historically proven fact. By the way, it is easy to check - just to see an ordinary history textbook, paying special attention to the pictures.

Indians, Africans, Egyptians, Jews, Greeks, Romans and the Eskimos were not only simple braids, but also sophisticated hairstyle, consisting of a variety of braids. Each hairstyle can tell that from a class of its possessor, and what he does, he is rich or poor, lonely or have a large family.

girlhood The

In Russia, the spit was almost the main embodiment of girlish freshness, humility, gentleness and chastity. First, the most usual braid of three strands braided girls in 13 years. This meant that childhood, the girl grew up and became a woman. Braided hair in a braid signaled that it is possible to woo.

Braid of strands 4: weaving diagram

One braid worn only by unmarried girls, and that the young lady with whom she had been the longest and thick, was considered the most desirable, beautiful and dignified bride. Grooms lined up, competing in strength and agility, promised generous wealth and promised future wife happy comfortable life.

Those women who are not too lucky with the length and thickness of hair, have resorted to various dishonest tricks, for example, plaited into a braid horsehair.

After the matchmaking walked wedding and the girl becomes a woman. Her hairstyle was no longer one of the spit, but several. And it was clear that she - a married woman, and the assault on her face serious trouble, up to the death.

Loose and bobbed hair were not - it was considered a disgrace riding. If a woman has behaved wantonly and tarnished his good name, she publicly cut off the spit. It is considered the most terrible punishment.

Untwist the braid without malice could be only a few times a year, for example, on a holiday of Ivan Kupala. Girls circle dances, weaving wreaths and lowered them into the water, and their hair freely blowing in the wind ...

Time passed, and this tradition has gradually sunk into oblivion. In place of all sorts of wicker came short haircuts and creative coloring, and hair if plaited into braids, it is not for beauty, but for convenience. And even more so nobody wove complex braid, such as a braid 4 strands.

Fashion trend in the world of hairstyles

As you know, everything is new - is well forgotten old. Held fashion haircut "square with a corner" and "asymmetry". Girls polls began to let his hair. And not without reason! Several years ago, spit again become incredibly popular. Actresses, singers, politicians, artists, fashion designers, designers and ordinary women aspiring to look stylish, simply fell in love with plain weave.

This hairstyle has become a very fashionable and love to a variety of braids persists to this day.

Braid of strands 4: weaving diagram

In order to release the hair and braid braids, girls spend a lot of time and money on special masks, conditioners and moisturizers nourishing oils for hair growth and care for them. In the course of going rinse decoction of hops and burdock root, cut the tips of the lunar calendar and the formulation of domestic masks based on mustard and honey.

Variations on a theme of weaving

"Spit out 4 strands", "fish tail", "Dragon", "spike", "French", "Swiss", "Afro" - this is an incomplete list of popular braiding techniques. Fashionistas gather braids woven in intricate hairstyles and decorate them with all sorts of beautiful hairpins, feathers, sequins. With a little imagination and skill - and elegant hairstyle, which can go as a corporate party, and for his own wedding, ready!

With braids appear appropriate to the prom, a romantic dinner, a celebration of his or someone else's birthday. With such a hairstyle is not ashamed to appear at a closed rout or go to a nightclub.

Craftsmanship ease of

One of the most fashionable among the braid is considered braid 4 strands. It's beautiful, unusual, elegant, and most importantly - absolutely not difficult! Enough to try a few times - and it will be possible to braid eyes closed. Learn to do the weaving braids of 4 strands best on long hair, and it is desirable - on another. So it will be more clear and convenient than doing it myself.

Braid of strands 4: weaving diagram

To braid braid 4 strands need long hair, thin comb with a long tail (it is called "shpikul") rezinochka (preferably under the hair color), a spray bottle with water and a little patience:

  • first thing to do very carefully, carefully comb your hair and lightly sprinkle them with water, so they are not tangled and not electrified;
  • then you have to comb the hair from his forehead and temples to the back of the head and divide them into 4 equal strands;
  • for convenience and to avoid confusion strands them better mentally numbered from left to right - 1, 2, 3, 4;
  • to start weaving it is desirable from the left side and, respectively, with 1 strand.


  1. Take 2 and 3 and strands intersecting them with each other so that the three top strand was 1.
  2. Then binded 1 and 3 strand so that the strand was 1 of 3
  3. Then again cross our locks - this time 2 and 4, with 2 should be above 4.
  4. Further, the braid weave of the strands 4, repeating steps 1, 2 and 3 in order, until the end.
  5. When will spit on a small ponytail, fasten my hair rubber band to weave not dissolve.
  6. If desired, the braid can sprinkle with hairspray so that it permanently retain its original appearance. Braid of strands 4: weaving diagram

If you do not hurry, do not be nervous, and follow the instructions carefully, to get the perfect braid 4 strands that weave diagram is provided below. Symbols on the scheme are as follows:

  • blue color - 1 strand;
  • olive green - 2 strand;
  • pink - 3 strand;
  • yellow color - 4 strand.

Select decoration

Any braid can and should decorate. For example, the French braid wonderfully combined with chiffon or satin bow. To spit-basket are perfect flowers. The usual spike looks great with beads or sequins, and a fish tail and braid 4 strands - with tape. And there may be several bands, from any tissue, and with a variety of colors.

Braid of strands 4: weaving diagram

In fact, it does not matter what hairstyle will be decorated from Kos. Fantasizing and experimenting is not prohibited. The main thing - that everything looked beautiful and harmonious. Exquisite hairstyle - it is simple: just enough to braid a braid.