Proofreader for face: palette types. How to use correctors for the face?

Every woman wants to have a smooth skin and smooth complexion without a single defect. From the nature of the present rarely have to wait, but with the passage of time and did begin to arise pigment spots, moles, and other unpleasant flaws. To date, the most accessible and inexpensive cosmetic product that can mask minor skin imperfections, is a corrector for the face. However, many women prefer to use only foundation or powder, it is not enough to effectively help deal with the problem. In most cases this is because the fair sex to forget about the existence of such a cosmetic product or simply do not know how to use correctors for the face.

Correction - what is it?

Corrector - is a special cosmetic product, aimed at the elimination of visual defects visible skin. Sometimes a part of the proof-reader manufacturers add light-reflecting particles that provides a better disguise.

Not to be confused with the corrector concealer. If the dot corrector gloss over the flaws, the concealer is used on large areas and only lightens the skin. It will be effective in the elimination of bruises under his eyes or lighten certain areas of the face, while the corrector is a more versatile tool.

Proofreader for face: palette types. How to use correctors for the face?

Tone Corrector for the face can effectively mask skin imperfections such as:

- pimples and acne;

- dark spots;

- enlarged pores;

- capillaries;

- bruising under the eyes;

- redness and inflammation;

- scratches.

In addition, almost all correctors contain special antibacterial additives, which are not only not harmful under the disguise of damage caused by a violation of the integrity of the skin, but also contribute to their speedy healing.

Types correctors Face

Products are available in three forms:

- a liquid;

- solid;

- creamy.


Liquid concealer for face enclosed in a tube or a plastic tube fitted on the end of a brush or foam applicator for ease of application. Liquid correctors are best suited for the delicate skin around the eyes.


Solid correctors are available mostly in the form of pencils, but sometimes you can find the means and in the form of lipstick. These funds are sufficiently dense and dry, and are not only able to paint pimples, acne, freckles, but also make it less discernible pores, wrinkles and cracks. Solid correctors used in the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin.

Proofreader for face: palette types. How to use correctors for the face?



Proofreaders with a creamy texture appeared much later than the first two forms. The idea of ​​development was to create a universal, lightweight concealer that can be effectively used and applied to any part of the face, without fear of injury to the skin. Reticulation correctors face is the main form of release for a creamy texture.

Proofreader for face: palette types. How to use correctors for the face?

corrector type is selected depending on on what area and what is necessary to remedy the defect. Solid dry correctors effectively obscure and dried pimples, liquid - line the tone of the skin around the eyes, creamy also often chosen by professionals and those who do not want to have in your makeup bag a whole arsenal of various masking agents.

Corrector for the face: the selection of shades

Ideal - when the color corrector matches the shade of your skin. However, sometimes it is quite difficult to choose this cosmetics to match, so if you purchase will come to the aid of a few general rules. The only condition: after application they definitely need to be accustomed to disguise your creams:

  1. Yellow corrector for the face suitable for eliminating redness, as well as women with pale skin.
  2. The dark spots, freckles and birthmarks will be removed easily by means of the corrector with lighter than skin tones.
  3. for dark and tanned skin is quite acceptable option in the form of gold and orange tones.
Proofreader for face: palette types. How to use correctors for the face?

For everyday use, let corrector which will be one or two shades lighter than your skin. We should not forget that it also needs to be combined with your existing powder or tonal resources.

Corrector for the face: the color palette

The presence of correctors in the purse of a woman, different both in their facial features, and in color - is quite normal. A certain type of person and a particular problem affect the choice of colors, a variety of which have a face correctors. Palette of their extremely rich. There are not only the typical shades of corporal or beige, but also many other: green, yellow, silver, blue, purple, orange, gold.

Custom color corrector for face should not scare you. They are even more effectively cope with its task than usual you shade. It is only important to know what it is able to affect each of the colors:

- Correction of green and blue tones to successfully camouflage red spots and burst blood vessels. In the form of pencils by such means can successfully hide multiple pimples and acne.

Proofreader for face: palette types. How to use correctors for the face?

- All shades of lilac and purple suit those who have a yellow skin, but wants to give it a more natural and fresh look.

- For evening ideal equalizer with silver shimmering structure. The skin will shine in the electric light and visually acquire incredible smoothness. - Freshen tan and ennoble it can correctors orange shades.

- a lover to hide the freckles can be recommended gold funds. In addition, too pale skin after application becomes little more than a peach color.

No matter what you choose corrector for the face - green, silver, beige - is a prerequisite for correct technique of its application.

Rules applying offsets

It would seem that nothing difficult to cover up the rash or dark circles under the eyes, no. However, a lot of women think corrector facial useless tool because it is used incorrectly.

Proofreader for face: palette types. How to use correctors for the face?

How to use correctors for the face? There are several bases for their application:

  1. Before applying the corrector of the skin should be cleaned thoroughly and moisten, then - to fix the result creams.
  2. After the concealer is applied, it must be carefully shaded, especially on the edges of the area to hide defects.
  3. Large redness and age spots apply make-up without leaving their contours. After the procedure is applied to the skin tone of a liquid or powder.
  4. In the presence of extensive hematoma bruise or bright first corrector is used, then - concealer.
  5. Excluded superimposition of a large number of the corrector.
  6. possible offsets with liquid and creamy texture superimposed and shaded by means of the applicator. In its absence - a light touch of fingers. Proofreader for face: palette types. How to use correctors for the face?
  7. If necessary, lightly layer corrector can freshen up during the day, while adhering to the measure.
  8. Color tools have the habit of desiccate the skin, so use them daily for a few days is contraindicated.

Good proofreaders from world famous manufacturers of decorative and medical cosmetics will not only effectively eliminate skin defects, but also to remove some of them from your little face forever. In particular, it concerns mikroranok, scratches, acne, inflammation and other transient disturbances upper skin integrity. In addition, buying quality cosmetics, you can be assured that the work will be enjoyable and easy with her.

Proofreaders are chosen on a strictly individual and depends not only on the skin tone, but also the potential for allergic reactions to one or the other component. The facility, which is a great help to your girlfriend, not necessarily suited to you. Therefore, as carefully as possible to choose cosmetics for myself, and let your skin always shines health!