Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

The underwater world is fraught with many puzzles, and the surface of many planets humanity has studied much better than the bottom of the ocean. Underwater live amazing, unlike anything that marine animals. All the biggest, strongest and most poisonous animals also live in the abyss of the ocean, not on land.

With some amazing underwater creatures we meet today.

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

The pygmy seahorse

This is one of the most well-camouflaged inhabitants of the ocean. You need to work hard to see this tiny creature the size of 2.5 cm among the dense thickets of corals. (Photo by David Doubilet):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

Kalmar hunting

Usually, squid have sizes up to 50 cm, but there are giant squid, which reach 20 meters (counting the tentacles). They are the largest invertebrates. (Photo by David Doubilet):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

A pair of ramps

Ramps are to fish, and most of them live in the sea water. Particular arms endowed detachment electric rays that may paralyze prey electrical discharges from 60 to 230 volts and more than 30 amperes. Photo from the Tuamotu group of islands in the Pacific Ocean, belonging to French Polynesia. (Photo by David Doubilet):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures


gastropod mollusk - flamingo tongue snail

It occurs on many coral reefs of the Caribbean and Atlantic basins. Shellfish feed on poisonous sea gorgonians, but their venom is not harmful to the cochlea. "Language Flamingos" to absorb toxic substances and itself becomes poisonous. These molluscs retain the visible traces of the dead tissue coral. (Photo by Wolcott Henry):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

Ugrehvostye soma

The only type of catfish that lives on coral reefs. They have the first rays of the anterior dorsal and pectoral fins are serrated poisonous spikes. (Photo by David Doubilet):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures


Peeps out of his hole. (Photo by David Doubilet):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

Fish and sea sponge

Currently, it described about 8000 species of sponges. They are animals. (Photo by David Doubilet):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

Underwater laboratory "Aquarius"

The world's only operating laboratory, located at a depth of 20 meters underwater off the coast of Florida. (Photo by Brian Skerry):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

Humboldt Squid

Giant squid, or Humboldt squid. These carnivorous predators reach a length of 2 meters and weigh more than 45 kilos. (Photo by Brian J. Skerry):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

crab and sea urchins

sea ​​urchin body is usually almost spherical, ranging in size from 2 to 30 cm, and needle length ranges from 2 mm to 30 ms. Some species of sea urchins are poisonous needles. (Photo by George Grall):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

Shrimp and crab

Almost perfect camouflage underwater. (Photo by Tim Laman):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures


Komodo National Park in Indonesia. Nudibranchs have no shell. They are one of the most brightly colored and varied in form of marine invertebrates. (Photo by Tim Laman):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

The family of fish Kuzovkova

They eat sea urchins, sea stars, crabs, clams, cleverly blowing them out of the ground water jet released from the mouth. (Photo by Wolcott Henry):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

lipped perches

Shoals of fish move in the ocean as a whole, to protect themselves from predators. (Photo by David Doubilet):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures


This inhabitant of coral reefs - a truly unique fish reaching 80 cm in length. Most of the time it does not float and holds upright, hovering upside down. Similarly, it is masked by the stick while protecting themselves against predators and prey waiting. (Photo by David Doubilet):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

colony of sea squirts and fish stuck

Ascidian - Bursiform animals class length from 0.1 mm to 30 cm, spread in all seas. Fish remora usually attach themselves to large fish, whales, sea turtles, the bottoms of ships. (Photo by David Doubilet):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

Red starfish

The sizes of these brightly colored animals range from 2 cm to 1 meter, although most -. 12-25 cm Starfish are inactive and have from 5 to 50 beams or arms. These animals - predators. Photo David Doubilet):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

A giant spider crab

This is one of the largest representatives of arthropods: large individuals reach 3 meters in span of the first pair of legs! (Photo by David Doubilet):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

great white shark

Reaching a length of over 6 meters and a weight of 2 to 3000 kg, the great white shark is the largest predatory fish today. (Photo by David Doubilet):

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures

Cancer-luxury Mantis (harlequin)

One of the largest shrimp mantis. He is about 14 cm in length, and most large individuals have a size of 18 cm (Photo by Tim Laman).:

Amazing inhabitants of the underwater world in pictures