How to download the press at home - advice from professionals

Taut, flat stomach - the dream of many. But only a few manage to achieve their own desired effect. And you wonder why this is happening? Maybe there is some secret, how to swing a press that hide from us?

In fact there is no secret, and wizards got nothing to do with it. All the matter in the approach to the subject and technique. In this article you will find tips professional fitness trainers and basic techniques that will help achieve the desired result.

How to download the press at home - advice from professionals

The main enemy - fat

Surely you have heard that during the weight loss is necessary to swing the press, to get rid of the ill-fated fat around the waist. But as often happens, that all efforts are in vain, coveted blocks and are not drawn, and the extra inches do not go anywhere! The thing is that the press swings regardless of whether there is a body fat on your stomach. But it will be seen only after this is the layer to disappear. This means that first of all you need to revise your diet and dry. Otherwise, the result will have to wait a very long time.

Preparation for the training and the rules of

How to download the press at home - advice from professionals

If you have already got rid of the excess weight, and the question of how to properly start to swing the press, does not rest, the following recommendations will help you.

  1. to start training for the purchase comfortable rubber mat. This is especially true if the room with parquet or carpeted floors. Mat will help to keep the spine and relieve pain in it.
  2. Never throw a class! Long break reduces output to zero. How to swing a press dice, if classes are held from time to time without proper regularity?
  3. Pain in muscles - is the norm. If you feel after the first lessons a little pain, it means that your muscles are properly respond to physical stress. All fault lactic acid which is formed during the workout and accumulate in tissues. But the pain should be bearable and even a bit enjoyable! If you are in the morning you can hardly move, revise its training program. You may need to reduce the number of approaches, so as not to drive themselves.
  4. Do not engage in every day. Often, the first time to start the course, enthusiasts overload your body daily training, but not seeing results, throw on halfway. It is from such people often you can hear that, well, no use, wasted time, I figure is, etc. Optimally choose the time for exercise -.. Three or four times a week for 1-1, 5:00. Moreover, at this time should include not only the range of the press!
  5. The best time for training - the morning. Of course, you have to force yourself to get up an hour earlier than usual, but it's worth it. Morning warm-up and abdominal exercises to help you wake up and recharge for the day, while evening classes forces have simply no choice.

The structure of the abdominal muscles

How to download the press at home - advice from professionals

Before you start training, it is necessary to pay attention to theory. Have you ever thought about how to construct your abdominal muscles? We do not open America, saying that the abdominal muscles are divided into upper, lower and oblique. There are exercises that work only on one muscle group, but there are common. If you are involved recently, and allows time to work individually group, you're in luck. But do not despair - the result will be, even if you do the common facilities.

How to properly breathe, shaking news?

Another important aspect that is often produced out of sight and is considered insignificant - it is proper breathing. Namely, it allows you to concentrate fully on the work of muscles and perform as many approaches as possible. Let us step by step how to download the press:

  1. Lie down flat, take a couple of breaths and concentrate on the sensations in the muscles.
  2. Take a deep breath in the nose and lift the body, keeping the waist from the floor.
  3. Hold for a few seconds, beginning to breathe.
  4. Slowly lower to the floor and exhale completely through your mouth.

in the upper press Exercises

How to download the press at home - advice from professionals

Now we look at a couple of exercises that affect mainly the upper part of the abdomen. Many of the elements you know from school, because even there we were taught how to swing the press properly.

The classic twist:

Starting position: lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees and feet together and put Abut the floor.

Execution: inspiratory stretch his hands to his knees, pause for a few seconds in this position and slowly lower to the floor.

Repetitions: 20-25 times.

Static twist:

Starting position: lying on the floor on your back, arms extended along the body. Legs straight together.

Execution: Inspiratory lift the body at an angle of 45 ° and lock it in this position for 60-80 seconds.

Repetitions: 4-5 times.

in the lower abs exercises

How to download the press at home - advice from professionals

On the top of the sorted out and how to properly swing the lower press now find out. As a rule, these muscles are weaker than the top, and therefore attention they require a little more. But do not go too far!

Raising the legs:

Starting position: lying on the floor on your back, arms extended along the body. Legs straight together.

Execution: while inhaling lift the legs at an angle of 90 degrees and lock them in this position until the moment has not yet reached the count of 10. Then lower your legs, without bending them, and not taking the waist from the floor.

Repetitions: 20-25 times.

Pulling "frog":

Starting position: Lie on the couch half the body (waist up), put his feet on the floor. Hands crossed behind his head.

Execution: inspiratory tighten the legs to the stomach. On the exhale, straighten them parallel to the floor, but not touching it. Then group again. Repetitions: 20-25 times.

Exercises oblique abdominal muscles

As previously mentioned, in addition to the upper and lower press, there is also the obliques. In women, they form a thin waist, and men create a side relief that so attracts the opposite sex. So, how to download the press? Belly has no dice there, but something is missing!

How to download the press at home - advice from professionals

diagonal twist:

Starting position: lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees and feet together and put Abut on the floor, hands clasped behind his head.

Execution: inspiratory stretch the right elbow to the left knee so that touch it. On the exhale, drop to the floor. Similar actions do the left elbow.

Repetitions: 25-30 times.

The double twisting, or "bicycle":

This exercise is similar to the previous one with the only difference being that you do it more intense, and the legs simulate cycling. It recommended for 1-2 minutes without stopping.

The exercises for all muscle groups press

If you start to deal with recently, or have limited time to practice, you can only do exercises that involve all groups of muscles. Let's look at how to properly swing a press house.

Reverse Crunch:

Starting position: lying on the floor on your back, arms extended along the body. Legs bent at the knees or straight.

Execution: inspiratory try to lift the hips off the floor, while not taking his blade and helping hands. Make the body move only through abdominal muscles.

Repetitions: 30-35.

Abdominal vacuum:

Starting position: Stand on all fours with your back straight. The pose is similar to the "cat" of Bodyflex.

Execution: exhale all the air and relax your muscles, then quickly retract the stomach to maximum and slowly breathe nose, not holding my breath. Lock itself in this position for 12-15 seconds, then relax. Repetitions: 30-35.

Ajar book:

Starting position: lying on your back, arms extended over your head or crossed on his chest.

Implementation: on inspiration at the same time lift your legs and body, trying to get his forehead knees. On the exhale, take a starting position.

Repetitions: 30-35.

Basic error

How to download the press at home - advice from professionals

Now you have an idea how to properly swing a press at home, but want to warn you and tell you a little about the main mistake that not only beginners, but also have experienced athletes.

  • neck strain - one of the worst missteps. During the exercise should only tighten the press. All other muscles need to relax. To avoid this error, try to look straight ahead and slightly lift the chin.
  • Do not make the breaks between exercises in the cycle. Allowed to make a short pause (1-2 minutes) after complete circle before starting the second approach.
  • Do not pursue quantity. From him no good if quality is lame. Watch for tension of the abdominal muscles. Better 10 times to get it right than 20 anyhow.
  • Do not be afraid to light burning in the muscles. This is the main indicator that you're doing it right.
  • Do not try to make the maximum flexion during exercise. As a rule, the muscles receive a large load in the middle of the climb. That is why the complexity of such a fixation is usually added, as in the example with the static torsion.

Advice from professional

Professional fitness trainers can tell much, but today we will present only their tips on how to properly swing a press.

Men, according to them, it gives a little bit easier than women because they are by nature more, and the relief is shown much more clearly. Therefore, if you want to have beautiful cubes:

  • It is necessary to thoroughly revise the approach to your diet. Get rid of fat, flour, fried and other ballast.
  • Connect to power and cardio exercises more, just to be jogging. The only way you will be able to burn body fat on your stomach and speed up metabolism.
  • laid out on 110%. If you do something at half strength, the relief is not achieved. Maximum - you just tighten flabby muscles.
  • If you are a long time did not engage in, or for the first time decided to take up the figure, do not chase the number of repetitions. Do the exercises slowly and quietly, straining press all the way, but not exhausting yourself. You run the risk of overstrained muscles and injured. Then forget about training have for a long time, and start again is always difficult.
  • Do not neglect fitness facilities and trainers. At least one personal lesson will allow you to correct the wrong action and get a feel for how to swing the press properly.

Do not forget about caution and safety. Take care of health. Go in, work on yourself, be slim and toned!