Mascara for hair - create a cabin bow, without leaving your home!

Not everyone is happy with what nature gives - looks, the physique, the individual characteristics of ... Beauty care can transform a person, sport allows to carve the figure of dreams, and if all else fails, get help from the surgeons. But do not go to such drastic measures!

Mascara for hair - create a cabin bow, without leaving your home!

The easiest way to change - it's a new hairdo. If there is no desire to greatly transform your image, use a method such as a hair mascara - you can dye your hair for a while, and then return to the natural mind.

Paint, Shura, paint!

Most people, both men and women who are willing to be as attractive. It's easy to explain - because the more people interested, the more chances it has to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Girls for this reason use a trick that men call "war paint" - bright makeup. Another means of attracting attention - this is a special hairstyle. You can give your hair suitable for your face shape, and with the help of paint - to give ready-made image brightness. Someone dyes his hair quite hard compounds with ammonia, someone chooses a more sparing options or henna. But there is an option that will allow you to do her hair at its sole discretion. It refers to a coloring tool as a hair mascara. This is not a new invention, but still claimed the girls of all ages.

Why do you need the mascara for hair?

If we talk about cosmetic mascara, the head of the first thing comes to my mind means for eyelashes.

Mascara for hair - create a cabin bow, without leaving your home!

This mascara can make your eyes expressiveness, similar in appearance to the eyelashes. But eyelashes quite difficult to stick on their own, while the ink will be able to take advantage of even a schoolgirl. With such thing as colored hair mascara, fared well. For example, you're wondering whether or not you will weave. Or want to give yourself the mystery before a date or a party, but do not want radical change. Please, at your service mascara for hair! Quite simple in application, it will allow you to change its image, and if the experiment fails, you will immediately be able to reverse the effects.

How to choose mascara for the hair?

If you decide to change your appearance with the help of mascara, Take care in advance of its acquisition. We can not say that this product deficient, but not all brands produce hair mascara. Reviews have already experienced the girls recommend to get funds from Loreal and Isadora. Here's what you need to do before you buy:

  1. Check the freshness of the carcass, examining the markings on the package! If you buy expired goods, instead of an unusual way of get a headache from the matted mass.
  2. If the hair mascara has not expired, but has an unpleasant odor, flaking or clumps accumulate, do not buy this product. Mascara should smell neutral or nice to have a smooth consistency and a structure similar to mascara. Mascara for hair - create a cabin bow, without leaving your home!
  3. If your goal - it is gray coverage, the color ink is not suitable. This tool will color the hair just before the first wash, and no more, and therefore, in order to hide the gray hairs, use a normal paint with ammonia.

How to apply mascara?

Mascara for hair - create a cabin bow, without leaving your home!

What color to choose mascara for the hair? Note that the color of the packaging may be quite different from the hue which is obtained on your tresses.

If you want an unusual, but at the same time restrained effect, try bronze and gold colors. They are suitable to all the girls, creating a shimmering golden iridescence on the hair. More daring experimenters can try pink, blue and green hues. This season, fashionable strands of unusual colors, but do not overdo it with the expression.

Hair Mascara (Isadora is, Loreal, or any other brand) should be applied only on dry hair. If your plans after applying mascara swimming pool, sauna and other "wet" seats, do not use the coloring agent.

Well comb hair, washed and dried. Decide how you will apply the mascara. If your hair is medium length or long, it can be thin or thicker strands, degrade effect (or other fancy name of this style - "Hombre"), uneven patches. If you have short hair, apply the paint with light strokes.

Mascara for hair - create a cabin bow, without leaving your home!

To paint was fixed, it is necessary to use a hairdryer. However, while the paint is still wet, comb hair brush is not recommended, otherwise you just smeared mascara.

How do I get rid of mascara on the hair?

Fortunately (or unfortunately) for girls, hair mascara - totally resistant product. Even if you buy a more expensive means of such brands as Isadora or Loreal, staining effect will last up to a maximum of the first shampooing. Cheaper means "go" with the hair itself by scratching.

If you fail colored hair or just want to remove paint, soak a cotton sponge tonic makeup remover and slide it across the colored strands. Color ink to be easily removed from the hair.