Watermelon diet. diet description watermelon and reviews

In late summer, the market is such an abundance of fruits and vegetables, it was time to the maximum diversify the diet. Ahead of winter, when even at a high price can be found not far from everything. For example, melons berries - seasonal product, you need to have time to enjoy it the whole year ahead. And when you consider that the watermelon diet - the best friend and assistant, then there is an even stronger incentive to go to the market for striped miracle.

Watermelon diet. diet description watermelon and reviews

How to choose a watermelon

Watermelon diet is used very often. How can you miss the opportunity to throw off the excess, and when there is a delicious and sweet product? But do not forget that the need to choose the right berry. Do not take a watermelon, which appear on the shelves in early spring, they are full of nitrates. It's not the same, under the hot sun vyspevshie whales.

But even in the season should be well to examine watermelon. It should be smooth, with withered tail, with no signs of rot. When tapping the right fruit produces a hollow sound. Good watermelon - a berry weighing about 8 kg. Small most often unripe and too large, most likely grown in synthetic supplements.

Be sure to wash bought watermelon and begin to cut it. The flesh should be bright, juicy, with sugar grains. It is undesirable to use in food berry, which the flesh has become too fibrous. Finally, it is necessary to make a simple test. Dip a piece of flesh in water, if the 20 minutes it will retain its shape, watermelon can be eaten, it has no nitrates.

Does watermelon weight loss

Of the many products that are recommended for weight loss, the most delicious watermelon. Its use does not cause discomfort. For the most part this berry consists of water and fiber, caloric content of 100 g - total 25 kcal. Think for yourself: in order to start losing weight, you must consume no more than 1600 kcal per day. Slashing diet, we begin to experience the feeling of hunger. And here comes to the rescue of a delicious dessert in a kilogram of which contains only 250 calories. We can really use watermelon diet, thereby skrashivaya your way to a beautiful figure. Low calorie makes it possible to use it for snacking with virtually no restrictions, which means that the body will not suffer from hunger. We all know that long-term stress from malnutrition leads to the fact that the body begins to actively store fat. Thus, even after a strict diet of watermelon will be less likely to quickly return the lost.

Watermelon diet. diet description watermelon and reviews

How to eat watermelon

It's just common elements, but they are useful to know in order to use watermelon diet with maximum efficiency. Try as much as possible "to stretch the pleasure." The longer the act of chewing and swallowing, the more "calories" count towards your body. Prolonged exposure to the receptors completely blocks the feeling of hunger.

Watermelon - a great alternative to the sweet dessert. It should be used instead of tea, which taste good to drink without sweets and pastries. After a light meal of watermelon is very well create a feeling of fullness and absolute comfort. And it can be used as an appetizer to the main course, which will somewhat reduce hunger.

Not only the natural sugar, but high in fiber plays a role. Watermelon slimming selected in part because of the high content of dietary fiber, which is swollen in the stomach, allows to permanently preserve the feeling of satiety.

Watermelon diet. diet description watermelon and reviews

How to adjust the figure using miracle berry

Diet watermelon can be very diverse. Best of all, if the weight loss process will be long and planned. Try to apply the power supply system, in which instead of tea and sweets will be used watermelon. You can not deal with complex counting calories and not to cut yourself in the other products. But then dinner is also replaced by a water-melon. Moreover, it should be at least 3 hours before bedtime. Optional rule between the main meal and eating watermelon should pass a minimum of 30 minutes. Berry contains a large amount of fluid that dilutes gastric juice and promotes digestive disorders, the development of putrefactive processes. This is an easy and comfortable option, which you can stick the entire season without harm to health. He is the leader among those who used the watermelon diet. Reviews painted bright prospects: gradually, without any effort weight steadily decreases.

Watermelon diet. diet description watermelon and reviews

Rapid weight loss

Not everyone wants to wait a long time, most of us want results now. And in this case, good diet helps to watermelon. As with all rapid tests, it gives a quick effect, but then difficult to keep the achieved result. It lasts only 3-5 days, it depends on how much you can endure. The menu is very simple and unpretentious. Possible without the limitations of watermelon (about a kilogram of pulp per 10 kg of your body weight). Furthermore, it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of pure water.

If you are a big fan of watermelons, such a diet may not deliver inconveniences. But you should not get involved. Like all mono-diet, this depletes the body, since it is not able to provide him with all the necessary set of substances. Therefore 7 days - this is the maximum that you can afford.

Often the wedding and other festive events lay in the fall. And often this time of year to prepare for the ceremonies women use watermelon diet. Reviews suggest that, without feeling the stress of half-starved existence, can be reset to 1-2 kg per day.

Watermelon diet. diet description watermelon and reviews

Fasting days

This alternative is between the first and second embodiments. Losing weight with the help of watermelon will be effective in the event that you will eat only striped beauties one or two days a week. In this mode you will be able to assess the body's response and decide how much is right for you like a diet. After the preparation is already easier to decide on a 5-day course.

Tips for losing weight

How often during the summer you buy sugary juices and sodas? Many do it regularly, but because they contain the impact of sugar. Replace them with a simple homemade drink. To do this, cut the flesh of watermelon and freeze it in portions in freezer. Then add the frozen cubes into a glass and fill with clean water. This drink quenches thirst and does not contain too much sugar.

The second point, which becomes an obstacle on the way to a slim figure - is the use of high-calorie foods. Fried, fatty foods requires a tremendous amount of physical activity, which we so lacking in today's world. Watermelon during the diet can help you, too, replace high-calorie food for a few delicious, sweet chunks of similar mass. At the same time the fullness of your dish will not suffer, and extra weight will begin to melt.

Watermelon diet. diet description watermelon and reviews

to a normal diet transition

Any diet requires a period of consolidation. Failure to do so often leads to the fact that excess returns quickly. So even with a "bonus" in the form of a few kilograms above. This once again confirms that the weight loss process requires accurate planning and compliance with the necessary conditions. Finishing the course of the diet, you need to set yourself up for that while you can not eat fried, flour and sweet. Start the return to a normal diet with cooked cereal, the next day you can add a low-fat dairy products. Then enter the boiled chicken and fish, a variety of vegetables. For some time, you can use watermelon diet for the night after the diet. It can be a dinner in whole or in part. The transition should take time not less than the course of the diet, and it is good if you make adjustments to their normal menu is already on a permanent basis. This will help avoid a relapse.

Positive aspects of diet

We have already dealt with the question of whether a watermelon for weight loss. Definitely yes, because this berry contains a lot of liquid, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, natural sweeteners: sucrose, fructose, maltose, glucose - a useful carbohydrates that help rather than hinder become beautiful.

The main advantage can be considered that such a diet is easy to carry. This is not a torment, and happiness - for both cheeks tuck into sugar watermelon while stroynet and prettier. Many say that there is no typical feelings of hunger. And indeed, if you weigh 80 kg, then the day can afford giant berry weight of 8 kg. Usually so no one can even overpower.

Another plus - a high efficiency. However, partial weight loss associated with the loss of fluid, that is part of his soon return. Great merit of watermelon is its ability to remove toxins, salt deposits and toxins. This leads to the normalization of metabolism. That is definitely possible to eat watermelon in the diet.

Watermelon diet. diet description watermelon and reviews

Contraindications for watermelon diet

There is a downside. Not all diseases may be active eating this wonderful fruit. Since watermelon is a powerful diuretic, they are not recommended to get involved at various renal pathologies. First and foremost, this includes kidney stones disease, because it can happen and the movement of large fines and blockage of the ureter. If you have pyelonephritis, you should first consult with a physician.

Another disease in which this diet is not recommended, is diabetes. The limits depend on the extent and severity of the disease, but do not neglect the advice of the treating specialist.

Like all mono-diet, watermelon hated doctors for strict limitation menu. As already mentioned, it is, on the one hand, depletes the body, he does not receive the necessary materials. And on the other - leads to frequent breakdowns after the diet. If you choose this option, you immediately think through dietary menu, which will adhere to the following year. It should include more vegetables, cereals and boiled fish.

Watermelon at Ducane diet

Today it is becoming very popular Dukan Diet. Watermelon in it fits quite harmoniously. In some sources you can find the information that he at this diet is forbidden because of the high sugar content, but it is not. The course is divided into several stages, each of which has its own objectives and constraints. But once or twice a week may be the use of a small number of melons, watermelons and peaches.

techniques the author says, it is better to give up the fruits of the first and the second stage weight loss. In the third, called "consolidation", they can already be included in the diet. However, minor deviations from the course in the form of a slice of watermelon or apple not cancel the results, but only slightly slowed down.

To summarize

Watermelon - a wonderful gift of summer sun, which is sure to be used in food in order to wellness and weight loss. Do not necessarily stick to a strict diet, enough to replace this berry dinner to a month to see how tightened figure disappeared under-eye circles and improve skin condition. But if you want to quickly put himself in order, then the watermelon is easy to come to the rescue. Just over 5 days you can lose up to 10 kg and shine at the ceremony.