Peeling glycol. Glycolic peels at home

The problem of struggle against aging and skin defect existed for a long time. Any woman trying to choose the best tool for this that is right for her. In today's world it is very useful and popular was peeling glycol. This cosmetology method will be discussed in the article.

What is glycolic peels?

The essence of this chemical magic bullet is obrabatyvanii human skin peeling with glycolic acid. The result of the procedure will be that the upper layer of the epidermis will peel, and new skin cells will grow. Peeling glycol evens skin structure normalizes selection in humans percent fat, and promotes closing of enlarged pores.

Peeling glycol. Glycolic peels at home

In the world there are several types of procedures: deep, middle and shallow. The latter is the only surface treatment that destroys the upper layer and lengthen the recovery period. Recommended for more rapid effect do the procedure again.

Method popularity

Before you agree to such a procedure, you definitely need to go through a consultation with the doctor-cosmetician who will compare your needs with the opportunities offered by your skin. Peeling with glycolic acid help in the fight with enlarged pores, blackheads (acne), acne.

This procedure will slow down the aging process (fading skin), photoaging (skin thickening process), the appearance of unwanted pigmentation (including freckles). In addition, it helps to treat the effects of acne and molluscum contagiosum. Although we must remember the fact that with this method, you can not remove the scars completely, you can only make them more smooth and unnoticeable.

Peeling with glycolic acid is an extremely useful and easy tool that is designed to improve the skin and its rejuvenation. This method helps to fight people with different defects of the skin. After holding it evens relief, smoothed wrinkles, moles and freckles disappear. It is indisputable that the peeling glycol, photo before and after which is given below, is a clear example of the effectiveness of cosmetic products.

Peeling glycol. Glycolic peels at home

Existing contraindications

Despite the positive, visible results after the passage of this cosmetic procedure is not always possible to apply it. It is necessary to know for those who want to do glycolic peels. Among the contraindications are all sorts of diseases: acute herpes, warts, sores or other violations integrity of the skin and allergic to the components of the preparation, fresh tan or unfinished chemotherapy.

How to prepare your skin

It is mandatory, you must first make a diagnosis of the skin at the doctor-cosmetologist. For this procedure, there are specially selected products, which consist of a cleanser, day and night moisturizer. It is such a kind of "predpilingovy set" to clean and prepare the person for the procedure. It is recommended to make a trip to the doctor two weeks before you plan to make glycolic peels.

Another method of preparation of the skin to the purification is a gradual increase in the concentration of glycolic acid in each following facial peels. Such tactics should include the four - five procedures. Not a very positive aspect of this process will be that this method will not be able to deal with specific defects of the skin on the face and will only contribute to the improvement of his condition.

Extremely risky step in the process of preparation may be applying glycolic peel for a short time. Such a method is not very desirable, but in some cases - effective. Each subsequent session peeling - is to increase the time of its application. With this approach, you should be ready to unpleasant consequences, such as different redness and skin peeling.

The procedure of glycolic peel

  1. Step One: first, the skin is processed by special means for cleaning and wetting, which also contributes to strengthen and improve the action of peeling with glycolic acid.
  2. The second step: application of glycolic acid on the skin of the patient face. This is done with a cotton swab, a multilayer gauze or thin cosmetic brushes.
  3. The third step: removal of glycolic acid by means of neutralization. This drug is a special isotonic solution, which is very often used to protect against solar radiation.
Peeling glycol. Glycolic peels at home

It should be emphasized that during the second phase, ie when applied directly itself glycolic acid, your skin will turn red and you will feel a tingling or prickling. But do not worry very much, because the whole process is under the full control of Cosmetic specialists who will constantly monitor changes on your skin.

A possible reaction to a chemical

There are cases where part of the face becomes edematous during the procedure. In this situation, you should immediately remove the peeling part, which is so reacted to glycolic acid. It should be emphasized that the tool can only be removed from the area, which shows the reaction, although the rest of areas of the skin peeling procedure continues the existing scheme in cosmetology.

If such parts with redness or swollen a lot, then the procedure is stopped completely. Peeling glycol is often used cold air flow, which helps reduce unpleasant tingling and tingling.

Time procedure

It is very surprising that, despite the huge positive effect, the procedure takes less time consuming. Glycolic peels continues within five to twenty minutes. Time depends on your desire: you want to treat the entire face or only some single part. The reason for different durations may be the susceptibility of people to pain, as well as the number of previous chemical peel glycolic acid treatments. As for the frequency of use, the beauticians, doctors recommend passing it on average not more than once every six weeks, because even this seemingly miraculous procedure exposes your skin a lot of stress.

The skin after peeling

It is important to understand that the process of exfoliation of old cells requires proper attention to the skin even after the procedure. To restore it just need one or two days. After the peeling of the skin has been made, you need to follow some safety rules to preserve the results achieved: do not go out in the sun, wash your face baby soap (do not rinse it with warm water!), Daily lubricate the skin moisturizer. In addition, we recommend a few more weeks to apply sunscreen when you go out in the sun.

Peeling glycol. Glycolic peels at home

Glycolic peels at home

For its implementation will need to purchase a special set at the pharmacy. Although purification technology is not very complicated, but being at home, you and only you should apply glycolic acid and at the same time to monitor the reaction of the skin to the drug.

Peeling glycol. Glycolic peels at home

Your first step should be predpilingovaya cleansing facial skin. Do it you can using a cleaning agent, washing it with warm water. Then, taking a broad brush, apply glycolic acid to the face, but only in small quantities. It is strictly forbidden to spread it to places that are around the eyes. The mask should be hold for about five minutes. Then slowly remove the tool face.

If you do glycolic peel at home is not the first time, then you know that most of your skin will redden and require special care. Namely, use a moisturizing cream or green tea (as a compress) on the treated area of ​​the face.

"Belita" Cosmetics

Cosmetic campaign offer different means, but the best is just "Belita". It refers to the professional cosmetics. "Belita" (glycolic peels) - a drug keratolytic and proliferative actions, helps cells to date. It should be noted that it moisturizes the skin, stimulates metabolic processes, and promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the subcutaneous tissue.

Peeling glycol. Glycolic peels at home

In view of the testimony of this amazing money, it should be emphasized that it copes with any existing problems on the skin. Glycolic Peeling Face from "Belita" gives a positive result, which immediately after its use becomes evident visually. Improving skin lipid composition, its cleaning and thorough care helps to rejuvenate and lighten the face. The drug "Peeling Glycolic" allows you to destroy not only the first but also has profound signs of chrono-and photoaging, hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation of the skin and acne.

After use, this means an improvement in blood circulation, eliminate signs of aging, normalize metabolic processes facial cells, disappearance of the signs of hyperpigmentation. As for its effect in the epidermis, there weakened the cohesion of corneocytes, stimulation begins synthesis of keratinocytes and ceramides. If you examine the dermis, the peeling promotes antioxidant action and stimulates the activity of fibroblasts, collagen and glycosaminoglycans update.


If this procedure have aroused great interest, then, to try again, you will not be able to indulge in this pleasure. Women who have tried to imagine the effect of the drug, say about one hundred percent positive result. Peeling with glycolic acid justify all expectations.

Peeling glycol. Glycolic peels at home

Given the fact that glycolic peels reviews currently leaves only positive, to confirm what he contributes to the elimination of dead skin cells, acne and various small defects. All, without exception, there is a person relief leveling, smoothing wrinkles, decrease the brightness of freckles and moles.

Owners of dry skin are a great gift: the blooming and bright appearance, and dead cells disappear, giving place to new. This fruit acid makes even the most well-groomed face charming and clean. Already many people have tried to imagine glycolic peels. Reviews about it even can be compared with the motto of the women who take care of their beauty: "As of today, no wrinkles, acne, redness, blackheads, or any other skin imperfections!"