Workout at home

About a beautiful relief of many men dream on his stomach. It does not matter, they are engaged in sports or not. However, it should be understood that "cubes" in the abdominal area do not just appear. And many who are trying to do something for their appearance, do it properly. In this review, we try to consider the basic principles, which includes training of the press.

It is necessary to comply with a rigid diet

Workout at home

To train the abdominal muscles must be in exactly the same way as other muscle fibers. Everything will depend on what goals you are pursuing. In addition, we must always remember about the right diet.

Regardless of the opinions and rumors, muscles formed it in the kitchen. And if you want to buy "blocks", the diet must be strict enough. You can perform the best training complex, but if you eat fat, then no one will notice the results. So first of all training press is based on a correct diet.

The main problems that can be encountered

Most often the guys are interested in the question of how often should be training. And there are people who believe that rock "cubes" should be every day. However, it should be understood that the muscles grow only during the holidays. Therefore, if the training abdominals at the gym is carried out daily, the result can be one of two things:

  1. You do not give your muscles time to recover between sessions. This, in turn, leads only to a deterioration of their condition.
  2. You are not adequately their tense, which does not carry anything positive.

In view of the above situation be changed.

How often should I exercise?

If you want to determine for themselves how often should be training the press, it is necessary to take into account the overall employment targets. In that case, if you need the power, you have to train with heavy weights. In this situation, the restoration will require more time. On this basis, we can say that the press is required to swing no more than 3 times a week.

In that case, if you want to strengthen the lumbar area, abdominal exercises should be performed no more than 4 times a week. Thus it is necessary to lift less weight. However, when the number of repetitions must be greater than this.

From which will depend on the training?

How to build the press? There are some budding athletes who believe that if the abdominal muscles less, and the time for their recovery should not be much. However, this is not true. The chemical composition of the press exactly the muscles, as well as, for example, in the chest. And the more the load on them will fall intermittently, the more damage they will be received. Accordingly, the time for their recovery will also require quite a lot. In this regard it should be noted that there are no advantages to the press daily workout athlete will not do.

How much should be approaches?

Workout at home

It is necessary to answer one fairly popular question: "How much should be repeated?" In this situation again should refer to that for which you need the training the abdominal muscles. The lifted weight and the total number of repetitions can lead to completely different results.

In that case, if you do not want to get injured during a training process, it will be enough four approaches. It should also be borne in mind that the press will be at a high speed to adapt to the exercises. In this connection it is necessary to constantly change them. Especially it should be done in the event that extra weight you used. You will need to pick up a few different exercises and begin to carry out one of them, alternating with each other every week. You can certainly do one activity for several weeks. But then you still need to go to a different type of exercise.

In that case, if you want to increase the power, then it is necessary to carry out the order of 6 approaches them with a gradual increase to 10. This amount is sufficient to ensure that the muscles receive a boost to its growth. However, it is not necessary in this situation, forget about the rest. He plays an important role.

What should we remember?

You can run the press training at home. However, if you are, in addition, also the gym, it is necessary to take into account one simple aspect. The abdominal muscles are utilized in almost all types of strength training with the weighting.

And if the muscles get tired during a simple body or leg lifts, then in can and do get injured while performing basic training complex. Especially if you use heavier weights. Therefore, the abdominal muscles should be trained at the end of lessons.

proceed to the training process

Workout at home

All the basic nuances considered. Now drill press can be started. At home or in the gym, you will perform it - does not play a special role. Total confusion might arise in connection with the widespread belief that the exercises for the lower and upper abdominals must be performed separately from each other. However, these two muscle groups is very difficult to divide among themselves. Accordingly, when performing any abdominal exercises pressure on them will go to bed at the same time.

One of the most popular types of training

What are the exercises you can contact? It should list some popular options.

  1. abdominal retraction. As a result of this exercise worked rectus abdominis. We have to do forward bend, stretch your hands in any support (table). Bend your legs slightly, bend the back and pull your stomach. Fixing this situation for a few seconds, relax. Reps should be about eight.
  2. Training for the press at home may contain in their complex this exercise as concentric crunches. With it you can work out the rectus abdominis. Lie on the floor, get your hands behind your head. Then start raising the body at the same time and pull the bent leg to the chest. Try to touch your elbows to your knees. Fix this situation for a few seconds, then relax.
  3. A partial lifting of the trunk. Exercise can be performed both with weights, and without it. Lie on a flat surface. Lock in the pancake hands and slide them over the head. Legs can cling to any fixed object. Previously they have to slightly bend the knees. We need to start raising the body. Pelvis and lower back from the surface should not come off. If this exercise is too difficult, it is necessary to remove the weighting.
  4. are quite popular exercise, which should contain your workout. Legs, the press are the main load. It is necessary to lay down on a flat surface, placing his hands under buttocks, palms down. Stretching socks, start to raise his legs to the maximum possible height. Pausing in this position for a while, return to the starting position.

What do I need a girl to do?

Workout at home

It should be noted immediately that the training for the girls press will not only acquire a beautiful figure, but also improve their health. You should also note the fact that will not be easy, regardless of the opinions of many people. In order to acquire a beautiful and fit shape, exercise regularly need to perform, while laying out a hundred percent.

How a girl can pump up the press as soon as possible? Professional athletes are usually divided into three zones, which have to do all the emphasis. It is about the bottom, the top press and oblique abdominal muscles.

What exercises can bring effect?

For leveling the upper press can perform one of the easiest in its technique exercises - leg lifts in a sitting position, with emphasis on hands. In order to achieve the best effect, it is necessary to produce the maximum point of movement in two planes - horizontal and vertical.

Workout at home

Good enough effect can be obtained from simple upgrades housing. This activity must be done in the supine position on the bench. There is also a variation of the implementation of the following training: need to sit down on a chair that has no back, fix the bottom of the legs and begin to reject the body back, and then return it to its original position. Perform this exercise requires carefully and gradually, without sudden movements.

Obliques are trained during the tilting and rotation of the trunk, as well as using the instep in a prone position on his side. This is the basic abdominal exercises. House training program does not differ significantly from the complex of exercises performed in the gym. However, if you do not trust yourself, you can always seek professional help, enrolling in a fitness room.

The main recommendations to be aware of

Workout at home

If you want to get a certain result after some time, we must remember the main recommendations.

  1. If the exercise will be carried out at home, it is necessary to determine the time to practice. According to professionals, it is necessary to train at least three times a week. Spending it would take about one hour. In addition, to perform a set of exercises is best in the morning.
  2. Do not forget to breathe properly. This should be done smoothly. Inhale takes place in the moment of maximum tension in the muscles. During exhalation should try as much as possible to involve the stomach. The muscles at the same time need to be relaxed.
  3. I Do not be postponed even if the post-exercise muscle there was a sensation of pain. This is quite a standard phenomenon in the early stages. Every day such discomfort will be felt less and less.
  4. It is necessary to do the exercises carefully. It should be noted that absolutely every girl dreams of a flat stomach. However, each person has their own idea of ​​beauty. Someone using the above exercises wants to get rid of a few kilograms and folds. And someone wants to make the press more stressed and relief. So the main thing - do not overdo it.
  5. Before you begin any of the training complex, it is necessary to do the workout. With it you disperse the blood through the veins and prepare your muscles for the subsequent exercises. You can dance, jump rope, twist the hoop. However, you can not lift weights.
  6. Work must be with full dedication. There are people who argue that the exercise should be carried out half-heartedly. Some truth in their statements there. However, visible results in the shortest possible period of time, you can only get in if you're flat out at 100%.
Workout at home


All that was listed above, can be attributed only to a small part of all the recommendations that you should know. Home workout for the press will help you achieve this goal. However, it should be remembered that the formation of the figure you are doing. Therefore, training for media houses will not have some miraculous effect. Just start classes regularly, go on a proper diet. Only in such a situation, you can achieve amazing results. It is to wish you good luck in this fairly difficult task!