Mask of wrinkles in the home. Effective mask of wrinkles

Youth and beauty - a generous gift from nature to us, the people. Not only to be able to accept it with gratitude, and still need to use it wisely. What does it mean? Yes, just try to be as long as possible to maintain a pleasant fresh complexion, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and in a timely manner to deal with them. In short, you need to try to prolong their youth and to make sure that even in old age to look impressive and well-groomed.

Domestic cosmetics

Of course, every woman should have at home a whole arsenal of different cosmetic products for anti-aging, to maintain the skin of the face and body in good tone. This creams, lotions, toners, scrubs and more.

Mask of wrinkles in the home. Effective mask of wrinkles

But do not be limited to industrial preparations. Do not forget that the mask of wrinkles, home cooked vegetables and fruits, decoctions of herbs and dairy products is often more efficient and effective than expensive means of prestigious firms. And no wonder! Each mask of wrinkles in the home is made from fresh, quality ingredients, taking into account the individual characteristics of your skin exactly. And energy message that accompanies your actions during cooking facilities, also positively affects the final result. Therefore, each mask from folds in the home is converted into magic means to transform you from Cinderella into princess. Do not believe me? Then forward to the kitchen - of a priest!

with mask

Mask of wrinkles in the home. Effective mask of wrinkles

The mask of wrinkles in the home - a tool that can be used to begin after 25 years and it has not even sooner. It will smooth out facial wrinkles and postpone the appearance of natural age-related wrinkles. For all skin types is very good slurry from the pulp of fresh fruits and vegetables: bananas, apricots, pears, apple, tangerine, sea buckthorn, peaches, plums, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, carrots. Simply rub the product on the very fine grater or mash with a fork to puree the state. Add a couple of spoonfuls of sour cream or whipped egg yolk. This mask of wrinkles in the home is put on a clean, slightly warmed skin (not only the face but also the neck!) For 20 minutes. Then its remnants should be removed with a cotton swab, and the first person to wash warm decoction of chamomile and horsetail, then rinse with cool water. Finish the procedure by applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream (depending on the season). Thanks to such masks skin is vitamin nutrition and hydration, they have a pronounced tightening, refreshing and soothing effect, significantly align and improve the complexion. Use means to be a course (3 times a week, the general course - 20 treatments). Then a break for a half or two months, after which the process can be repeated.

We handle eyes

Mask of wrinkles in the home. Effective mask of wrinkles

has long been noted that the woman's age issue treacherous eyes, neck and hands. And no matter how well-groomed face looked ladies, if the eyes were sunken, his eyelids around the dark and wrinkled, and the general view will be far not the most presentable. However, everything is not so hopeless. Just to be put into saving their appearance some effort. And that's what will help you mask eye wrinkles. Take a teaspoon of cottage cheese, add the same amount of slightly warmed honey and warm olive or enriched with vitamin E (oil solution of alpha-tocopherol acetate, sold in pharmacies) oil, a little warm milk. Gruel rub well and apply to both of the century. Cover with gauze and heated towel. Sit quietly for 20 minutes. Then, remove the medium and wash with warm and then cold water. Proposed eye mask wrinkle relates to feeding and tightening a very beneficial effect on the delicate skin of the eyelids.

And another useful means of

Mask of wrinkles in the home. Effective mask of wrinkles

If you annoy "bruising" under the eyes, and therefore want these trouble spots visibly lighten, and generally improve the general view of the age, is such a rescue mask. Dry chop parsley, a tablespoon her spoon (with slide) pour a half cup of boiling water. Cover and let the liquid for 15-20 minutes. At this time, into small grater grate raw potato. Now, mix a tablespoon of the mass with the same amount of vegetable oil and two tablespoons of strained broth. Put the puree on 2 gauze and put on the eyes. Hold for 20 minutes, then remove, wet a napkin (can not wash!). By the way, this recipe is also suitable for face masks anti-wrinkle. Make every day before going to bed. Very soon, the result will make you happy!

The skin Oil will not spoil!

Mask of wrinkles in the home. Effective mask of wrinkles

And now a few tips for owners of normal and combination skin. For them, the most simple and very advantageous variant, allowing to maintain its appearance - oil face mask against wrinkles. What is meant? Olive, almond, tea tree, soya, cocoa, jojoba oil or any other vegetable oil is heated to a pleasant heat in a water bath, soak it in a thin layer of cotton wool, gently squeeze and apply on face and neck. Cover your face with cellophane and a towel and soak a compress for 15-20 minutes. Then blot the skin wipes and rinse first with warm and then cold water. These face masks anti-wrinkle especially good in winter, when the skin coarsens, weather-beaten, scaly. They relieve discomfort, eliminate dryness, restore elasticity and velvety. And vitamins and minerals contained in the natural oils form a real natural shield against wrinkles and other age-related changes.

His Majesty cucumber

Mask of wrinkles in the home. Effective mask of wrinkles

This is all the usual vegetables, it turns out, a great antioxidant rich source of minerals and many other useful items. It is used as a main ingredient in many creams and lotions, and other means of medical and anti-aging cosmetics. But domestic cucumber mask - a real bomb, which is very useful in the fight against our common enemy - time. What you will need: a bag of conventional cosmetic clay (blue, green or white) and a quarter of fresh cucumber. Vegetable grate on a fine grater and squeeze to get just the juice. Stir into it as much clay as to obtain a pasty mixture. Scrub on cleansed face, apply a mask netolstym layer. After that, relax, sit in a chair, head tilt. Facial muscles in no case do not move! Wait until the clay hardens, hold the skin tight-tight. Thus it tightens facial contours, smooth wrinkles. Cucumber mask with clay is very strong antiseptic, a source of many natural elements of the periodic table, literally saves us from aging, and various rashes and irritations, age spots, rosacea. Make it through the day treatment cycle. And you will be very satisfied with their appearance!


Mask of wrinkles in the home. Effective mask of wrinkles

It helps in situations when you need to look good, "here and now", the mask of starch from wrinkles. It is noticeable from the very first time improves and refreshes the complexion and makes the skin more elastic, visually rejuvenates and smoothes wrinkles. Prepare it is not difficult. Take tablespoon normal cornstarch. Pour into a glass half filled with water, thoroughly dissolve. Then pour into a saucepan, add half a liter of water and cook until the starch will not be as thick as cream. Allow to cool, pour 3-4 tablespoons of fresh carrot juice and one sour cream, mix well. It should be noted that such a mask acts wrinkle instead of Botox. Apply it on the face, and even on the eyelid skin. Keep 25 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply your usual cream. The result will be on the face! mask residue can be stored in the refrigerator and use in the following days. Then repeat the procedure every month twice. Thanks to the facility can be a very long time to delay visits to the beautician!

yolk-lemon mask

Mask of wrinkles in the home. Effective mask of wrinkles

Effective mask from homemade wrinkle made on the basis of egg yolk. One recipe is as follows: the dried rind of 1 lemon should be well crushed, literally in the powder. Beat 1 egg yolk. Then take the equal parts of the two components, mix thoroughly, cover, leave a brew minutes at 20. Then pour teaspoon oily solution of vitamin A or E, stir again, to obtain an emulsion. Spread on the skin thick enough layer, and then, when dry, rinse off with parsley broth and apply to face and neck soaked in cold water towel. Great - quickly and efficiently - the means to help bring itself back to normal after a hard day. It can be used as soon as cosmetic help if, for example, to the beauty salon does not have time, and you need to look stunning. Such masks wrinkles cause only positive reviews, because all of the components in them do provide an invaluable service to our skin!

Watch for facial expressions!

Mask of wrinkles in the home. Effective mask of wrinkles

If you are a little over thirty, the appearance of major concern until the causes are just on the forehead and in the corners of the mouth appear yet thin folds - you useful mask of facial wrinkles. Its main component - natural honey. Take 2 teaspoons of the product, the same amount of warm vegetable oil, add egg yolk, all well mixed and applied to the face. Hold until the mixture hardens, then rinse and lubricate the skin cream. Repeat three times a week. One course consists of 15 masks. Six months later, you can hold back the prevention of facial wrinkles.

Again, honey

Mask of wrinkles in the home. Effective mask of wrinkles

Honey generally unique product. In it, as in an egg contains so much important, vital elements that are both converted into storerooms health and beauty. And in order to look young, to nourish and tone the skin, can be twice a week to do just such a pleasant masochku. Take equal quantities warmed in a water bath milk and honey. Mix them until homogeneous. Coat the face, neck and décolleté, leave on for 15 minutes, then remove with a sponge, soaking it in warm water. Pat the skin thoroughly, lubricate the cream. This mask is equally useful for all skin types.

And the mask, massage and

Yes Yes exactly! This recipe - the secret of beauty "two in one". Using it, you are perfectly clean face of dead skin cells and particles (such as scrub), remove excess sebum, give the person a good feeding and at the same time give yourself a facial massage. After his face will feel very easy, cheerfully, "awake", as a man after morning exercises. Because it is recommended to carry out the procedure in the morning. Wash, attach to the skin in hot water heated towel, hold two minutes. Grease face warmed honey. Pat first fingers, then hands "hammering" in his skin. Then simply apply hands to her face - and take off. Do this for as long as your hands do not appear white pellets. Leave the mask for another 10 minutes, being careful not to move the face, then rinse thoroughly all. Your skin will be refreshed as ever, gentle, soft and youthful! Makes the procedure more often! A wash may be diluted in water, apple vinegar.

cottage cheese in a hurry to the aid of

For oily skin will be very useful mask of curd. And indeed all dairy products - loyal friends and supporters in our struggle for a young and healthy skin. And this means significantly narrows the pores, reducing the "no" effect "orange peel" that delivers the ladies so much trouble. And apparently it improves skin tone, giving it the same glow that beauticians called radiance. Take 2 tablespoons of cream, add half a teaspoon of honey (preferably liquid; thick can be heated in a water bath to liquefy) and egg. All carefully grind and whisk together. Apply to cleansed face, hold 20 minutes, rinse with warm, then cool water. Or wipe the face and neck with ice cubes.

Take the time to beauty, because it's worth it!