Passive stress. What kind of animal, and how to fight it?

Many consider the concept of "passive stress" unscientific. Say, it's all bullshit and malicious fabrications. But the reality is that if you believe in the fact that stress is a passive, or do not believe it still exists, and its effect on our psyche very negative. Just think of the passive smokers. It has long been no one there is no doubt as harmful to be around those who smoke, and other people inhale the smoke of cigarettes.

Passive stress. What kind of animal, and how to fight it?

Passive stress - a phenomenon of the same order. We take a negative emotions of another person. It turns out that our interlocutor is boiling with anger and bad for some reason us. Today we will talk about how to defeat the passive stress.

As we let a passive stress?

Passive stress. What kind of animal, and how to fight it?

Passive stress occurs when we are dealing with people who are in a stressful condition. That is, it turns out that we can become infected with stress as a common cold, and did not even know that the source of our stress - an old friend or a random passer-by, with whom we have entered into a casual conversation on the street. As explained by the emergence of passive stress? Scientists have proved that in the evolution of man, being inherently a gregarious animal, it has always been dependent on the state of their relatives and caught the shades of their mood, because the poor condition of a tribesman could be the result of anxiety before the imminent danger. That is, the ability to "pick up" the passive stress inherent in us genetically.

Passive stress. What kind of animal, and how to fight it?

So when we see any conflict, or someone's violent emotions from the outside, we can not remain indifferent - we either condemn or support members, thereby letting a their negative emotions. That is, stress manifests itself as an infectious disease. There is always a primary carrier, which infects others who, in turn, with "easy" case start to do "explode" and infect your state who will be next. So, how to deal with passive stress?

Be careful

Passive stress. What kind of animal, and how to fight it?

It is important to be alert and notice people who are "sick" stress. The source of this "infection" can be either the most people close to us, and people from far range communication, for example, the chief, who regularly comes to work in a bad mood and immediately begins screaming at subordinates. Tracking others' emotions, we can protect themselves, time saying to yourself: "Stop! That's not mine!". In such cases, you can even use the magic phrase: "Wow." Pronouncing himself this phrase, we give the command to your subconscious mind "closed" and not let a stranger negative.

Manage emotions

Passive stress. What kind of animal, and how to fight it?

Do not take other people's problems as their own and willing to dive into them. To combat stress is very important passive control of their emotions and the awareness that we can not control the source of stress. Whoever provokes in us the appearance of a stress state, is beyond our control. Therefore, you should abandon the desire to change everything right this second, but better to distract yourself anything. You can set the imaginary barrier between themselves and those who cause us the negative emotions.

Passive stress. What kind of animal, and how to fight it?

In order to distract their attention from a man who infects us with his condition, it is possible, for example, focus on your breathing. Ten conscious deep breaths will help restore balance. It is possible to focus, for example, a blue color, presenting as it clears all accumulated negative memory in us. It is very important to pay attention to your own body language.

Passive stress. What kind of animal, and how to fight it?

If we hump, clenches his fists, frowns, then perhaps it is a reaction to stress. Track it should consciously relax all parts of the body feel like a warm wave fills it from head to toe. Relaxation - one of the basic techniques that help does not enter into a state of stress or as comfortable as possible out of it.

Passive stress. What kind of animal, and how to fight it?

And, well removes emotional stress knitting (advice for women), sculpture, playing musical instruments (yes though and the drums!). Emotions and mind quickly come to a standstill, if, for example, to carry out some work at the same time with two hands - for example, flip through the magazine pages or typing on the computer.

"Reformat" source of stress

Passive stress. What kind of animal, and how to fight it?

If the source of passive stress is someone close, you need to try to switch his attention to something else. As the English say, "There's a piece of bacon in every dirty trick." Here's the piece and should look together. Interlocutor should try to pay attention to the positive aspects of that, for sure, there is a situation of which he complains.

Passive stress. What kind of animal, and how to fight it?

If a man infects his excitement about the work he is afraid not finish in time, the best thing to help him, instead of joint experiences. In the process of joint action dissipates not only our passive, but also its "aggressive" stress. And if the switch attempts were unsuccessful, should probably just take a break. Cup of coffee and cake, go for a walk, work out in the end. Healing influence of physical activity on the emotional state can not be questioned even by those who do not believe in the existence of the passive stress.