Hunting for goose. Hunting for geese in the spring. game-laws

Russia, being the largest country on the planet, is the eighth part of the total land area. More than seventy percent of its territory is occupied by plains and lowlands. The territory of our country includes landscapes of the eight natural sites, which today lives three hundred and twenty species of mammals and about seven hundred thirty - birds. Of these, the list is hunting fund respectively sixty and seventy species of bird species, non-target species. Its diversity and the economic value of dwelling in it the beasts and birds hunting in Russia is the most widely represented. And this is not surprising, because everyone wants at least once in your life to get the trophy.

Hunting for goose. Hunting for geese in the spring. game-laws


It is known that hunting in accordance with Russian law, is governed by a special law. You can not just take a gun and go into the forest and start shooting.

You should know that the hunting rules are established separately in each country or region on the basis of the characteristics of this industry in this region of the Russian Federation. And their violation threatens to administrative responsibility.

Going out for prey, each hunter must be in possession of a membership card and other necessary documents. This may be to allow officials HP to carry a firearm, permit. And if we are talking about licensing kinds of shooting animals, it requires a special certificate or contract.

At the first request of supervisors and rangers farms or protected areas, the shooter, as required by the rules of hunting, is obliged to present their membership card, ticket or other documents confirming the possibility of capture in the area.

Hunting for goose. Hunting for geese in the spring. game-laws


The most popular for most of the Russians is hunting for waterfowl. As a rule, all new lovers make his first shot at a duck - the most common bird of prey that does not require any special knowledge or skills. You can not say, for example, of a goose. Hunting season for ducks, as well as to other waterfowl, held in the spring, summer and autumn. Therefore, if you can not shoot a bird in the spring, you should not despair and "drop" the gun. Get the trophy can be in the summer-autumn hunting season. Seasoned professionals say they do not see a big difference in any ways, or in receptions in April or October. And they are, indeed, right.

In Russia, the opening date of hunting for geese in the spring - in the allotted tenday - this time, the birds return from wintering areas to breeding. And in October-November - when flying to the southern edge of the winter.

Hunting for goose. Hunting for geese in the spring. game-laws

The spring, summer and autumn and autumn-winter hunting season for game birds is determined by the regional regulations. At the same time farms administrations have the right to install closed-days, as well as limits for poultry production per person per day. Sometimes summer-autumn hunting for geese and other game birds, carried out with the breed spaniels and cops, opened three weeks before the general established deadlines.

The goose as extraction

This large bird can weigh from two to six kilograms. The length of her body comes to eighty centimeters. Gus - a very cautious bird, and it is necessary to remember always, going on a hunt.

Halo of its habitat is very wide. This bird can be found in Norway, and in the Primorsky Territory. Wintering goose, which breeds in northern Eurasia, flies to Central Europe, and his colleagues - other waterfowl - moved from Central Europe to the western part of the Mediterranean.

To settle the bird chooses mostly quiet big lake, overgrown with vegetation. Geese feed in shallow water or on land. They eat stems, leaves, different tubers or seeds. Today this bird is getting smaller. It is more distrustful of humans.

Hunting for goose. Hunting for geese in the spring. game-laws

The hunt for goose production requires knowledge of biology. It involves a very serious training, as complex and difficult to implement, as opposed to catching other species of birds. But the emotional appeal and excitement, which is famous for such hunting waterfowl, can be compared only with the shooting on capercaillie current.


The main value for shooting are just three of the total number of species of geese - white-fronted, gray and Bean. The last - tight downed birds weighing an average of two and a half to four kilograms. They are not very fond of the water, preferring to be mostly on land. In this case, Bean - first-class runners. Externally them apart easier than ever: on the whitish-gray neck and chest, white belly and undertail, dark sides with pale tips of feathers, black beak with pale red spots. Bean nests in the taiga or the tundra, and in the winter basking in the same places as the large gray goose.

The largest population - a white-fronted geese. This is not too big a variety weighs about two to three and a half kilograms. On the belly of her dark spot in a vest, on the forehead - white, apparently, and gave the name to the subspecies.

Hunting for goose. Hunting for geese in the spring. game-laws

The hunt for the white-fronted goose is conducted in freshwater, often in tundra land. During the spring migration of birds is often faced with a flock of Bean, who, because of their docile disposition, often takes a wedge off course lone "belolobika".

The largest is the large gray geese. They go up in weight to five and a half kilograms. They have longish neck and a thick beak. It feeds on the gray goose on land. He is very strong and extremely cautious: it is easy to startle. Being excellent swimmer diver gray goose, however, rarely is hidden in waterways, there disappearing only when molting or wounding.

Habits geese

Twice a year all the wild subspecies of this bird, flying from north to south and back again, overcoming many thousand kilometers. With a fair wind, they reach speeds of more than a hundred kilometers per hour. Like a crane or goose flies ragged wedge with a few jagged peaks. Closer to the northern areas of operation breaks down into small groups. And if in Moscow caravans are not uncommon in the hundreds of goals, then, for example, in the Arkhangelsk region, they already fly seven or ten individuals. Unlike ducks, dimorphism according to gender at this bird are clearly expressed. And so the hunt for goose during spring migration is permitted and females.

The methods of catching

In the spring, these birds often stop to rest and eat. They have a very clear schedule: overnight stay near the water, and at dawn - in the field, to nibble the grass and fly up into the sky again. If a particular place they like, they fly close. Some sleep, rest and re-appear in the pastures. Therefore, goose hunting is carried out either on the water or at feeding time.

Autumn - from mid-September until December, when it sharply colder, geese hit the road. Based on these features, there are some of the most common methods of hunting:

Hunting for goose. Hunting for geese in the spring. game-laws
  • during the flight - it is desirable to take refuge on a hill over the mountains as the bird flies low, and even lower goose moves against a strong wind, almost touching the ground in the dark;
  • surge - for clubby hunting: several people with guns have to hide from one side of the field at a distance of no more than about a hundred meters from each other, and the beater removes them to the arrows, the right direction is the direction from which the geese occasionally fly by field;
  • for the night - for this method need a preliminary exploration of the situation, in addition, need to advance the arrow to hide the shore skradok to hunt geese, and then you must wait to prey came ashore to rest and only then make the shots.

Vision at this bird sharp, though the sun it hard to see, in addition, the dark areas on the ground, she flies. Therefore skradok need to dig up on a light background, not in the gullies or ditches. Masking fossa is best done by using materials that are natural for a given environment, such as vegetation and gathered around her on the edges prikopalis ambush.


Some species of birds are the "Red Book". Professionals are well aware, these look like cousins ​​of commercial species - Lesser White, Emperor Goose, a variety of brant geese and mountain, although the behavior of all kinds, mostly similar. On the way back from the south, they do not take the time for a long time stopping for utility bills in the fields and meadows.

Since geese are vegetarians, the quality of their meat has a positive effect on the taste. Even far from the hunting gourmets know that game, as a rule, has the characteristic taste and smell. For example, meat capercaillie giving needles, duck mud, cormorants fish. This disadvantage is not in any way related to Gusyatin, so there is no need to soak it or abundant flavor spices. In this case, the vegetation associated with each particular region, clearly affects the taste of the meat, so the real gourmet always distinguished West Siberian wildfowl from ESPO.


Costumes for hunting geese and other waterfowl must conform to the weather conditions, which are the most characteristic of a particular area or climate zone. They must be well retain heat, with not only easy and convenient, but not wet. Headdress - a mandatory attribute - must have a visor and not afraid of moisture.

Hunting for goose. Hunting for geese in the spring. game-laws

The main requirement and clothing, and shoes - to them it was warm and dry, comfortable and long steps. The color should fit the terrain. Now on sale there is a huge variety of different costumes and accessories for sto- len. You need to choose the most comfortable, because sometimes you have to wait for the shot clock.

It's hard to argue with professional Gusyatnikov, argued that the best camouflage hunting is bedding in the trench. Cover with a level with the ground with the mesh woven into his turf person will not be visible even from a helicopter. However, such a masking there is one drawback - it is the complexity and duration of the process of preparation of the pits. Next on the effectiveness of the way to get out of sight goose - is the use of reclining ambush. The apparatus of this masking following: in fact, it is a cocoon, which fits hunter. Equipment has a rigid frame. Recumbent equipped ambush camouflage doors, which are usually two. They are completely head hide hunter.

Recumbent ambush very light in weight. It is possible to buy and keep a home or garage to the right time. It is transferred as a backpack, and to install and complete masking a person needs a maximum of ten minutes.

Special equipment

Hunting for goose. Hunting for geese in the spring. game-laws

Hunting for goose requires a good pair of binoculars. Even without a compass can not do, because in the heat, you can find yourself in an unfamiliar area, moreover, is in danger of getting lost, especially in swamps and in low visibility conditions.

In addition, when hunting for waterfowl is necessary to have a knife and a small, but strong ax. If you have to dig a pit, then without a bayonet shovel is indispensable. When the place of hunting will drive up in a car, it would be nice to stock up on camouflage net in the color of a specific area. In addition to these attributes it is desirable to take light boat, as well as a tent with a sleeping bag, kerosene stove, a thermos and a powerful torch.

Autumn hunting

When September comes into law and bread removed, in central Russia early shoals of geese appear. time to choose sets for lovers of space for shooting. First of all it is necessary to establish contact with the management of hunting to find all related questions. Several on-going drive to another land for public use. It is very useful can help local people from whom you can learn about the number of geese, or the exact locations of their feedings.

Quiet and overcast September evening especially favorable for hunting: at this time game is flying low and slowly, while in a clear and windy, quickly rises high. In August, the twilight flight begins about a half hour before sunset, and with the advent of September - after all, at the end of the month has been held at nightfall. Hunting for geese in the fall of the ambush it is based on two factors: the herd and care of this bird. It can easily identify places Ambush and shelters. Therefore, the arrangement of their need to begin only after the departure of the pack. The best time for this is the night. When everything is carefully disguised, and profiles with stuffed exhibited, we can breathe freely.

Dawn the hunter need to take cover. At dawn on the first fly geese single, which professionals call "intelligence." Like it or not, no one really say. But experienced "Gusyatnikov" say many times it happened that while firing at them already ready to go pack changes its direction of flight and fly away from this place of feeding. And after that, of course, a goose hunting is completely spoiled.

But when all is quiet, the birds flying by a broken line, looking for perch. You need to give them a special mating signal. Zavernet flock to the profiles and stuffed, which would mean that the geese have noticed them. Now everything will depend on the hunter.

In no case can not be enticing. Geese immediately feel false. When they notice it or find shelter, it sounds an alarm cry of a pack leader and sharply turns away. But if the hunter did not move and did not dissemble, and the shelter has not been found, the wedge will fly straight at him. When approaching meters by thirty or forty need to quickly get up. In this case, the geese begin to cry anxiously, slipping, trying to fly around the hunter, and some go up steeply.

Hunting for goose. Hunting for geese in the spring. game-laws

At that time, you can not get lost. Hunting for geese in the fall and have the most long-awaited moment for which the person has done hundreds of kilometers, winding dirt on the boots. Although the game a lot, but "a bunch" fire can not be: this is a sure miss. Aim in particular need the goose. After a rest day on the pond flock takes off again for the evening feeding. Hunting for goose autumn evening dawn is not much different from the morning. Hungry birds at the evening feeding are sent after three o'clock in the afternoon, and well-fed, and have repeatedly shelled - just a couple of hours before sunset. They also returned at different times.

Closer to fly away in warm edges geese in the fields linger for a long time, sometimes up to complete darkness. In such cases, acting at the same time, they are one big flock come back for the night. Many believe that the hunt for goose feeding areas - the main way of trophies production, but some prefer other methods.

The nuances of

Hunting season in late November, has its own specificity. Decoy bait planted in shallow water, shallow or onshore in feeding areas. Because they have to lure to wait not a single bird, and the whole flock, that with the same success can be used and females, and the males because they are not much different in appearance, and potential prey flight path is composed of representatives of both sexes.

Hunting for goose. Hunting for geese in the spring. game-laws

Gus careful duck, so in November ambush should arrange unobtrusive and carefully disguised to him. In dry places to dig trenches in the image of shallow pits, protect them, and the discarded land cover last year's reeds or branches from shrubs growing nearby. Besides decoy, hunting for geese in the spring and autumn involves the use of wooden scarecrows and dry places - cut from plywood or sheet metal profiles of the birds, which in calm weather should be placed at an angle to each other. This is done in order to be sure to have noticed their flock, with whatever side we flew.

If geese feeding on a long time over a wide area, not suitable for an ambush, you will need to help beater, that should carefully flush out and touch the booty from their seats, forcing her to move in the right direction. This technique is often applied to small flocks, but when in the chain are waiting for not one, but several shooters, instead of walking a beater better to send two people, with horses harnessed to a cart.


Shotgun for hunting goose should be heap and sharply beating. Especially useful for shooting swarms of multiply charged species. In addition, it is important to pick the right shell. Summer hunting for geese when shooting within a maximum of forty meters suggests cartridges loaded with shot number 4 to number 3 and the right - to the left barrel. In spring and autumn the most suitable second and first numbers.

Shoot the geese are not easy. And it will tell everyone who has ever produced them broadside. During the flight, such a large bird always somehow seem closer than it really is. Hence, the result of: a useless, only a daunting shooting at outrageous distances. In addition, the goose flight seems slower, although in fact he promptly snipe, teal and mallards. That is why it is so frequent mistakes due to lack of anticipation.

There is an established opinion that this bird is strong enough to wound. As at and all waterfowl, her thick fluff with a coating pen, especially in the abdomen and chest, as well as powerful flight feathers wings, characteristic of a great flyer-stayer. However, based on wide experience of many hunters, we can safely say that even a large goose - gray or Bean - shot four 'grains first number forty meters normally charged cartridge in contact always leaves on the ground.

Caliber rifle can be any, from the tenth and the twentieth. Most moves, of course, are the twelfth and sixteenth.

Selecting the most appropriate shotgun for hunting goose depends on the conditions and shooting skills.