Sea salt for hair - means giving density and strength. Comments about the effectiveness of sea salt for hair
The cradle of life on our planet is considered to be sea water, because it is in her first born living organism. From it produces much-needed product for our body, like salt. Few people know that sea salt is very good for the hair, it gives them a new life.
Universal product of nature
Different salt from the sea by its composition. In addition to sodium and chlorine, which are contained in the salt, are present in the marine magnesium, calcium, iodine, boron, iron, potassium, bromine, selenium, zinc and other minerals. This is very useful for live cell chemicals.
Salt is able to penetrate deep into the hair and provide them with useful components. But you should know that it can cause problems. If after swimming in the sea to dry your hair in the sun, they can fade. Sol pulls moisture and destroys the protein, whereby the roots are destroyed. Despite this, sea salt hair is a real source of health, if it is carefully handled. That is, before applying it must be ground and evaporate, then we can avoid the negative consequences.
The Dead Sea: the use of
Sea salt from the Dead Sea hair gives them vitality and brings invaluable benefit. It is used as an integral component in shampoos, conditioners and hair dyes. The healing properties of cosmetic products already experienced by millions of people. These drugs increase the regenerative ability of the hair, fill them with minerals and improve the condition of the scalp.
Many cosmetic brands impose costly for the treatment of hair. In fact, the efficiency is not high cost of the drug, but in its composition and quality of the components. Especially this statement refers to the cosmetics for hair care. Very affordable, useful and effective is a sea salt hair. Reviews of people of different ages is confirmed. Traditional methods include a variety of cosmetic recipes that are popular (scrubs, masks, sprays, powder coating). As they say the reviews, they are effective and affordable.
Healing properties of salt
The most popular way to strengthen the hair is rubbing sea salt into the scalp. Thus it delivers a lot of medicinal roots trace elements that are beneficial for the state and the growth of hair. In addition, this rubbing - a kind of massage, which improves blood circulation in the hair follicles and skin of the head. Through this process of hair growth is activated. People who have tried this method argue that positive changes can be seen after a few weeks of regular use: hair get healthy shine and become strong and to style.
Sea salt hair is very useful. It enriches the roots for its medicinal substances, absorbs excess oil secreted by the sebaceous glands, and cleanses the hair from cosmetic surplus. In addition, sea salt relieves itching, flaking scalp and dandruff. In order to achieve a positive effect, it is applied when washing your hair vigorously rubbed into the roots and scalp and then washed off. To flavor it is recommended to add 2 drops of essential oil. Use sea salt for hair loss, excessive fat, weak growth and if there is dandruff.
Rubbing salt into the roots made with soft massaging movements on a slightly damp, clean hair. After this procedure, they should be washed under running water. It is desirable that the hair dry naturally. Fasten the process can be nourishing mask, which is prepared from the following components:
- salt (2 tablespoons);
- yogurt or kefir (2 tablespoons).
The mixture is applied evenly over the length of the hair from the roots. The head is wrapped up in polyethylene film for half an hour. Washed off the mask shampoo, and it is not necessary to dry the hair dryer, it is better if they dry naturally. To resort to a procedure of salt should be 2 times per week. For the positive effect of sea salt for hair growth is applied 6-8 times, and then make a break for 3 months.
There is one more "delicious" recipe for strengthening hair. To cook it you need to grind in a blender banana, and add salt to. This mask is applied to the head, all covered with cellophane. After 30 minutes the mixture was washed with shampoo.
Sea Spray
As already mentioned, hair sea salt is useful in that it contributes to their growth. To do this, is preparing a spray that can create the effect of sea waves. Necessary ingredients such that the hair grow better and a good fit:
- warm water or chamomile tea for blonde, black for babe (1 cup);
- Epsom salt (2 tablespoons);
- Sea food salt (0, 5 teaspoon);
- hair conditioner or two drops of almond oil (0, 5 teaspoons);
- essential oil for fragrance (a few drops).
To give effect bleached hair sun help 1 teaspoon of vodka and lemon juice added to prepare the mask.
All components are placed in a blender and mix until smooth. The finished spray is poured into a suitable dispenser. Means stored at room temperature. Also facilitates laying sea salt (hair), spray applied to almost dry hair, which are stacked in the desired hairstyle. Can be loosely braid pigtails, slightly dry hair dryer, and then untwist, are obtained as a result of sea waves.
Sea salt hair
In principle, the result of the use of sea salt depends on the physiological characteristics of the organism. One it returns shine and silkiness, others will help get rid of the itching and dandruff. In any case, the effect will be positive.
Containing iodine and minerals should be added that any sea salt for hair. Therefore, you should not choose and buy a popular product with different flavors, because the effect is the same, but the cost is higher. In addition to therapeutic action salts can be prepared negative effect of harmful components inherent in the production of a colored product. It is better to make a mask or other cosmetic yourself and add a few drops of essential oil.