Curious about the Azov Sea ...

• curious about the Azov Sea ...

The smallest sea washing Russia, and on a warm, so cozy and so welcoming - the Azov Sea every year receives thousands of tourists to its coast. We love him for his availability and identity, and it never ceases to please us and give pleasant memories. Let's find out what makes the Azov Sea so special ?!

Curious about the Azov Sea ...

The Sea of ​​Azov - very shallow, its maximum depth is only 13 meters, it is because warm. The mean water depth of 8 meters, so in the summer water temperatures can reach 28-30 ° C. It is for this reason that the coast of the Azov so fond of parents of young children. The children then bathed for hours, and my mother did not worry that kids supercool. Houses in Yeisk or Ukrainian Berdyansk packed with tourists in the summer.

Curious about the Azov Sea ...

It is because of the depth of here you will never see the huge waves. The maximum height of the wave, which was recorded in these waters - a total of four meters. There is a theory that the Sea of ​​Azov was formed about seven thousand years ago as a consequence of the critical water level rise in the Black Sea.

Curious about the Azov Sea ...

It is interesting not only in summer but also in winter. In extreme cold sea is covered with ice, sometimes even completely. It happens that during a strong wind blocks of ice thrown to the wind, and the inhabitants of the coastal city has a gorgeous photo opportunity at a fantastic background. And to the Azov port cargo ship could go, here are constantly working icebreakers. In addition, to ensure that ships are not stranded on regular routes constantly ply ships engaged in clearing the bottom. And in the summer, especially in the hot months, there happen the night the water glow. Algae, which are exposed to high temperatures, especially begin to actively proliferate, contain phosphorus, which gives the water the effect of "illumination."

Just a few decades ago, the Sea of ​​Azov was the largest fish farms. It is often seen dolphins and freshwater areas of the sea to catch carp and pike. Now, local fishermen say the deterioration of the situation, it is associated with the industry and the lack of environmental controls in the area.

Curious about the Azov Sea ...

Unfortunately, experts point annual decline in the water level in the Sea of ​​Azov. And if things do not change, then after a while it will disappear from the sea to our maps. Enjoy the present and take care of nature - after all, what could be more beautiful than the sea ?!