Jogging: speed and correct breathing

Is rightly one of the most popular and useful sport is jogging, which has recently been called "jogging". Its advantage is that this sport does not need any special skills or equipped track. In addition, this type of racing is extremely popular with people who want to lose weight.

Useful than jogging?

A person engaged in sports, at least the rest of experiencing health problems. Jogging helps people to deal with problems such as muscle tone, bone fragility, poor circulation. In addition, it is very useful to the lungs, heart and nervous system. However, the main reason for which people go jogging, weight loss is.

It is no secret that jogging helps to quickly lose weight, but only a few know that it helps to strengthen the joints and the immune system. Thanks to regular exercise significantly reduces cholesterol, improves metabolism, strengthens the growth of brain cells, strengthens the nervous system.

Jogging: speed and correct breathing

For Her ideal evening jog, because at the end of the day the amount of hormones is at its maximum, which provides excellent physical shape. Fans of morning classes should pay attention to pre-warm-up. Running is also a guarantee of health and for the elderly.

To recommended jogging

To date, no one type of fitness can not be called universal. To many people, it is absolutely contraindicated, unlike running, which is useful to everyone. Running is a light and power. running speed of light jogging in training program dispensed by the individual, depending on the stamina and body condition. Enhanced jogging engaged only professionals.

Jogging: speed and correct breathing

The jogged contraindicated for people with spinal cord injuries and joints to remission. Also, doctors strongly recommend exercises for pregnant women with uterine tone. Running should be excluded people with a risk of thrombosis and overweight BMI above 33 units.

In all other cases, the run may be useful, but it is useful to consult with a physician. Daily exercises help to strengthen the body and weight loss, but refer to the cross-country as the sole and universal remedy for weight loss is not necessary. Jogging helps lose kilos only in conjunction with a proper diet. Some believe that after-hours classes deserve a delicious cake. With this approach, the result can not wait. Running in conjunction with a sensible diet will definitely give a positive result.

The choice of body position

For any sports are very important position of the head, body and limbs. Correct technique jogging is true positions of the head, shoulders, hips and body.

During the lessons you should always look straight ahead. It is important not to lower his head. You can occasionally glancing at his feet, so as not to stumble. During long runs should avoid frequent rotation of the head, as there is a possibility of loss of consciousness due to heavy overload of the body, and disorientation.

Jogging: speed and correct breathing

is recommended to keep the shoulders relaxed and smooth, it will help save energy for a longer period. If you press them to the body, the muscles perenapryagutsya, and people quickly get tired.

The body should always be possible to pull up, that is, be in a position perpendicular to the ground. So reduces the load on the internal organs, and dismissed the respiratory tract.

At the final stage of preparation should pay attention to the position of the hips. However, if the head and body are in harmony, then the rest will be in the correct position. If the hip tilted forward - discomfort is inevitable - will begin the pain in the lower back due to uneven loading.

Learn movements

Proper jogging - it's well-honed system of actions and toes. Elbows must form an angle of 90 degrees, but remain relaxed. Furthermore, hands should always be moving along the same line, that is, up and down, not sideways. This error is very common in novice runners: while driving the wrong hands increases the rotation of the body, which contributes to a significant loss of energy.

The position of the feet and actions depend on the distance that a person is going to run. If it is small, it is high enough to raise the knees. Such a step will improve both speed and endurance. If the runner decided to conquer the far distance, you need to work more ankle than his knees. In both cases, the feet should be relaxed. Strongly overload yourself during the first runs should not be, since the probability of occurrence of seizures.

Running technique jogging

Jogging in many ways is like a race walking. During the cross arm should be bent at the elbows, and their movements - flight and intense. The moment the foot touches the coated emphasis first on the heel, and only then the whole plane of the foot. This technique is ideal for beginners and amateurs.

Jogging: speed and correct breathing

There is an option (similar to sports running) with the simultaneous contact of the entire foot with the surface, but such a formulation feet requires special skills. Thus, the ankle at the time of contact should be as relaxed. In turn, the flywheel should be longer leg bent at the knee and slowly straighten up next repulsion from the surface.

Another important issue: how to breathe while jogging? You must inhale the nose and exhale only by mouth. The frequency depends on the volume of the lungs. On average, the inhalation and exhalation are performed every 4-5 steps. To prevent shortness of breath should breathe deeply. The performance of this technique is easy to check: if during the run you can talk quietly, then the load is distributed optimally.

How to start jogging

First thing is to get the doctor's approval. Not everyone shows the running sport. These classes should be excluded people with heart disease and kidney failure, with high blood pressure, with spinal cord injuries, colds and any exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Jogging: speed and correct breathing

If the doctor gave a positive response, then you can proceed to the selection of clothing, which depends entirely on the weather. In hot weather should not wear tight material, but it is recommended to wear a hat to protect from the sun. Focus should be on the shoes. In contact with the stop surface undergoes strong impact load spreading pain impulse to the spine and knees, so the best option would purchase the damping shoe which significantly softens the blow.

Jogging should begin with a warm up. A set of exercises to be small, but covers all parts of the body from head to feet. Only a good workout able to warm up the muscles and protect the runner from injury.

How long is the warm-up

Before the start of each cross definitely need to perform basic control on warming up the muscles and flexibility. Warm lasts approximately 7 minutes. During this time, you need a good stretch their ligaments and muscles that have not yet warmed and filled with energy.

Early in the morning is especially important to pay attention to the joints and spine, which numb after a long sleep. Rotational movements of 10-12 times for each part of the body is enough.

Route jogging

Jogging: speed and correct breathing

The ideal place for jogging is a park or forest area. Also suitable are and stadiums, and the sidewalks and squares. The advantage of the forest and park paths - the shadow of the green space and fresh air. It is important that the selected route had big climbs and descents. The horizontal track jogging can be varied to control the speed and fatigue. Of coatings mainly suitable soil, although many professionals still prefer conventional asphalt. It is also proved that running is easier on the nature on long routes, rather than in a circle in the park or in the backyard.

running for weight loss benefits of

Most people on the planet involved in sports to improve their own figure. It is no secret that the best way to reduce the amount of fat in the body - jogging. How many calories burned jogging, can not accurately answer any expert. For each person has their own standards, which depend on the health of the body and the amount of extra padding.

It should be understood that run only tighten the body, increasing muscle mass due to the transformation and fat burning. But the ideal figure never achieved only one training. To achieve the desired result should be given up a lot. Firstly, it concerns food. In the selection of diet and regular exercises extra weight will evaporate before our eyes.

Beginners enough for one training run from 30 to 40 minutes, taking care of pre-workout and nutrition. Subsequently the load can be increased to one and a half hours. Six months later sessions can be alternated fitness and jogging. How many calories are in this case will be burned? From jogging an hour a man loses from 500 to 1000 calories. Of fitness - from 200 to 700. As can be seen, jogging to burn excess weight is much more effective.

Jogging: speed and correct breathing

Lose Weight in 3 months

Become slim in a few months can only help jogging. Calories when practicing this sport will evaporate before our eyes.

In the first month of training are carried out every other day, alternating jogging with a brisk pace for 8-10 minutes. One session should last at least one hour, given workout. Second month differs from the first only by the time of jogging (30 minutes) and enhanced stretching before exercise. Once a week should be connected fast walking up the stairs.

In the third month running in a horizontal path should diversify uphill. Here, walk time is minimized.

In combination with a diet such training within 3 months will provide a striking result.

The Healing Power of jogging

Of all the sports most healthful and versatile is jogging. Reviews of its medicinal properties for a long time at the hearing. Sport jogging help overcome weaknesses, bad habits, and various diseases. Training not only cause distraction from the problems, but also to get a charge of emotions and life energy for the future. Not for nothing is jogging at all times was considered the main opposition by the aging of the organism.