Folk remedies for hair growth: prescriptions medications. Folk remedies for hair growth in the home

Most of the girls at least once wondered how to get hold of beautiful long hair. And those who already have the hair of their dreams, know firsthand how hard it is to maintain their beauty and health. All the time you need to watch that they do not began to fall out or whipped ends, but unfortunately, not all nature has given happiness to have a strong, long tresses. But it should not get upset, a lot of ways, among them folk remedies for hair growth.

Folk remedies for hair growth: prescriptions medications. Folk remedies for hair growth in the home

Introduction to the problem

The shop windows are simply broken on a variety of hair care products, from shampoos to mask. Packing full of the words "length and strength" or "no scissors", however, women customers have already managed to make sure that half of them do not perform all the declared functions. After trying a variety of means and not get a result, many hands go down, but early. It has not been canceled "grandmother recipes" - folk remedies for hair growth. At home - the most it! Natural, simple and safe, and most importantly - proven - methods can be found in this article.

General Tips

Frequently rinse the mask and do not give visible results. This means that they received from the elements the body lacks. In this case it is necessary to help the hair follicles to wake up and become stronger within.

Folk remedies for hair growth: prescriptions medications. Folk remedies for hair growth in the home

It is also a very important component of healthy hair is the scalp, too, need to take care of her. Accelerate the growth of hair folk remedies is not difficult, but you must first learn a few basic rules:

  • twice a year, preferably in autumn and spring, you need to take multivitamin complexes;
  • is constant, every day to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, washed down with all this fresh juices;
  • to give up bad habits, because alcohol, smoking, reduced activity - the main enemies of a beautiful head of hair;
  • to abandon drying procedures, the rectification or, conversely, perms, not to mention the coloring, - they are very dry hair and damage them.

Stimulators of

To see fast hair growth, folk remedies - some of the most effective helpers. The most famous hair growth stimulator - pepper. Most often it is used in the form of pepper tincture. From it is a mask: take a tablespoon of liqueur and the same amount castor oil (which is also very easy to find, but if you want to replace castor oil can be olive, sunflower, almond or other high-quality vegetable oil). The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the hair roots, and then the head is worn oilcloth shower cap and all of this is wrapped on top of a towel. The mixture is kept two hours on the head.

Folk remedies for hair growth: prescriptions medications. Folk remedies for hair growth in the home

Masks with onion

  1. At least productive folk remedies for hair growth - a mixture of onion juice, burdock oil, tincture of pepper, egg yolk and honey. All equally taken, mixed in a bowl and applied in the same way as in the first recipe.
  2. Another grandmother remedy for hair, which helps improve the appearance and accelerate their growth, - a mixture of castor oil, honey, onion juice, brandy, liqueurs pepper and marigold. All mixed thoroughly in a bowl, then add the yolk of chicken eggs. The composition is rubbed into the scalp, keep at least an hour, and then thoroughly rinsed. It is important to remember to be sure to use the balm after using this recipe.
  3. Another effective mask for growth and giving shine to hair - is the juice onions and brandy, in equal parts. They also made up a decoction of burdock root, everything is mixed, and then rubbed into the roots. Means should be held for about three hours, tying head waterproof cloth, and on top - with a warm towel. After the expiration of the time head washed and rinsed well decoction of burdock.

Popular mask

  1. If the hair is growing slowly and not very willing, you can try this option: egg yolk, whipped with yogurt. As always, the tool is applied to the scalp. After the hair wash is advised to rinse with broth succession.
  2. Among the proven years of popular recipes also wormed one such: only three components - beer, yolk and pepper tincture. All equally, in the amount of two tablespoons. If the scalp is dry, it is better to add castor oil. These folk remedies for hair growth at home is very easy to use - everything is put on his head and holds a half hours, and then washed off.
  3. The natural trace elements rich in tomatoes. They also stimulate hair growth. Crushed tomato connected with familiar castor oil and pepper tincture. All components are mixed in the porridge and put on his head, washed off after half an hour.
  4. Folk remedies for hair growth and include mustard powder. In the past, people liked to use it not only inward, to flavor, but also outside, to give hair elasticity and strength. The mask is prepared as follows: mustard powder, sugar and olive oil are mixed in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. For mushy state bit is added to a mixture of hot water. Then all this is applied to the scalp and massage lasts an hour, then wash off with shampoo. Then you can rinse decoction of plantain. Folk remedies for hair growth: prescriptions medications. Folk remedies for hair growth in the home

Natural conditioners - and p

Sometimes it is not enough just to wash hair shampoo, preventing them from falling. Excellent complement to a simple washing of the head would be cooked with his own hands conditioner: take a couple of tablespoons chopped calamus root, boil 15 minutes in vinegar, then add 500 ml of water. Before rinsing is added 50 ml of vinegar per liter of water.

Folk remedies for hair growth: prescriptions medications. Folk remedies for hair growth in the home

Another recipe from Calamus - taken three tablespoons of the root of this plant, and three spoons of burdock of felt. This mixture is poured a liter of boiling water and boil on low heat for about the half hour. Then, the resulting broth is rubbed into the head through the day.

Natural conditioners - nettle

This plant has long established itself as a good tonic, rich in vitamins. Broth with the addition of nettle used as folk remedies for faster hair growth. To prepare a decoction of nettle popular, you need the following: a half-liter of boiling water add half a cup of dried leaves and boil for five minutes. After that in the broth is added half a cup of vinegar 9%, and under the lid closed it all boiled for about five minutes. After removing from heat broth need to leave for another forty minutes, he is now ready for use. Every day, these folk remedies for hair growth massage hands need to be rubbed into the roots, bandaging a towel, and after 4 hours to wash off.

Folk remedies for hair growth: prescriptions medications. Folk remedies for hair growth in the home

Also, you can simply rinse hair decoction of young shoots of nettles, then they will not fall out. The main thing - to nettle has not yet bloomed.


Most of these folk remedies for hair growth, as an oil, used as humectants obladatelnitsy normal to dry hair. They contain a lot of fatty acids and vitamins. Castor - before use should be warmed in a water bath, then massage applied to dry, but washed the hair roots for half an hour. Shampoo need to lather on his head with oil, but only then wash off. It can be used for a month once in two days.

Folk remedies for hair growth: prescriptions medications. Folk remedies for hair growth in the home

Almond - well suited for oily hair, significantly improves their condition. It can not only be applied to the scalp, but to wet the tips in it to strengthen them for 30-40 minutes. Frequency of use and method of washing similar to castor oil.

Argan - according to the method of application is very similar to castor oil, but is only used for dry hair.

Preparations for hair growth

At the pharmacy you can find many of these drugs. They consist mainly of vitamins and minerals as required hair. The most popular drug "Esvitsin" vitamins "Revalid" and "Perfect" tablets "Pantovigar" and so on. D. They are taken orally.

Means against hair growth

Unfortunately, the hair does not look nice at all locations. Along with beautiful locks on his head girls are often concerned about the growth of hair on the body, mostly on the legs and armpits. Like the previous one, this problem disturbs the fair sex for a long time, and in this case the ancestors laid up a few secrets - folk remedy for hair growth.

  1. Massaging young potato juice in the problem areas twice a week great help.
  2. Rub the juice of white grapes, preferably wild.
  3. The lotion of alcohol. For its preparation need 5 ml of liquid ammonia, 35 ml of alcohol, 1, 5 ml of iodine and 5 ml of castor oil. All need to mix and apply on the feet, it is recommended to use 1-2 times a day.
  4. The following means - from the juice of hyacinth root. To get it, you need to take the plant root and grate, and then squeeze the pulp.
  5. The juice of unripe walnut - known, but quite dangerous means. If you rub it in problem areas, it will help get rid of hair, but need to use it very carefully - sometimes strongly stains the skin and can even cause burns.
  6. Another folk remedy, slows hair growth - a slice of lemon. After each hair removal it is necessary to wipe the skin.

There are folk remedies, masks for hair growth, as well as to get rid of unwanted vegetation. The main thing - to use all of the data nature opportunities.