Anti-aging face masks at home. Homemade mask: recipes

It would be nice to stay longer young and beautiful! But time is relentless. It is worth to celebrate the 30th anniversary as you begin to notice that the face and body skin gradually loses its elasticity, shine and brightness dims natural glow, wrinkles appear. Blame the natural aging processes in the body.

Why there are wrinkles?

With age, it decreases the number of molecules of hyaluronic acid, whereby the skin remains supple. Over the years, reduced collagen production, which is responsible for maintaining the elasticity of the muscle fibers.

Anti-aging face masks at home. Homemade mask: recipes

The older the woman, the less protected her skin from the external environment, and only deepens the wrinkles. To slow the aging process, you can refer to a beauty salon, try anti-aging injections or use homemade masks. Manufacture structure is quite simple and the ingredients available and inexpensive skin care products.

The benefits of pet masks

Our skin deserves the best. Today there are lots of ways to keep youth and attractiveness. One of the most simple is the daily care. A rejuvenating facial masks at home can help to always look perfect. Why? Judge for yourself.

  • To prepare using only fresh products. As a woman prepares a mask independently, she is confident in its quality.
  • Home remedies are made prior to application. However, there are some recipes that allow you to use the home cosmetics in several stages. But such masks have to keep in the refrigerator for a short time.
  • Home masks are harmless, because every woman can alone replace any component, makes her allergic reaction.
  • Their effectiveness is tested by millions of women. Many recipes are familiar with our mothers and grandmothers, and therefore trustworthy.

How to prepare your skin for the procedure of

You are going to prepare anti-aging face masks at home? Be careful with additional cleaning of the skin.

  1. Carefully remove the makeup, using special tools.
  2. Wash your face with water, apply a cleansing gel or lotion, gently massage. During this procedure, the pores open and go a variety of pollution, cosmetics residues are removed. Anti-aging face masks at home. Homemade mask: recipes
  3. Take a steam bath. As the dried herbs you can use a series, celandine, chamomile, mint, rose petals and buds of birch. Mix and match them in different ways. Herbal (2-3 tbsp. Spoons) is filled with water (1 liter is sufficient) on the steam bath to boiling and adjusted "tomyat" about 10-15 minutes. Insist grass about half an hour. Topped up with 0, 5 liters of boiling water and lower face of the tray, covering the head with a towel. Just a few minutes, you can achieve a good cleaning effect. The remaining pieces of the infusion can be frozen and used for wiping the face and neck.

Home remedies for rejuvenation on the basis of clay

Anti-aging face masks at home. Homemade mask: recipes
  1. Blue clay with cucumber. Mask action is aimed at smoothing out wrinkles, skin nourishment, its bleaching and toning. Vegetable juice (1 tablespoon) mixed with clay and spread over his face.
  2. The mask lifting effect can be obtained if the mix rose clay (2-3 h. Spoons) with pinch sea salt and egg white. Vitaminize recipe adding encapsulated vitamin E (3-4 pieces). The clay is mixed with salt and vitamins, is introduced beforehand whipped protein. Mask is applied in 3 stages, making breaks of 5-7 minutes. Caused the last layer - wait until the composition does not dry up. Take off the mask, wet conditions on a towel and applied daily gel or cream.

Chocolate mask with lifting effect

Cocoa, which is part of chocolate, contains many vitamins, fats and carbohydrates, which perfectly nourish and tighten the skin. It also includes the starch, which is responsible for bleaching and lightening age spots.

Anti-aging face masks at home. Homemade mask: recipes

In a water bath, melt 100 grams of dark chocolate, add a bit of gray clay and a couple of teaspoons of any fruit juice. Active time is the mask for 15-20 minutes. After its removal the skin gets an amazing brilliance, radiance, wrinkles are smoothed.

You can add various ingredients to get effective facial masks. Responses are both positive and negative, depending on the individual tolerability of a particular component. If wrinkles are more noticeable after weight loss, cook mask of cocoa powder (1 tbsp. Spoon), teaspoon sour cream. Separately, whip the protein and connect with other components. Facial massage for 10 minutes a day can be repeated to obtain a stable result.

based on algae masks

Included in the algal proteins, minerals, vitamins and acids accelerate the metabolism in the skin, improve the process of assimilation and nutrition of useful components. Going consolidation and tightening of the skin, moisturizing, eliminate redness.

  1. nori seaweed sheets you want to break into small pieces, pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, so swollen. 1 cucumber rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with algae, pre drain excess water. The duration of the mask - 25 minutes. Sessions are repeated twice a week for a month. Anti-aging face masks at home. Homemade mask: recipes
  2. The mask of kelp with lemon juice. Dried seaweed (20 g) in boiling water and steam out unnecessary drain water. Mix the pulp with 3-5 drops of juice and apply on face for half an hour. As a result, the skin shines a healthy sheen, wrinkles are smoothed.

Potato mask

  1. is used as an ingredient of boiled mashed potatoes root 1, a pair of tablespoons of milk fat, protein. The components are combined, geranium essential oil is added (6-7 drops). The mixture is actively working with the skin. Also it can be applied to the neck and décolleté. Fifteen minutes later, the composition is washed off with warm water. The skin is useful to rub an ice cube - it's great tones the skin, reduces pores.
  2. Crush raw potatoes on a grater, add a little sour cream. The mask is applied to the skin immediately. While the composition nourishes the skin and smoothes wrinkles, you can relax and lie down for 20 minutes.

on the basis of dairy products Masks

Yogurt, cottage cheese or yogurt can find in any refrigerator. Milk and other foods easy to prepare nutritious mask for dry skin, which will be an excellent alternative to many cosmetic products of mass production. Useful ingredients help to lighten the skin, promote the effective division of the epidermis cells, smooth wrinkles.

Anti-aging face masks at home. Homemade mask: recipes
  1. Cheese + honey + cranberry juice + protein. Preparation: 30 g of low-fat cottage cheese triturated with cranberry juice and honey (the last component added to 1 teaspoon). Carefully add protein, whipped into a thick foam. The mixture was adjusted to a uniform consistency by mixing. the active ingredients of the mask does not exceed half an hour. Composition perfectly removed when washing with warm water.
  2. milk with egg yolk and flour. This facial mask of wrinkles delay the aging process, actively nourishes and tones the skin. 10 g of flour mixed with egg yolk and add a little milk until creamy slurry.
  3. Sour cream + cheese. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts, add a little salt. The mask is ready, the time of its actions - not more than 25 minutes.

Fruits and vegetables in the fight for beauty and youth

It is easy to use anti-aging facial masks at home. For their preparation always take popular foods that have in the fridge. Vegetables and fruits contain useful minerals and vitamins that are useful for toning the skin and restore its colors. Organic acids function as light chemical peels, gently removing the top layer of keratinized particles.

Anti-aging face masks at home. Homemade mask: recipes
  1. An apple + banana + pumpkin. Active Fruit puree organic acids nourishes the skin, provides vitamins and minerals. If you add the 2 egg yolks, honey and a teaspoon of olive oil, you get a great mask for the skin with the first signs of wilting. Be prepared to mash these fruits, boil and chop the pumpkin, add the remaining ingredients. Composition "working" of at least 20 minutes, removed with warm water. After the mask can be compresses the queue for applying towels soaked in ice-cold and hot water. This procedure is perfectly tones and smoothes the skin, improves blood circulation.
  2. Tomato with oatmeal. This recipe uses vegetable juice, which is easy to squeeze out of a ripe tomato. 15 g of oat flour give thickness. To combat fine wrinkles should be paid does not exceed 20 minutes.
  3. Lemon berry extravaganza. Facial masks at home using a citrus juice - a great option for those who are recently disturbed fine facial wrinkles. Grind 5-6 raspberries (strawberries), add a teaspoon of lemon juice, honey and oil, 2 yolk. The mixture is whipped to produce a foam, and lubricate the skin of the face and neck. Remove with a cotton swab, if necessary, wash the face with mineral water.

Yeast mask

The mask for the skin, which includes yeast, copes with the problems of oily skin aging. The distinguishing feature is the softening power and the surface layer of the epidermis, strengthening vessel walls, imparting haze and gloss refined.

So, a couple of tablespoons of yeast dissolve in warm water, add olive oil. A mask is applied in layers in Hour 3, making breaks for 5 minutes until the bottom layer dries. After obtaining yeast dense film can rest on the face 15 minutes, allowing the active ingredients to be absorbed. Wash with warm water.

Oatmeal - youth and beauty recipe

It turns out, from cereal can make a mask for the face anti-aging at home. simple and effective recipes.

  1. 3-4 teaspoons of crushed flakes mixed with beaten egg white, add the lemon juice (3-4 drops). Causing the mask, it is necessary to wait until the composition of the spoiled skin, and wash your face.
  2. You can grind in a coffee grinder and dried herbs calendula, yarrow with oat flakes, taking them in equal shares. Suffice steamed mixture with boiling water to form a slurry, which is applied as a nutritional and a mask for 20 minutes.