Proper eye contact

• Proper eye contact

Proper eye contact

Eye contact is the fastest and most effective non-verbal signals that can be transmitted to another person.

So, if a person does not look into the eyes of the interlocutor, it is, in the opinion of others, can talk about its unreliability. On the other hand, too long eye contact is considered unacceptable in many professional fields.

"Eye contact can be both direct and inconspicuous, and an understanding of how they can be combined, is an important basis for the creation of any human relationship," - said Sharon Seiler in his new manual "What to say your body (and how to manage it signals). "

But how do you know when you need to look closely at another person, and when it is better not to raise the eye? And where you want to look specifically when trying to establish visual contact with the person? According to Seiler, much more appropriate to make a series of long cursory glance than constantly staring at him. Below are a few rules of etiquette regarding eye contact, it is desirable to recall that every time rush your opinion in the face of another person.

1. Eye contact with a business partner

Proper eye contact

The most appropriate for business communication visual contact method is to fix his eyes on the center of a 'triangle', the lower bound of which is located just below the eye level of your colleagues, and the upper point is located in the middle of the forehead.

2. Eye contact in personal relationships

Proper eye contact

But if you know the person well, turn the above-stated "Triangle" and visually position it so that its peak is now accounted for the interlocutor's mouth, and eyes set back in the middle of the resulting imaginary geometric figure. Most likely, your eyes will now be directed to the bridge of the interlocutor. However, remember that long-seed the bottom of a person's face can be clearly perceived by them as a desire for intimacy, or as a manifestation of aggression.

3. Eye contact with the Morgan-controlled

Proper eye contact

"We unconsciously blink more often when we are under the ravages of stress, so you should learn to control the frequency podmargivany" - says Seiler. If you want to give the other party a serious promise by a look, then you should exercise in the development of direct eye contact, without blinking, as "limited blinking allows your visual signals the ability to inspire confidence in others." own view of management is important, because through it people are getting the lion's share of information about your feelings and thoughts. In business communication you need to control their eye contact and eye movements, as these are the non-verbal signals are more likely give out your intentions and state.

Also, it is worth remembering about the importance of eye contact representatives of various nationalities.

For example, direct and prolonged gaze directed at the interlocutor, is generally perceived in Western culture as a sign that a person can be trusted. And in the eastern countries causing piercing gaze indicates disrespectful and cocky attitude, especially when it comes to relations chief and the subordinate.