Beetroot diet. Beet diet: reviews, results

Autumn comes, will appear on the shelves of the abundance of autumn vegetables: cabbage, beets, carrots. It's time to add variety to your menu, you will ensure that your body supply of vitamins and minerals, as well as protect against excess weight in the winter. Of all these vegetables beetroot diet is used with maximum efficiency. Thanks to its unique composition, the usual vegetable is the best helper for those who want to lose weight or maintain it in good condition.

There is another fact that speaks in favor of the use of beet. The most valuable are the ones for human vegetables and fruits that grow there, where he was born. Beetroot diet can be used without risk to health, which is particularly important. Judging by the reviews of the female half of humanity, it is the most effective and affordable product to fight obesity.

Ingredients beets

He is truly unique, it is confirmed by folk and official medicine. Beetroot diet is good also because it does not impoverish the organism during a diet. It contains a huge amount of protein. And the source of nitrogenous substances is not only the roots, but the young tops, thanks to its content of a variety of vitamins. It is part of the beet includes almost all the essential amino acids. If you are engaged in intellectual work, this vegetable should be on the table every day, because the gamma-aminobutyric acid contained in it, facilitates the exchange of substances in the brain.

Beetroot diet. Beet diet: reviews, results

The beet has a variety of vitamins, but in relatively small quantities, it is A, B1, B2, PP, B9, C, E. Regular consumption of vegetables in the food you significantly restock these essential substances. According to the content of minerals, macro-and micronutrients beet can be called a real queen of the garden. By quantity of iron and copper, iodine, manganese and zinc, it is unparalleled. Beet also enriches organism rare metals such as vanadium, boron, molybdenum, and rubidium fluoride. All this makes it the most important product in the winter table.

Beet diet and not only

The beneficial properties of sugar beet can talk endlessly. It allows you to fill in zinc reserves, the most important element for the men, as well as iron, which is necessary for women. In addition, that beets improves hematopoietic processes, it performs a number of important functions: cleans the liver, removes from the body excess liquid, together with salts of heavy metals, helps stop the growth of cancer cells. Regular consumption miraculous vegetable improves digestion and normalizes metabolism, which makes it possible to slimming via beet. It improves brain function, helps to improve the hemoglobin, purify the blood and strengthen the capillary walls. The juice can dissolve blood clots and gallbladder cleanse.

Weight reduction using beet principle of

That the beet diet helps parting with excess weight - is a proven fact. What are the mechanisms in the body triggers the red vegetable? Everyone knows about the laxative properties of beets, it improves digestion, stimulates gastric secretion and intestinal motility, promotes its cleansing and normalizes metabolism. But this is not all, it effectively outputs the excess fluid from the tissue, as a diuretic.

Beetroot diet. Beet diet: reviews, results

Beet red is used for weight loss is also due to the presence of a large number of dietary fiber. Once in the stomach, they saturate with water and swell, filling most of the space that allows you to eat much less. But there is even more amazing properties: beet contains betaine, alkaloid substance that helps splitting and assimilation of food. Thus, you will be able to get enough of a small piece of meat, if you eat it after the beet. This happens due to the complete assimilation of protein.

If you look at the achievements of the pharmaceutical industry, we can see that all means for weight loss have only one of the objectives described above. Some have diuretic, laxative effect others, others contain fiber, and the simple beet is a natural combination means that combines all of these properties. An added bonus is to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. This allows you to activate lipid metabolism, to cope with the extra weight, and even adjust the immune system. Doctors confirm how effectively beet diet. Testimonials say 100% guarantee of weight loss without starvation and unpleasant consequences for the organism. This is the best alternative to chemical drugs.

How to use beets for weight reduction: indications and contraindications

This is a unique vegetable that does not lose the beneficial properties when cooked. Cooked beets diet is suitable as well as raw or steamed. We should not forget that the roots are not only useful, but also the young tops. Remember that any mono-diet is stressful to the body. Exclusively beet diet should not last more than a day. In the following days should be added to the diet of other vegetables, fruits, dairy products (yogurt, cheese).

beet juice in pure form can cause heart palpitations, cerebral vasospasm, and many other troubles, so before use, be sure to give it to stand for several hours in the refrigerator. It is much safer to drink a variety of mixes. A mixture of carrot and beet juice with the addition of zucchini and celery you will only benefit.

Beetroot diet. Beet diet: reviews, results

It should be noted that the absolute contraindications to the use of this vegetable is not. But with caution and gradually incorporate it into your diet to those who have a history of gastritis (especially in the acute phase), diabetes mellitus, severe liver disease, chronic cystitis, urolithiasis. Consult with your doctor, he will tell the optimal menu.

The optimum combination - beets and yogurt

This effect duet beet juice in the stomach wall softens and reduces to zero. Beet-kefir diet is suitable even for people with chronic gastritis and hyperacidity. We should not forget about the individual characteristics of the organism, you should start with small portions and gradually increase them. Drink a tablespoon of beet juice, if for an hour you do not feel the change in status, nausea, dizziness and pain in the stomach, you risk nothing. Beet-kefir diet is designed for 2-3 days, it can be repeated at intervals of 10 days. The merits of such a method of weight loss a lot. Reduced mass is slow, not leading to skin stretch and rapid return to the previous size. Using yogurt with beets for weight loss, you are perfectly stimulate the body to fight the fat deposits, revise their menus and nutrition system. And also you get a lot of useful substances, for which you will thank all the internal organs. This kind of diet is also aimed at getting rid of toxins.

Introducing simple and affordable weight loss recipe. Kefir with beets should replace your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Only in the case of an acute attack of hunger, you can afford a small piece of fruit (except bananas). For every day you need a kilogram of vegetables and a liter of yogurt. You can eat beets raw, but nutritionists recommend to boil or bake it. Then you are given the space for creativity. Beets can be cut into slices or grate. It allowed teaspoon of vegetable oil, but must be without salt.

Some dieters believe that the yogurt drink boiled beets very tasteless, and offer another option: vegetable pour yogurt and grind in a blender. You get bright cocktail rather original taste. Use yogurt with beets for weight loss should not be more than 3 days, but you can replace them dinner in the ordinary diet. Over time, a diet can lose 3 to 5 kg. To save the results achieved, do not forget about health, a separate feed, do not use a lot of fatty, fried and sweet, stick to the agenda, dinner should be the lightest meal.

It is this version of weight loss with the help of the beet is the most simple and effective, which is confirmed by reviews of tens of hundreds of girls and women. They say that such a menu is easy to adhere to, hunger is not tormented and superfluous kgs leave by themselves, giving a feeling of lightness.

Beet the first and the second

If you are not a follower of mono-diet, but I want to replace one of the meals this useful vegetable, specially for you - great version of the soup. He has a bright bouquet of taste, and after he did not want to lean on the second. For its preparation Grate beets large and small carrots, take a little chopped cabbage and chopped onions. Stew all ingredients in a pan (oil spoon can add or dispensed with it), then Transfer the mixture into a pan of boiling water. Boil the vegetables until soft, and then let it brew.

Beetroot diet. Beet diet: reviews, results

of the male half of the population neglects the first dishes. How can it be used in this case, red beets for weight loss? Nothing could be simpler: prepare healthy snacks. Boiled or raw beets rub on a small grater, add a clove of garlic for flavor. Eating a snack before the main course will significantly reduce your appetite and allow to eat much less. Contained in the beet betaine helps the assimilation of protein foods, so you will fully satisfy a small piece of meat or fish.

Not less effective beet salad for weight loss, which is called the "Brush". You only need to grate 200 g raw beetroot, carrots and green apples. For the filling, you can use a teaspoon of olive oil. Salad can be used as a garnish instead of the usual cereal or potatoes.

Such measures can not be called a diet, you will only supplement the diet of a useful product, replacing them one of the meals or eating a meal in front of him. Nevertheless, it's enough to say goodbye to 2-5 kg ​​per month. Judging by the reviews, this optimization power gives much better results, but it requires a longer period than a diet.

Beetroot diet. Beet diet: reviews, results

Beet juice

Often, in addition to the roots and tops, nutritionists recommend taking pressed juice from beets. It is worth mentioning that it is impossible to drink instead of eating in any case. Firstly, there can be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, from stomach pain to the banal diarrhea. Secondly, juice blunts appetite only for a short period. After about 30 minutes the body starts to produce insulin, and blood sugar levels plummet. The consequence would be a sharp feeling of hunger and then overeating. It is because of such properties beet juice in its pure form is not recommended to drink for diabetics. But drinking it before dinner, you can avoid overeating. Cook it, you can use the juicer or beet rubbed on a grater and squeeze through cheesecloth. Very good to combine it with carrot juice (50/50).

This product gets very mixed reviews: one, he did not come for health reasons, others tried to hold on to one juice, suffering from hunger and frustrated. The best results gives beet juice in compliance with a low-calorie protein diet, if you eat it before meals.

Diet joy

To weight loss process was fun and easy, give more options, in any form can be used for weight loss beet. Recipes you can optimize on your own. The simplest option - it is vegetables, baked in the oven. Beets need to peel and cut into pieces. For better taste you can sprinkle it with cinnamon, curry and other aromatic spices, drizzle with olive oil or orange juice. A small piece of boiled chicken breast optimally complement your meal.

Beetroot diet. Beet diet: reviews, results

Another option - boiled beets. This is a delicious product that retains all the vitamins and minerals. It can grate, add sour cream and nuts, then the salad can be used as a main dish, or sprinkle with lemon juice and serve as a side dish. And you can grind in a blender and spread on toast as a calf. Anyone who wants to lose weight, it is necessary to review the system of the power, and then it becomes a delicious beet lifesaver. We should not forget that there are other vegetables, for example, often used together beets and carrots for weight loss. Any salad would benefit from such a neighborhood, it will be even brighter and more delicious. Carrot contains only 11 kcal per 100 g, and huge supply of vitamins and trace elements. Feel free to add these vegetables cabbage - a storehouse of nutrients and dietary fiber, which can not be digested, but help in time to break away from the plate.

Beetroot diet. Beet diet: reviews, results

There is a gentle beet diet that allows you 10 days to get rid of 5 kg. Breakfast should consist of carrot and lettuce beet (300 g), at dinner entertain themselves lean buckwheat (200 g, without salt or butter) and boiled meat (200 g), at dinner - vegetable stew. you need to drink beet juice before each meal. Start with a tablespoon and bring it to 100 g can be used for snacks, fruit salad with yogurt. Judging by the reviews, such a diet is very easy to carry and gives good results: from 5 to 10 kg in 10 days.

What do I need to remember

Beetroot - an excellent assistant in matters of getting rid of the extra kilos. But we should remember that the effectiveness of the diet depends on what you eat in addition to this wonderful vegetable. You should forget about alcoholic and carbonated beverages, fatty foods and sweets. Try to give up flour and baking, as well as smoked meats, sausages and semi-finished products. From fruit to exclude bananas and grapes.

Together with beet good assistants in the fight against overweight will be water and green tea. You can use apples, pears, oranges, apricots and kiwi fruit (3 pieces per day), rice or buckwheat porridge, chicken broth and low-fat yogurt.


To be in good shape, you need to constantly eat vegetables. Beet is unique in its own way, it not only enriches the body with the necessary nutrients, but also makes it possible again to become slim and fit. If in addition to the beet diet you will begin to engage in sports, the results will surpass all expectations.