As lead paint from clothing? The scrub paint from clothing

Very often, doing repairs in the apartment, we get dirty their clothes paint that can not hurt, because everyone knows how difficult it then wash off.

We often get frustrated because of the fact that sat on the wet after painting a bench in the park, with a sense of grief is doubled when the port is a thing that only yesterday was purchased at an expensive boutique. However, if the adults take at least some attempt to be careful not to get dirty, the children in this regard are absolutely heedless.

In this regard, many are very relevant questions about how to get the paint off clothes and is it possible? Of course, yes.

So, your child sat on a painted swing, and now on his pants emblazoned big oily spot. How to solve this problem? As lead paint from clothing?

As lead paint from clothing? The scrub paint from clothing

The most important thing - not to despair and not to worry too much about it, because the way out there, and not one.

What to do in the first place

Those who are particularly concerned about the question of how to get the paint from clothing, should be aware that a solution to the problem can not be delayed. Once you see the paint on a shirt or jeans, try to begin immediately to ensure that the correct position, or spot "vestsya" and remove it would be incredibly difficult. If the contamination of fresh chances to eliminate it by means of conventional washing powder or soap is very high.

We get down to the practical consideration of how to bring the paint from clothing.


It should be emphasized that the watercolor or gouache can be easily removed by normal washing. If we talk about the composition of the oily, the problem of its neutralization is more complicated.

As lead paint from clothing? The scrub paint from clothing

I do not know what to scrub paint from clothing? To do this, take a cotton ball, treat it with kerosene, alcohol or acetone - the solvent must be chosen with care to avoid damaging the fabric. Note that acetone can not be used to remove paint particles from leather and synthetic. Also remember that ammonia can change the color of the material.

After the cleaning composition is properly selected, you can begin to eliminate stains, and this should be done carefully.


And what is to scrub the paint off clothes yet? Obtain a hardware store refined petrol, soak a cotton swab in it and repeat the procedure described in the preceding paragraph. Not recommended at the same time remember that the use of fuel, which is intended for cars.

As lead paint from clothing? The scrub paint from clothing

As crude gasoline, its use is not ruled out, but there is a risk that it will add a few of their clothing stains, and then the thing would have just thrown away.

Wool and cashmere

When eliminating paint with wool and cashmere fabrics must also be orderly. As a rule, the above-mentioned materials are difficult to clean, so experts do not recommend in this case to solve the problem by means of gasoline, acetone or alcohol. Attempt to get rid of the ink is possible by means of sunflower oil which was at the final stage of the procedure is removed with cotton.

Production of cotton

Spot of the paint on the clothes of cotton is perfectly neutralized by ordinary soap. However, once a reservation: Contaminated clothing must not only zastiryvat, and dip them in boiling soap solution.

As lead paint from clothing? The scrub paint from clothing

The recipe of its preparation is very simple: in an enamel container, pour 1 liter of water, add the 1 piece of dry planed soap and 1 teaspoon of salt. The resulting composition should be brought to a boil. Contaminated clothing areas should be immersed in the bubbling liquid by about 10 seconds, and it should be done as long as the paint is not removed from the fabric. If as a result of this procedure on the material suddenly appear stains, you must also soak clothes in hot water with bleach.

Articles made of natural silk

Many housewives concerned about the issue of how to wash stains from clothes made of silk. In this case, you must use an ordinary soap. pollution of the area should be thoroughly rub the above cleaning agent, and then for a while to leave them without soaking. Parallel to this, it is necessary to heat (up to boiling not to bring) denatured alcohol - it can be done in a conventional water bath. After this process the composition lathered sponge and clean spot to their complete disappearance.

In the final step it is recommended to re-wipe dirt area, but a sponge soaked in hot water. Followed by a dry cloth peeled areas and treat them with talcum powder.

As lead paint from clothing? The scrub paint from clothing

What if the stain stale

Of course, everyone is interested in the question of how to remove paint from clothing, which already thoroughly ingrained in the fabric. Of course, this old stain on the fabric to eliminate much harder than fresh, it does not always possible to guarantee a positive result. Still, attempt to save the thing still stands.

The first thing to using a sharp object (knife or blade) to try to remove dried paint, of course, it should be done with utmost care to avoid being damaged material. Then, taking into account the structure of the tissue should be treated with contaminated sites alcohol or gasoline. After that you need to wait until the paint begins to soften from the "chemical" substances, and more - remove it and to eliminate residual traces. Of course, the above option remove stains require some effort and time. At the final stage it is recommended to treat the contaminated surface with a solution of soda.

How to remove oil paint

Spots oil paint neutralized by cotton pad soaked in turpentine, kerosene or liquid ammonia. Alternatively, use of a gasoline composition of soap and turpentine, which is applied to problem areas. Once the stain is dissolved, gently clean off the paint.