How to lose 10 kg in a month? How to Lose Weight Tips

Often women and girls face the same problem as overweight. And this phenomenon is quite normal, if a long time do not take care of their nutrition and diet. Sooner or later, you still stand on the scales and see the result of frequent overeating and improper treatment. So if you suddenly stopped jeans fastened, and you urgently need to learn how to lose 10 kg per month, you will definitely come to the right place! In this article you will find a description of four different effective ways to help you lose weight and become easy again.

The first way: Lose Weight in a week. Mediterranean menu

According to the latest statistics of the world, in countries such as Greece, Italy and Spain live the most healthy people. Of course, the reason for that is their healthy lifestyle, especially good nutrition. A variety of vegetables, fruits, fresh dairy products, fish, olive oil, - approximately so looks normal diet inhabitants of the countries of the Mediterranean basin. Hence came the so-called Mediterranean diet, which will help you see if you can lose weight in a month and how many kilos.

How to lose 10 kg in a month? How to Lose Weight Tips

In the Mediterranean diet has its own principles. First, at each meal you should eat something protein, best seafood. Total protein should be 2 grams per 1 kilogram of weight. Secondly, try to eat raw, more fruits and vegetables, namely, 5 times a day for 100-200 grams. This intense concentration of simple but useful carbohydrates will not only help you freshen up, but also improve your health, because scientists have long shown that fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of certain cancers. Third, banned all semi-finished products, always try to prepare food on their own and only from natural products. And finally, you need to eat five times a day in small portions. Now you know one effective way to lose weight. Reviews of the Mediterranean diet are usually positive, so do not be afraid to boldly and start to change life for the better!

Method two: sports diet

How to lose weight fast? How to lose 10 kg in a month? The answer is very simple - eat less and move more. In fact, this is the whole secret of losing weight. You only need to consume fewer calories and spend more. And this will help the sport. One of the mandatory rules of a sports diet - drink two liters of water per day. This will speed up your metabolism, and thus will contribute to the rapid discharge weight. The second rule - protein. For good health during sports diet needs a lot of protein, it is also necessary for the rapid formation of muscle mass.

How to lose 10 kg in a month? How to Lose Weight Tips

Your diet should look like this: 50% - carbohydrates, 30% - fats, 20% - proteins. For breakfast you can eat porridge (cereal), fruits and drink a glass of milk. For lunch - chicken breast with vegetables, steamed. For dinner you can eat 200 grams of cottage cheese or drink a glass of natural yogurt. two snacks are also permitted, during which you can drink low-fat yogurt or a protein shake.

Training during sports diet

Surely many have a question about training. Training Frequency during sports diet, as well as their duration depends on your desire and stamina. It is recommended to do sports three times a week for at least 20 minutes. Your workout should consist of warm-up, cardio, strength training, stretching exercises and a cool-down. Try to work out all the muscle groups, and if you have problem areas more concentrated attention to them.

The third way: diet, "1000 calories", also known as diet "-10"

Most likely, you already clear the main principle of this diet. Every day you will have to eat food by 1000 calories. It looks very simple, but in fact there are a few little things about which we can not mention. Eg 1000 calories contained in one huge pizza, but if you'll eat every day on such a dish, then not only lose weight, but also greatly harm your own body. Therefore, learn to choose the right products. Better on the diet to give up fried, sweet and starchy foods. No biscuits, chocolates, potatoes, especially since no chips and fast food, only fresh, natural and desirable low-calorie foods. Such a diet - a great diet for a month, 10 kg will go unnoticed.

How to lose 10 kg in a month? How to Lose Weight Tips

It is also not recommended during the diet deal with sports that require large energy inputs. Since you use a small amount of calories, you will not have the energy for heavy load, so for some time to refrain from exercising.

-10 kg per month with this diet you exactly guaranteed!

The method of the fourth: vegetable diet

Vegetable diet - it's really a nice and useful way to throw off excess weight. No one can refuse a fresh salad or a delicious pumpkin soup. Vegetables can be cooked a huge number of beautiful simple dishes, that's why diet is so rapidly gaining popularity. Lose weight fast, delicious and without harm to health is possible, it is not fiction, you see for yourself and learn how to lose 10 kg per month! To begin, select the pros vegetable diet.

How to lose 10 kg in a month? How to Lose Weight Tips

Advantages of vegetable diet

For a long time you can transfer the advantages of a vegetable diet, as they are many. Firstly, you will greatly strengthen your immunity due to the fact that for a while forget about the semi-finished products, fast food, canned food and other harmful foods, and consume a large amount of useful vitamins, found in vegetables. And as we all know, disease prevention is the best treatment for them.

Another advantage of the diet is to improve the well-being and mood. You do not need to starve yourself or severely restrict, dishes of vegetables are very nutritious, and their preparation are rarely takes time. You may not even feel the change in their diet.

The third advantage - fast results. No other power system will not give quick results such as vegetable diet. It is indispensable for weight loss! You will immediately see the fruits of their efforts, and that, accordingly, pleases you and gives motivation for further self-improvement. Vegetable diet - a good diet for a month, 10 kg of excess weight will no longer bother you.

How to lose 10 kg in a month? How to Lose Weight Tips

Menu vegetable diet, of course, constitute the vegetables, but they must choose carefully. Mandatory requirement - the quality, they should be fresh and natural. Try to always refer to the choice of product liability, because of this depends on your health.

Every day you have to eat 1-1, 5 kg of various vegetables. It can be cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, radish, herbs and so on. But it is not recommended to eat potatoes, carrots or squash in the afternoon, since these products have a high glycemic index. Also, do not forget to drink 1, 5-2 liters of water per day.

The recipe vegetable diet: vegetable soup

One of the biggest misconceptions losing weight is to lose weight that can not be tasty. But this is not the case. There are many different recipes, for example, the usual vegetable soup. To make it, you will need:

- Broth.

- Potatoes (2-3 medium-sized tuber).

- Onions (1 pc.).

- Carrots (1 pc.).

- Canned peas (1 Bank).

- Bulgarian pepper (1 pc.).

- Tomatoes (3 pcs.).

- Salt and pepper (to taste).

How to lose 10 kg in a month? How to Lose Weight Tips

Before you boil the broth, finely chop the carrots and onions, and then fry them in a pan. When the broth is ready, you can cut the other vegetables into cubes and add all ingredients in a saucepan (peas is added at the end of cooking). Soup get a delicious, useful, and most importantly - diet.

The method five: salt-free diet

Minus 10 kg in a month? Easily! Just stop heavily salted food. Salt water retention in the body, and its excessive use of the cause of many cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic disorders.

But salt-free diet does not mean a complete rejection of salt, which is necessary for the body to regulate calcium. All you have to do is to eat 5 times a day, eat only add salt if necessary and in very small quantities, in addition to drink two liters of water a day to speed up metabolism and well-being.

Over time you will develop new eating habits, and the need for salt will not be so hard you felt. The diet is based primarily on a fractional power, it will also teach to follow the portions and not overeat.

Lose weight correctly!

How to lose 10 kg in a month? How to Lose Weight Tips

Now you know how to lose 10 kg in a month. Our tips are sure to help you become slim once and for all. Choosing one way, do not forget that every diet has its limitations. Therefore, before you drastically change your eating habits, you should consult with a specialist. Be healthy, happy, and never forget to follow the figure!