Brazilian hair straightening: reviews. Brazilian hair straightening - photos, price

Well-groomed and beautiful hair in perfect condition - the dream of many women. However, the fair sex have always been prone to experimentation, including on his hair. In addition to painting, dyeing, bleaching, perming, hair negatively on the family is also affected by the weather and the stress and lack of vitamins in the body.

Return them to healthy look will allow the Brazilian keratin hair straightening. It should be noted immediately that the procedure should be carried out only master. It allows you to not only make hair perfectly straight and shiny, but also treats them, restoring the structure of damaged hair.


The essence of such straightening is as follows: the liquid together with other keratin reducing substances when applied penetrates into the hair shaft and fills its voids. Smoothing occurs due to the fact that the composition has no damaging effect on the disulfide bonds, and stretches gently while relaxing them. In this recovery curl it is on the outside (visual) and the inside.

Brazilian hair straightening: reviews. Brazilian hair straightening - photos, price

This procedure allows not only to improve the hair, it takes away their fluffiness. It also allows owners of curly hair to remove hateful waves for a long time.

Most of the women, choosing Brazilian hair straightening, real leaves only positive that characterizes the procedure only with the best hand.

Means used

The compositions are used in the Brazilian straightening, largely depend on the type of hair, and in each case are selected individually. The main components of the means are keratin, protein and other nutrients. All natural origin, no chemistry.

Brazilian hair straightening: reviews. Brazilian hair straightening - photos, price

So ​​the Brazilian keratin hair straightening is considered to be completely safe, this procedure is not contraindicated even lactating women. The only thing you must remember is that the means employed may lighten the hair on one or two tones.

The most popular compositions for keratin straightening

There are many companies that produce similar means. Very popular during a procedure such as the Brazilian hair straightening, Cocochoco - part of which was certified in Israel and Russia. Its main advantage is to reduce the duration of the procedure.

No less popular is also considered a Brazilian hair straightening Brazilian Blowout. This means prefer women who have the procedure done to perm or discoloration. It returns the hair to life, after which they again get shine and become obedient.

What is the procedure of the Brazilian straightening?

The first step is to clean. Master using special professional shampoo washes off all head of hair styling agents (foam, mousse, lacquers), as well as dust and excess sebum. At the same time the most revealed the hair scales, allowing you to further penetrate deeper keratin.

Brazilian hair straightening: reviews. Brazilian hair straightening - photos, price

Next, head wrapped with a towel and a little dried in this manner. After that hair must be well comb.

During the third phase of the master hairdressers begins to apply a special composition from roots to ends. The result is a coating with a thin layer of keratin, which will protect hair from tobacco smoke, static electricity, ultraviolet rays, and even chlorinated water.

After the means for straightening hair long dried hairdryer using a big brush.

The next step is a rectification. This occurs using an ordinary ironing, heated to 230 degrees. Come from small clumps, about 2, 5 cm in width, according to them carefully carried rectifier from three to eight times, depending on the texture of hair. This stage is the longest. At this stage, the "sealing" of keratin: protein under heat closes the damaged portions of the hair, preventing their further bending.

Brazilian hair straightening: reviews. Brazilian hair straightening - photos, price

The very smoothed curls master for a few minutes causes a small number of professional mask, and then wash it.

The final stage is a moisturizing serum with the help of a professional. On average, hair straightening out 1, 5-3 hours, depending on their length.

Care locks immediately after the procedure

After a visit to a beauty salon master usually advised not to wash your hair the first three days. Also, avoid using rubber bands, pins, invisible, headbands, hair should be permanently disbanded. Even it is not necessary to remove the strands behind her ears. Otherwise, the result will not be as great as originally anticipated as arising straighten bends almost not work.

These conditions are very important, they have to adhere to the application of any composition after a procedure such as the Brazilian hair straightening. Reviews about this ambiguity. One that does not cause any inconvenience. Others are more dream to wash your hair and remove hair from his face.

Brazilian hair straightening: reviews. Brazilian hair straightening - photos, price

It is also advisable after the first shampooing to give up any styling products (lacquers, mousses, gels).

To consolidate and prolong the effect of a perfectly smooth hair, it is necessary to use special shampoos and balms. They can be purchased directly from the master, as well as buy in stores. The main condition - they must be bessulfatnymi.

If, together with the Brazilian straightening planned to staining, it is necessary to hold it before the procedure. If after doing this, it is necessary to wait about two weeks.

It is worth noting that the Brazilian hair straightening (reviews women confirm it), but rather keratin, makes colorants penetrate deeply into the strand, protecting them. Color in the result may be not so saturated. If the staining procedure to do, the shade will keep longer.

Result after keratin hair straightening

The effect is visible after the procedure immediately. Protein complex is literally animates the previously dull and brittle hair.

It is not difficult to see the results of the samples from women who have already made the Brazilian hair straightening. Photo clients who have used such a service, as a rule, indicate in beauty salons as well as a large number of them can be found on the Internet.

Brazilian hair straightening: reviews. Brazilian hair straightening - photos, price

The results of the procedure are the following changes curls:

- they are smooth and perfectly straight;

- split ends disappear due to the impact of keratin;

- thanks to the brilliance look healthy, the color becomes darker;

- the hair is protected from the harmful effects of the environment (sun, ultraviolet rays, tobacco smoke);

- even curly hair will not pushitsya during wet weather.

In this condition, hair is from three to five months. On the structure and type of curl depends on the duration of the result. After a specified time, you can carry out the procedure again. With each subsequent time effect will last longer.

Keratin hair straightening: price

Market relations are forced to attract the attention of customers in any way. The exception is not, and such a service as the Brazilian hair straightening. Prices usually depend on the drugs, which give preference to beauty salons, as well as the professionalism of the master barber.

The procedure costs can vary significantly, but in any case it can not be called cheap.

Plays a significant role and length of hair, holders of short curls will give for keratin straightening is 3-4 times less than that of a girl with long hair. Adjustment is usually cheaper.

The difference: chemical and Brazilian hair straightening

Reviews of these procedures are very diverse. First we need to understand in more detail what the chemical straightening. Under the influence of chemicals changing structure of the hair. The effect lasts for a long time, until fully grown your hair at the roots.

Brazilian keratin straightening can be called a safe alternative to this procedure. It does not spoil the native hair, but rather treats it. However, the result does not last as long as in the first case.

Pros keratin straightening

Brazilian hair straightening: reviews. Brazilian hair straightening - photos, price

The women who took advantage of this service, in most cases, were satisfied with the final result. Hair become silky, smooth, softness, health. Also, hair becomes very obedient, easy to comb.

Previously styling (especially owners of curly tresses) took a long time, now takes only a few minutes on it.

Also, wavy hair that grow from the roots, not as noticeable as in chemical straightening. The only thing you need to remember - this is about the right care for the locks after the procedure.

Cons keratin straightening

Unfortunately, not without its negative aspects. First, hair is processed at high temperature, and cheap means the presence of formaldehyde, the smell of which will be felt throughout the entire process. The road will be missing it.

Second, keratin coating weigh down the hair, which can lead to hair loss. Temporarily leave the volume, it will return only after one to two weeks after straightening.

Third, the head will have to wash more often as a direct hair dirty faster due to the fact that the hairs are closer to each other and in less time impregnated with sebum. Also, the procedure is contraindicated in pregnant women. substances evaporation during use ironing can have a negative impact on the expectant mother and the child.

Brazilian straightening of: reviews

Going to the procedure, women are waiting for great results because you believe the advertising is very desirable. Perfect hair, which require little or no styling - is not only beautiful, but also very convenient. The initial result usually affects all, and with a good hand.

Brazilian hair straightening: reviews. Brazilian hair straightening - photos, price

Some time after a procedure such as the Brazilian keratin hair straightening, reviews begin to separate, someone has come along mane waves and someone everything is perfect. Here much depends on the master, who was involved in curls, and by means of the composition.

Caused "bends" are advised to remove just utjuzhkom. They can occur even during sleep. This was in a beauty salon warn, but not always.

You can find reviews in which it is described that hair was messed up, but this should not blame the keratin structure, and the master who withheld funds (applied it sparingly) and a rectifier burned hair.

The effect of the procedure usually lasts a little less than the stated amount.

What you need to remember going to the procedure?

Hair straightening subsequently requires a good care hair. In addition to cosmetics, it is worth remembering that the negative effect on the hair will affect saunas, baths. From keratin sea water also washed out of the hair is much faster.

It should give serious consideration to the choice of means of composition. Even expensive and good are very different. If any one straighten the hair, while others, on the contrary, perfectly nourish hair, add them to shine, but perfectly flat head of hair can not be expected from them. They will remove the maximum fluffiness. Still others make the hair is very soft, it is not necessary to owners and so is not too thick hair. And we must be prepared for the fact that keratin is washed out gradually. The hair is not one day return to its previous state. Therefore, if some after only a month there are waves, and it begins to disappear shine - this is normal.

How to style your hair after Keratin?

Brazilian straightening makes hair straight, but sometimes you want to return to the curls and volume. Then again, women are starting to make styling.

Brazilian hair straightening: reviews. Brazilian hair straightening - photos, price

As is known, the Brazilian keratin hair straightening (girls reviews and advice from professionals confirm it) does not prohibit the use curlers, curling irons and styling.

You can safely make a hair, fix them with lacquer, but the effect will stay less than usual - the curls still aspire to become straight.

The volume is also best done with curlers, while avoiding its fleece.