Fatigue and what are its main features?

Fatigue and what are its main features?

The modern world is not for one second did not reduce their speed. We are constantly running in the wheel of the daily routine, do something, decide important issues, build a career and make money. This eternal bustle able to put our bodies at times enormous harm, which later turns into apathy or a full-fledged depression. Modern man almost forgotten what the rest, because he was constantly obsessed with work and a variety of very important issues that simply crave attention.

Do I have to forget about yourself and your body? Of course not! Stress - it's a tricky thing. It can not only make the "media" feel bad, but specifically lick man. Very often, many of the symptoms we do not pay enough attention, which in itself is a very good reason! It is likely that this is what the body is trying to tell you it's time to take a break and relax. Today we introduce you to a couple of signs of fatigue, due to which, you can just say to yourself "stop" and take a day off or vacation.

1. Pain in muscles

Fatigue and what are its main features?

If you start to feel that you have sore muscles, especially in the neck, shoulders and back, then it's likely that it's not only in poor couch or very frequent training in the gym. When a person is constantly in stress and physical senses everyday fatigue, the muscles in the above areas involuntarily tense. The man feels the tingling and pain, approximately the same as the tensile. The male half of the population being under constant stress very clearly feel all its charms in the waist and neck, but the women - at the level of the blades. On these symptoms necessarily need to respond, because if you run the state, then problems can increase several times ..

2. Constant headaches

Constant headaches - this is probably the very first "alarm bell" on your body hot line that it is time to take a break or, at least, to understand that something is going wrong. No need to drink handfuls of pills, without understanding the root cause of your condition such. In fact, the pain, which is a belt surrounds your head, is a sure sign that you're overworked. Of course, any pain pills can solve the problem, but if it helps you in the future when the headaches will haunt you again and again, and thus only grow? Do not forget that your health should always be in control. Try to relax, take a break, both in domestic affairs, and at work.

An excellent choice for a complete relaxation can serve as yoga or meditation. But believe me, at times, enough to give yourself the opportunity to spend a couple of days in peace and not think about anything.

3. Heavy drinking

Fatigue and what are its main features?

When the human body is constantly under stress and can not relax, our adrenal glands begin to vigorously develop the so-called stress hormone, due to which most people have adrenal fatigue. This state of the body not only affects all organs, but also on the water balance. It is because of this you can constantly thirsty. So if you notice of such a feature, that in certain situations you can safely compare it with stress.

4. Excessive sweating

Fatigue and what are its main features?

When a person is very nervous, his sweat glands produce sweat actively. For example, the studio can really experience before passing the exam, and that because of this his forehead, back, arms and underarms covered quite a lot of sweat. To somehow reduce sweating during an important speech, delivery of the project or an exam, you must get a good sleep before these events, do not overeat and possibly drink the infusion of valerian to calm their nerves.

5. Hair loss

Fatigue and what are its main features?

This hair loss is often one of the first indicators of stress and overwork. In addition, the constant tensions in which the person can provoke such diseases as trichotillomania, when a person deliberately tearing their hair out.

6. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Fatigue and what are its main features?

Are fighting to bet that each of us there were cases when before an important event in our stomach cramp, and even had the urge to pull out. Yes, stress can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract -kishechnym. Due to changes in the stomach may be significantly reduced production of special secrets that help digest food.