Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

• Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

Orthodox Jew must comply with at least 613 day rule "Pentateuch". According to them, kosher is not just food, but also clothes. Blogger Sergey Anashkevich decided to find out exactly how to dress up religious Jews, and why they have such a garment.

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

If you think they're all equally black and white, it is very wrong. It turns out that only black hats there 34 species, each of which carries information about its owner. Knowledgeable people by the color of stockings, lapserdaka material and shape of a hat can pinpoint: the Yerushalmi, is such a Hasid admora is Bakhur, and this is already married.

- Rebbe, did Abraham went to the black coat?

- I do not know - the rabbi answered - whether Abraham walked in a silk dressing gown and shtreimel. But I know exactly how he chose clothes. I watched as wearing non-Jews - and dressed differently.

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

Already in biblical times, Jews dressed differently than other people, and, according to the rabbis, the people of Israel out of Egypt was awarded due to the fact that has not changed his clothes. The Jewish people since the times scattered throughout the world. But his religious representatives, meeting, will be able to find in each other brother in blood by a characteristic type of black clothing.

In the opinion of the orthodox: "Clothing is not so much secret as reveals the essence of man. It is written: "Be humble before God." We prefer dark suits, because they are modest, neat, and festive. That is why "all the rage" of orthodox Jewry - white shirts. That is why the God-fearing Jews will never allow myself to go out in sandals on his bare feet. "

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

There is a basic garment - halachic that puts every Jew who observes the commandments. This clothing provides coverage for the head and tzitzit with 4 edges. Mandatory element is quadrangular cape (poncho) with an opening for the head and four brushes at the edges. Cape itself, called a tallit katan (or arbekanfes) can be hidden under clothing and can be worn over a shirt, but the brush is always straightened over trousers. It is made of white fur with black stripes or without them. Angles of reinforced pads or silk plain fabric, through the openings in the corners of yarn are threaded tsitsis - brush commanded Torah.

If the brush has two (or one) thread of blue, then most likely, before you Radzinsky or izhbitsky Hasid. the secret of making theylet - blue dye obtained from shellfish hilozon, was lost for nearly 2000 years ago and re-opened at the end of the last century, Rabbi Gershon Hanoch, of Radzin. However, the recipe most rabbis do not recognize. In many Sephardic and Hasidic every corner tallit katan is not one, but two holes. In addition, in some hands but four (double) binding sites can be seen from 13 to 40 small nodules on the coils of yarn. On this basis too it is possible to distinguish between members of different communities.

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

Traditional Jewish men's clothing - a dress coat or jacket. Dress coat has pockets and fastens right to left, as well as all the traditional Jewish men's clothing (in the non-Jewish standards "feminine"), has a deep cut and two rear button (where the strap).

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

Robes - usually clothes for special occasions: festive silk, embroidered with black and black pattern, Tisch-gown for the gala dinners, yeshiva-robe of the cheapest fabric without lining - for employment in a yeshiva or koylele. On Shabbat and Yom Tov many Hasidim wear a special black satin cape - bekeche. And the hood and coat, and the robe Hasid must be dragged belt, woven from black silk yarn or fabrics.

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

Litvak in everyday life can wear jackets. Hasidim wear hoods (Rackley), which of course there are differences, too. For example, lapels - pointed or rounded, or instead of the usual three buttons - six (two rows of three), as happens with satmarskih Hasidim. In addition there are hoods bekechi (Békésy) zhugshtsy (Juba). And all of this is strictly black.

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

Pants can be regular or black, or to the knee - ealb-goyen. Short pants are Hungarian Hasidim, they knotted drawstring leg below the knee and wear black socks - zokn. In some communities during the holidays or the Sabbath made me black stockings on white. Gerskie Hasidim run by ordinary trousers socks. This is called "Cossack" Course (Cossack-zokn).

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

nonblack color clothes are mostly Hasidim Reb Harel and some of breslovskih and other Hasidim, residents quarter Meo Sheorim. On weekdays, they look like this: plush (flying saucer) on the head, beneath it - Weiss yarmulke - a white knitted pile with a brush in the center of the dome. White shirt, wool katan talitol, vest and coat from a particular tissue (kaftn).

Kaftna fabric - white or silver with black or dark blue stripes. Produce this fabric only in Syria and smuggled into East Yerushalayim. On Shabbat frisbee replace Chernobyl or plain shtreimel and instead kaftna with silver background Hasid wear gold. Sometimes on top of the coat (and Shabbat and holiday - required) thrown over brown satin with embroidered collar Bekes.

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

Let us go back to the hat. On top of a bale (yarmolki) Jew is almost always wears a hat or cap. In rare cases, it may be a cap of an old European cut, so are usually older Chassidim from Russia and Poland - casekits (kashket or dashek). Vaguely similar to casekits shestiklinnye gray caps are children and adolescents Litvak families. On weekdays, most traditional Jews wear a black hat. On assurances hats dealers, of which there are 34 basic types, each of which indicates the origin of community belonging and even social status of the owner.

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

The traditional hat hereditary Jews Yerushalmi - plush. It is also called fliiker Teller - in a simple flying saucer or super. It has a wide field, but the crown low - only 10 cm.

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

Other types of hats are made of suede (more like velvet, or even short-haired black fur), not inferior desyatimillimetrovoy plywood hardness. Among these hats can be identified Samet, one of the most expensive and luxurious styles, its owner probably Hungarian Hasid.

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

Simple Litvak or Lubavitch Hasid kneych wear a hat with a longitudinal crease. Litvak, occupying a high position in the community, will replace an expensive kneych hamburg (or Maftir-Gitl) - without creases and dents. Many Hasidim wear in everyday life the simplest of hats - Kapelush similar to kneych, but without the crown creases and bends fields. All are made of hard felt.

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

But the "bright" and stand out from all the headdress - shtreimel. This is the most natural fur hat. Wear it only Hasidim and only on Shabbat, Yom Tov, a wedding or a meeting with the Rebbe. Moreover, more than two dozen of types.

Usually, this is a pile of black velvet, trimmed with fox or sable tails. Wide and low, right cylindrical shape actually is "shtreimel" low and wide lax form, shaggy shaggy-called "chernobl" and very tall black fur Cylindrical hat - "spodik".

Price shtreymla can reach several thousand dollars. Shtreimel story began many years ago, when the non-Jews were ordered Jews to wear one of the communities on the head of the animal's tail. Purpose of this order, the humiliation and shame of Jewish tradition. The Jews had no choice, and they took the animal tails and make hats.

Why are religious Jews wear special clothes

Simple shtreimel are Hungarian, and Romanian Galician Hasidim, shaggy chernobl - Ukrainian and spodik - Polish Hasidim. There are specific styles shtreimel which are not whole communities, and only their heads, Rabe. This group includes stock company or tsoybl - high shtreimel of sable fur, Kolpikov - a cross between spodikom and shtreimel.

Shtreimel are only married men. The only exceptions are a few dozen hereditary families in Jerusalem. In these families, the boy for the first time puts shtreimel per day of age, a bar mitzvah - in thirteen years.

In 2010, Pamela Anderson, defender of animals and model, wrote a letter to Knesset members in the hope to persuade them to ban the sale of natural furs and Orthodox stop wearing these shtreimel.